TECHNICAL ACADEMY FOR REGIONAL GOVERNENCE & EDUCATIONAL TRANSCRIPTION (TARGET) A Subsidy of echhe Powered By: Gov of india 8. Maharaja Tagore Road. Dhakuria. Kolkata
Objective of BCC In step with effort to achieve the objective of achieving computer literacy in an inclusive manner, TARGET has launched a new programme, “Basic Computer Course (BCC)”. The objective of the course is to impart basic level computer appreciation programme with more emphasis on hands on training. Initially, the course was conceived as to boost the concept of introducing a course on computer fundamentals, especially for students, studying vocational courses at ITIs/ITCs. However, the course has gained popularity amongst many more categories. The BCC was launched in year The programme can equip a person to use the computers in day-to-day life for professional and personal use. After completing the course the incumbent will be computer literate and will be able to: Acquire confidence in using computer techniques available to users; Recognise the basic components of computers and terminology; Understand data, information and file management; Create documents using Word processor, Spreadsheet & Presentation Software; Understand computer networks, Internet; Browse the internet, content search, and collaborate with peers; Use e-Governance applications; Use computer to improve existing skills and learn new skills.
Detail of Course BCC : Basic Computer Course In All Regional Languages in India For Every One
Eligibility The candidates can appear in the TARGET BCC Examination through following modes:- 1.Candidates sponsored by TARGET approved Institutes which are permitted to conduct BCC Course and having obtained e-provisional no. - irrespective of any educational qualifications 2. Direct Applicants -irrespective of any educational qualification
Syllabus Outline TheoryTutorialsPractical Knowing computer111 Operating Computer using GUI Based Operating System 204 Understanding Word Processing 216 Using Spread Sheet114 Communicating using the Internet 102 WWW and web browsers 102 Communications And Collaboration 102 Making small presentation 111 Grand Total10422
ItemFee (in INR) Admission Fees BCC Examination fee Course Material Certificate re-issuance, in case of corrections Certificate re-issuance, in case of loss of certificate Certificate re-issuance, in case of mutilated certificate This is for information to candidates at large that the fee charged by TARGET for BCC courses are as under
To Get a Franchise You Need? An Area of 400 sq.ft Class Room Setup White Board – 1 Faculty – 1 Internet Connectivity Computers at least 5 Nos. Printer – 1 No And One time registration fees of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) Per year renewal Rs.2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred Only)
After having Franchise What you Get? Unique Course Module Valuable Certificates Target Membership Certificate Students Information Register Enquiry Form Monthly Course Fees from students On Line Examination Support Identity Card of All Students Digital Course material for all students Course Calendar Placement Assistance of Successful Candidates
PROJECTION Proposed Rate Chart for Franchise = Rs. 650/- + Rs.350/- = Rs.1000/- per student Course Duration – 2 Hrs. per day X 18 days = 36 Hrs With 50 Students per batch = 50 X Rs. 350/- = Rs.17500/- X X 3 Batches per day = Rs.17,500/- X 3 = Rs.52,500/- per 18 days i.e. Rs.52,500/- X 2 = Rs. 1,05,000/- per 36 days