1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth The Presentation Introduction Project Objective Infrastructure Activity Institutional Strengthening Contract Packages Benefits Project Timelines
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth Safety Tip I.Electrical II.Falls III.Struck by IV.Excavations and Trenching 3
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth Urban Water Management 4 The Lusaka Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage Project ( LWSSDP) Water Supply SanitationDrainage
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth LWSSDP PROJECT OBJECTIVES: To expand access to, and improve reliability of, water supply and sanitation Improve drainage services in select urban and peri urban areas of the city of Lusaka To decrease the incidence of waterborne and water-related diseases Generate time savings for households and businesses and Reduce non revenue water in the water supply network The project consists of two components: 1.Infrastructure Activity 2.Institutional strengthening Activity 5
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth INFRASTRUCTURE ACTIVITY 6 The Lusaka LWSSD project focuses on the City of Lusaka with the following components: Lusaka City Water Supply Sanitation Storm-Water Drainage
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth Core Water Network Rehabilitation Chelston distribution line rehabilitation and expansion Chelston and Kaunda Square Sewersheds rehabilitation and expansion Central distribution line rehabilitation and expansion Bombay drain improvements 7 INFRASTRUCTURE Cont’d
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth Asset Management -LWSC Maintenance Management -LCC Environmental Management Gender Mainstreaming Information,Education & Communication Programme Innovations & Grants 8 INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL PERFORMANCE 9 Manage environmental & social risks (including Resettlement) and impacts of the Compact according to IFC Performance Standards Maximize benefits & minimize adverse impacts MCC Environmental Guidelines: “ ensure that the projects funded under Millennium Challenge Compacts are environmentally sound, are designed to operate in compliance with applicable regulatory (Zambian) requirements, and, are not likely to cause a significant environmental, health, or safety hazard”
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth SOCIAL AND GENDER ASSESSMENT Social and Gender integration across the compact Identify approaches for regular, meaningful and inclusive consultations with women and other vulnerable/ under represented groups Social inclusion,Gender mainstreaming including IEC Institutional support Ensure that Contactors and Consultants adhere & comply with requirements in the SGIP Gender and social integration (including HIV/AIDS) through development of site specific ESMPs (working with ESP) Adhere to MCC Gender Integration guidelines and operational procedures 10
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth INNOVATIONS & GRANTS Novel feature of LWSSD Project Supports Competitive grant & Partnership Program Supports Innovation & Entrepreneurship Goal –Increase & sustain access to quality water & sanitation. Target group-women, youths & vulnerable groups First call of proposals expected in October
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth MONITORING AND EVALUATION Project Evaluation to show results Implementation Monitoring to show progress towards objectives Economic analysis Support evidence-based decision-making 12
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth CONTRACT PACKAGES 13
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth CONTRACT PACKAGES Cont’d 14
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth Benefits New Services Improved service level Longer hours of service Reduced risk of loss Reduced flood damage Reduce business down time 1.2 Million People 15
Project Identification Needs Analysis Concept Development Masterplans Priority Projects Pre-Feasibility Studies Feasibility Studies - Detailed Designs Entry into force Procurement /11/13 15/11/18 Project Closure TIMELINES OF LWSSDP 2014 Five (5) year fixed implementation period Commencement 2015
1200 Twikatane Rd, off Addis Ababa Drive Reducing Poverty Through Economic Growth The End 17 THE END