Special IGAP / Nelson Island Consortium 3 rd Quarterly Report FY 06 N.I.C. 3 rd Quarterly Report.


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Presentation transcript:

Special IGAP / Nelson Island Consortium 3 rd Quarterly Report FY 06 N.I.C. 3 rd Quarterly Report

Objective 1: Identify What Our Problems Are The Special IGAP/Nelson Island Consortium believes that the fishing grounds and fish nets are one of the major issues addressed in our region. Other issues are plastic bags, fluorescent lamps, Styrofoam products, used, discarded batteries, existing dumpsites, and lagoons. Since all the communities in the Nelson Island Consortium are Fish regularly travel up to several drainages at the Nelson island watershed areas. Disposal of trash onto the river banks is also a concern addressed by fishermen. Improper disposal of toxic wastes to our dumpsites such as plastic bags, fluorescent lamps, Styrofoam products, and batteries pose threat to our environment and the health of our people. Dumpsites and lagoons too close to villages are major concerns addressed by local governments, and concerned citizens. This is a major issue that both the N.I.C. and the local IGAP personnel are working towards improving. Another problem that was addressed was the lack of knowledge on climate change. The Nelson Island Consortium received the CARE Grant (Toksook Bay submitted the RFP), the Brownfield's Grant (submitted by Tununak) and the Multi-Media Grant (submitted by Umkumiut).

Objective 2: Evaluate What We Are Doing That Is Causing These Problems The Nelson Island consortia meets each week on Tuesdays to address issues affecting village concerns. On going projects such as fishnet monitoring, battery back haul, recyclable materials, dumpsites and lagoons are discussed each week. Conclusion: Issues related to fish nets continue to pose threat to tributaries in the Nelson Island region. We’re still working on the Fishnet monitoring MOA and we are (finally) in the process of receiving the subsistence sites signs. The money is going to be donated from the unused funds from Nightmute and Tununak. The money is going to be used for gas, motor oil, and a fifty dollar stipend. Each community has formulated programs to properly dispose of and recycle toxic materials like batteries, recyclable items, Styrofoam products, and plastics. Communities are building trenches to fill and cover their wastes. In some communities, waste technicians are being hired to better manage our dumpsites. The CARE Grant that the N.I.C. has submitted addresses climate change, allowing for climate education for community members. The Brownfields grant addresses GIS mapping of subsistence sites, landmarks, rivers, and lakes. Multi-media grant addresses contamination of subsistence sites.

Objective 3: Develop a Local Strategy to Follow The weekly Tuesday teleconferences allow us to strategize and plan for existing projects, upcoming grants, and concerns brought out by the consortia. We have involved agencies like cenauliirit coastal resource management (subsistence), Bethel recycle center, and care grant providers. We are in a process of posting job openings for fish monitor(s) for the fish monitor project. We have received signs that will be posted on each rivers used for fishing grounds. Each village has collected batteries from local residents for backhauling. The ban of styrofoam products in schools, stores, and local entities is an on going project reminding each local agency not to purchase them. Some village represenatives interviewed elders through notes, tape recorders, video camera and have already translated from yupik to english in writing.

Objective 4: Identify Regional and Local Long- term Primary Disposal Options and Costs This component will be performed by our consultant, Zender environmental. They will have already given us ball park numbers from the start, but here they will develop more detailed budgets because they will have learned more specifics about what is possible for reducing our wastes. Our Consultant also continued their Technical Assistance for the project on the following: Assistance with fish net monitoring project and assistance with signs Demonstration project assistance to Villages Grant administration Attended conference calls Assistance with task lists for NI reps NIC policy and procedure development assistance Continued development of draft solid waste plan template for NI Villages Continued development of regional solid waste plan for NIC In addition to their Special Project duties, they provided $22,050 pro bono hours in grantwriting, general assistance etc. to the Consortium. Conclusion: This is an on going process, each village have different level of concerns and issues that they want to address. Some are Donlin creek mining project, existing dumpsites, lagoons, heavy metal disposal, and proper disposal of toxic materials. (fluorescent lamps, pvc’s, Styrofoam products, etc…)

Objective 5 Compile a Draft Regional Working Plan for SWM Each village has their own solid waste management plan. Elders prove very useful when addressing concerns and planning stages for solid waste management. Communication is the key in making projects successful. Integrating traditional values and principles to our work plan is an on going process. Proper disposal of carcasses is one example we are looking into for solid waste management. We hunt and fish to provide our families with traditional food. There is always a need for disposal of unedible parts of our catch. Our ancestors have practiced this for thousands of years. Disposal of carcasses is a growing issue we have to deal with on a daily basis.

Objective 6 Keep to grant requirements, recordkeeping, reporting, etc. We believe that we have not missed any requirements. The consortium believes we are capable of achieving our goals and objectives in improving our environment we live in. We also prepare for upcoming conferences and meetings pertaining to the health of our environment. Conclusion: The consortium village rep’s turn in their work in a timely manner, and they are doing a great job for their community. To better ensure quality service, we have set up teleconference solely for special igap program. We could concentrate on deliverables, questions, comments or concerns as a group.

Objective 7 Build SWM capacity for sustainable safe SWM programs and policies. Joseph john jr. from Newtok, is a certified freon remover, He has called each village and asked for any freezer or refrigerator that needs removal of freon. Each village coordinator has surveyed through a local radio, or phone and found several residents who needs removal of freon.