A Classroom Discussion. Forethought “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent but, the one most responsive to change”


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Presentation transcript:

A Classroom Discussion

Forethought “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent but, the one most responsive to change” Charles Darwin

Session Coverage Change: An inevitable phenomenon of life Change in organizational context Managing change: What and Why? Considerations

Change in organization People TechnologyStructure

Forces for change Nature of the workforce Technology Economic shocks Competition Social trend World politics

Change: Common terms Change: Making things different Planned change: Activities that are intentional and goal oriented First- order change: linear and continuous change Second- order change: change that is multidimensional, multilevel, discontinuous and radical

Change: Common terms Change agents: Persons who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing change activities Driving forces: forces that direct behavior away from the status quo Restraining forces: forces that hinder movement away from the status quo

Strategic change

Why transformation efforts fail? Not establishing a great enough sense of urgency Not creating a powerful enough guiding coalition Lacking a vision Under-communicating the vision

Why transformation efforts fail? Not removing the obstacles to new vision Not systematically planning for and creating short term wins Declaring victory too soon Not anchoring changes in organization’s culture Source: John P.Kotter, Leading Change: Why transformation efforts fail?, HBR

Managing Change

Stakeholder mapping LEVERAGE Build Capacity PERSUADE Communicate MOBILIZE Assign Roles and Coordinate CO-OPT Inform and Consult Against High For INFLUENCE LEVEL OF SUPPORT Low

CHANGE Management Process C Create Tension H Harness Support A Articulate Goals N Nominate Roles G Grow Capabilities E Entrench Change

Approaches to managing change Lewin’s three step model Action Research Organizational Development

Conclusion Change is inevitable in personal as well as organizational life Creating and communicating vision, getting people support, commitments and competencies of change agents are crucial for successful change management

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