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Month Product Toothpaste Juice Cola Milk Cream Soap Region W S N Dimensions: Product, Region, Time Hierarchical summarization paths Product Region Time Industry Country Year Category Region Quarter Product City Month Week Office Day Office Day The Multidimensional Data Model “Show me my sales by product by region by time”
Why Use OLAP? Relational database Transactional processing Data Warehouse Tactical information “What was the total revenue from soft drinks for Sussex in January?” “What would be the effect on soft drink costs to distributors if syrup prices went up by 10p/gallon and shipping costs went down by 5p/mile?” OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) ‘Slice and dice’ for Data Warehouses
Terminology Cube – A multi-dimensional container for information and pre-calculated query results.
Terminology Members – A discrete name or identifier used to identify a data item's position and description within a dimension. Time Products Location ChinaPeruJapanItaly JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril CoffeeApplesTeaOnions
Terminology JanuaryWeek1Week2MondayTuesdayAmpmWeek3FebruaryMarchApril Hierarchy – Parent-child relationships within a dimension. A detail member of a dimension is the lowest level number in its hierarchy. Time Products Location ChinaPeruJapanItaly CoffeeApplesTeaOnions JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril
Terminology Level – Position within a hierarchy. e.g. Jan, Feb are of the level Month within Time Monday, Tuesday would be of the level Day JanuaryWeek1Week2FebruaryWeek1Week2MarchApril Time Products Location ChinaPeruJapanItaly CoffeeApplesTeaOnions