Interactive Learning Usability Test Edda Þöll Kentish Karen Elva Smáradóttir
What We Did We sent out questionnairs to 4 parents, asking in total 6 children to go into the site and answer the questions which the parents asked.
The testers were all situated in Iceland and we in Denmark, so we were unable to be present during the testing. However, we feel that in this way, the children were not removed from their natural environment and could feel comfortable while trying the site.
Info on testers This graph shows information on the testers. We asked the parents to fill this in.
Info on testers This graph shows the distribution of age and gender of the testers.
Question 1 When you go into the front page, what do you want to do the most? - 3 out of 6 wanted to play games - 2 out of 6 wanted to view information section - 1 non-responsive
Question 2 Do you think that the games and animations are fun? 2 said that the games were fun. 1 found the games boring. 3 thought they were both fun and not.
Question 3 Did you find the games to be too difficult, to easy, or in between? Most found them to be in between. Some thought that certain things were hard. Some had a hard time figuring out what to do.
Question 4 Do you enjoy browsing the site? Everyone answered ‘yes’ to this question.
Question 5 How do you regard Tommy the Toothbrush? ‘He is fun’ ‘Tommy is kind and upbeat’ ‘Tommy is kind and fun’ ‘Very fun’ ‘Fun’
Question 6 How do you regard Tim the Toffee? ‘I think he is a superhero for sugarpeople’ ‘He’s evil’ ‘He’s evil and ugly’ ‘Just OK’ ‘Fun’
Question 7 Do you want to visit the site again and play more? Most of them said yes straight off. 1 said ‘sure’ and 1 said ‘maybe’.
Question 8 What do you feel you have learned from the website and the games? ‘To brush my teeth every day and how a dental clinic is’ ‘To brush in the morning and evening and use floss’ ‘To brush my teeth and not to steal toothpaste’ ‘Sugarmonsters are evil’ ‘Nothing new’
What did we fix?
Thank you for listening!