Session 2 Computers Basics and Microsoft Windows XP
Objectives Knowledge of computer hardware Computer processing File and folder management Customize the Windows
Part 1 Computer Basics
What is a computer? An electronic device for the storage and processing of information. ary.htm ary.htm Main parts of a computer: Input devices Process devices Output devices Storage devices
Input devices (1/3) Key boards + Media and Utility keys Ultra-flat Flexible Wireless
Input devices (2/3) Mouse Optical mouseWireless mouseBall mouse Mouse pen Fashion mouse Touchpad
Input devices (3/3) Scanners
Process Devices (1/4) Main boards (mother boards) Mother board with SATA-supportMother board
Process Devices (2/4) CPU (Central Processing Unit) CPU IntelCPU AMD
Process Devices (3/4) Memories DDRamDDRam II
Process Devices (4/4) Graphic and sound card Graphic card Sound card
Output Devices (1/3) Monitors CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)LCD (liquid crytal display)
Output Devices (2/3) Speaker Head-phone
Output Devices (3/3) Printers Ink-jet Printer Dot-matrix Printer Laser Printer
Storage Devices Floppy disk & CD-ROM & USB Stick Floppy disk CD-ROMUSB Stick Hard Disk
Computer basics (1/2) Process data InputProcessOutput
Computer basics (2/2) The smallest unit of storage is a bit (binary digit) 1 byte = 8 bits 1 KB (kilobyte) = 2 10 bytes = 1024 bytes 1 MB (megabyte) = 2 10 KB = bytes 1 GB (gigabyte) = 2 10 MB > 1 million bytes 1 TB (terabyte) = 2 10 GB > 1 trillion byte
Part 2 Introduce to Microsoft Windows XP
Windows’ History Click the follow link to view
Introduction to windowsXP Operating System: Set of computer instructions that controls the allocation of computer hardware and software Performs every function necessary for you to communicate with and use the computer Includes several application software programs Microsoft Internet Explorer Windows Media Player Windows Movie Maker … Used to run application programs Ex: word processing, chat …
Logging on to the computer Log on by clicking your_user_icon on the Welcome screen and typing your_ password in the text box
First look at windows XP (1/2) Desktop Icons and arrange icon Windows, applications Start menu Pinned programs list Most frequently used programs list Special folders Run command, Search, Control panel … Log off, Turn off button
First look at windows XP (2/2) Taskbar Running programs Lock Taskbar, Taskbar Position Taskbar Properties Start Menu Properties Show desktop, adjust date-time Recycled Bin Empty recycled bin Restore files and folders
Windows (1/2) Menu bar Title bar Tool bar Status bar Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons Task pane
Windows (2/2) Open and close windows. Move, maximize, minimize and restore. Full screen, free resize Drag and drop icons, files, documents Select multi files My Computer My Documents, My recent Documents My Pictures, My Music
Files, folders and documents Two major ways to work with files, folders and documents in Windows XP My Computer window Windows XP Explorer Rename, copy, cut, paste and delete files, folders Arrange files, folders View properties; Hidden files, folders Create shortcuts Sharing
Finding files or folders Start Search
Run command Used to launch programs Useful when you want to launch an application program quickly Click the Start button on the taskbar and then point to Run cmd regedit msconfig
Notepad A popular application to create text documents Launch, create, save text files with many format (extension) Print a text file Create and name a file on desktop, then enter content, data into it.
Vietnamese in WindowsXP The popular keyboard programs are: Unikeys and Vietkey Popular input methods: TELEX and VNI. VNI input method: 1: sắc2: huyền3: hỏi 4: ngã5: nặng6: mũ 7: móc9: đ Telex input method s: sắcf: huyềnr: hỏi x: ngãj: nặngaa, ee, oo: mũ w: mócdd: đ
Working with user accounts (1/4) Point to User Accounts Open
Working with user accounts (2/4) Create a new account Click
Working with user accounts (3/4) Type a name Chose an account type Create account or cancel
Working with user accounts (4/4) Change an account Change name, password, picture …
Desktop work environment Right-click on desktop Properties Change theme, background and resolution Screen saver Appearance Screen refresh rate: 85 Hz
Control Panel (1/3) Allows you to change the properties of an object and customize the Windows XP environment You must have Administrative privileges if your computer is connected to a network
Control Panel (2/3) Adjusting the keyboard Repeat delay, repeat rate Customizing the mouse Right(Left)-handed button configuration Switch primary and secondary buttons Double-click speed Mouse pointer Changing the date, time, and time zone Click the Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options
Control Panel (3/3) Fonts Adding new hardware A device driver is a program used by the operating system to control the hardware Add or Remove Programs Install/ Uninstall programs Adding a printer Click the Start button, click Control Panel, and then click the Printers and Faxes
Summary Knowledge of computer hardware How to the computer process File and folder management Create, copy, move and delete Drap and drop Customize the Windows Search files and folders
Q&A Please ask your questions
End Thanks for your attendances