Circuits Day 3
Warm up Clear your desk for the homework quiz. Use your own paper – there is scrap paper on the lab table if you need it. – Note: #2 the question says 5 resistors – but there are only 4 as per the diagram.
Circuits Video Hewitt Video (on the USB drive)
Equivalent Resistance How many different resistances can you make out of three 5Ω resistors? There are 7 different arrangements and values – The first 3 students to drawn them out and calculate the values get a Husky Ticket.
Equivalent Resistance: series & parallel
Power Example Determine the power dissipated in the 5 Ω resistor in the circuit shown below Hint: figure out the current or voltage of that resistor to use one of the power equations
Resistance in wires Short circuits – steel wool and 9V Superconductors (video later) –
Resistance in wires
Resistivity What is the resistance of 3.0 m of copper wire with a radius of 1 mm?
Resistivity What is the resistance of m of copper wire with a radius of 1 mm?
Resistivity What is the resistance of m of silver wire with a radius of 1 mm?
Resistivity Why are houses wired up with copper instead of silver?
Superconductors ates_a_superconductor ates_a_superconductor