Warm up 10/27 Use the data and the prompt to write a CLAIM only for your CER.
Warm-up 10/30/14 Substance Density (g/cm 3 ) Acrylic1.18 Aluminum2.7 Brass8.57 Copper8.96 Iron7.87 Lead11.34 Nylon1.15 Oakwood0.75 Pinewood0.48 Poplar0.43 PVC1.41 Steel7.9 Zinc7.14 Prompt: Write a scientific explanation for the process involved in your identification of the unknown cube. Use your calculations and knowledge of the property of density as evidence to support your conclusion. Write the EVIDENCE that supports your claim from Monday’s warm up. Data: A cube has a mass of 79g and a volume of 10cm3.
Warm-up 11/4/14 Substance Density (g/cm 3 ) Acrylic1.18 Aluminum2.7 Brass8.57 Copper8.96 Iron7.87 Lead11.34 Nylon1.15 Oakwood0.75 Pinewood0.48 Poplar0.43 PVC1.41 Steel7.9 Zinc7.14 Prompt: Write a scientific explanation for the process involved in your identification of the unknown cube. Write the REASONING that supports your claim and evidence from last weeks warm up. Data: A cube has a mass of 79g and a volume of 10cm3.
Warm up 11/5/14 In your journal write an example of a chemical change you observed in class yesterday and talk about the indicators you saw that prove it was a chemical change.
Warm up 11/6/14 1.Look at the picture of baking soda and vinegar, what evidence of a chemical change do you see? 2.In the picture below you can see evidence of a temperature change, production of light, and a gas. All these indicators prove that what kind of change is happening?
Claim- The cube has a density of 7.9 g/cm3 and is made of Steel. Evidence- The mass of the cube is 79g. The volume of the cube is 10 cm3. When you divide the mass by the volume you get a density of 7.9g/cm3. The table shows that the density of steel is 7.9 g/cm3. Reasoning- No other substances have the same density, and the unknown cube matches the density of steel. Density is unique to every substance.
Remove and hole punch workbook pages into your science binder. Look for pages , , , WHILE YOU ARE WAITING Today You will work on pages HAPPY HALLOWEEN