Major European events by time period.
Renaissance Medici’s in Florence Printing Press: 1440’s Rise of Ottoman Empire War of the Roses: Tudors Ferdinand and Isabella (Spanish Unification) Spanish Inquisition
1517: Ninety-five Thesis 1528: Luther publishes three treatises Zwingli breaks with Rome 1525: German Peasant Revolt 1527: Charles V sacks Rome 1534: Act of Supremacy, Henry VIII breaks with Rome 1536: Calvin publishes Institutes : Council of Trent 1555: Peace of Augsburg Ends religious wars 1559: Treaty of Cateau Cambresis ends Habsburg Valois War
1562: French Wars of Religion 1566: Dutch Revolt against Spain 1569: Creation of Poland- Lithuania 1571: Battle of Lepanto begins the end of Ottomans St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 1588: Defeat of Spanish Armada 1598: Edict of Nantes ends French wars of Religion 1618: 30 Years’ War 1633: Galileo recants heliocentrism 1648: Peace of Westphalia ends 30 Years’ War
: English Civil War 1649: Execution of Charles I 1651:Thomas Hobbes publishes Leviathan 1667: Louis XIV begins first war 1683: Austrians break Turkish siege of Vienna 1685: Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes 1688: Glorious Revolution 1690: John Locke Two Treatises on Government
1703: Peter the Great of Russia begins St. Petersburg & 1 st Newspaper : Peace of Utrecht (end of Louis wars) 1714: George I (Hanover) becomes king of England 1715: Louis XIV dies 1720: Last outbreak of Bubonic Plague 1733: Montesquieu publishes Persian Letters George Frederick Handel Messiah
: War of Austrian Succession : Encyclopedia : 7 Years’ War 1762: Social Contract Rousseau 1772: Partition of Poland 1773: Pugachev Rebellion 1780: Joseph II Austria Enlightened Despot Immanual Kant : 1785: Catherine the Great en-serfs the serfs
1787: Dutch Patriot Revolt 1789: French Revolution 1791: Slave revolt in Haiti 1799: Napoleon takes power
1799: Coup d’etat 1801: Concordat with Pope 1804: Nap. Emperor 1805: Trafalgar 1812: Invades Russia : Congress of Vienna 1815: Nap. Defeated at Waterloo Karlsbad Decrees Censorship 1825: Decembrist Revolt 1830: Greek Independence
1830: Imperialism 1833: Factory Act 1834: Zollverein 1839: Opium Wars 1846: Irish Famine/ Corn Laws Repealed 1848: Revolutions Communist Manifesto 1851: Crystal Palace
: Positivism and Darwinism : Realism : Crimean War 1857: Sepoy Mutiny in India 1861: Victor Emmanuel is King of Italy 1867: England Second Reform bill : Franco- Prussian War 1871: Germany is Unified
: Impressionism : Emigration from Europe 1876: Phone 1879: Dual Alliance Austria-Hungary 1882: Triple Alliance : Bismarck’s social welfare 1884: British Reform Act, suffrage for men : Berlin Conference
: Dreyfus Affair : Boer War 1900: Freud publishes Interpretation of Dreams 1901: Queen Victoria dies 1903: Suffragetts : Russo- Japanese War. Japan wins 1906: Women Vote in Finland 1914: Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo
1914: WWI begins : Suffrage across Europe 1916: Easter Uprising in Ireland 1917: Revolution in Russia 1917: Bolshevik Revolution against Provisional Government : Civil War in Russia 1919: Establishment of Weimar Republic : Paris Peace Conference 1922: Ireland Splits 1924: Lenin Dies : Good Times 1929: Stock Market Crash
1929: War against kulaks in Russia 1933: Hitler comes to power 1936: Purges in Russia Spanish Civil War 1939: Invasion of Poland, WWII 1940: France Falls : Battle for Britain 1941: Invasion of Soviet Union : Holocaust 1944: D-Day Invasion 1945: Fall of Berlin, Atomic Bombs
1945: Cold War 1947: India and Pakistan independence 1948: State of Israel 1949: Mao Zedong and communism 1953: Stalin dies. End of Korean War 1954: Dien Bien Phu 1956: Nationalizing Suez Canal 1957 Dr. Zhivago, Sputnik, EEC (Common Market. 1958: 5 th Republic 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis
: Reform of Catholic ritual and dogma 1963: Feminine Mystique 1966: Ostpolotik Willy Brandt 1967: 1 st heart transplant 1968: Czech revolt 1969: Man on the moon 1972 SALT I treaty 1975: End of Vietnam 1977: Fminism 1978: First test tube baby : hostages in Teheran 1980: Margaret Thatcher ends Socialism 1980s: AIDS 1985: Gorbachev 1986: Chernobyl 1989: Tianamen Square
1990: Internet : Persian War 1991: Civil War in Yugoslavia 1992: USSR is dissolved 1994: Nelson Mandela president in S. Africa 1999: European Union, Pop. 6 million 2000: Putin President 2001: : Iraqi invasion 2004: Ten New countries in UN