 First Quarter Exam on Wednesday, October 31.  Leave your notebooks with me today for final notebook check of first quarter.  Seniors report for PSAE.


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Presentation transcript:

 First Quarter Exam on Wednesday, October 31.  Leave your notebooks with me today for final notebook check of first quarter.  Seniors report for PSAE retake tomorrow from 12:25-3:20.

 Serves as “narrator” of the play by relating deeper meanings and motivations.  According to the Chorus, what should happen to the man who doubts old prophecies?

 A defect in the psyche of the tragic hero.  Brings about or contributes to downfall of tragic hero.  What makes the tragic hero great is inextricably connected to this flaw.

 Character in a dramatic work is unaware of the full significance of his or her words, because the audience knows something that he or she does not.  Page 268  Lines

 Hint of what is to come later in the story:  Page 280  Lines

 Extreme pride, arrogance, overconfidence exhibited by tragic hero.  Page 272  Lines

 All spectators could see enlarged faces and heads.  Emotions and moods of the characters shown.  Status and role of each character emphasized.

 Greek playwright credited with inventing tragedy in 534 B.C.  Influenced Sophocles, writer of Oedipus Rex.  Actors are known as thespians.

 What great deed did Oedipus accomplish on behalf of the Theban people prior to the events of Oedipus the King ?  What must Oedipus do to rid Thebes of the plague?  What does the name Oedipus mean?  Where was Oedipus born?  What news from Delphi does Creon share with Oedipus?  When Oedipus asks the prophet to reveal the name of the murderer, what is the prophet’s response?  How does Oedipus respond to Tiresias’ news?  Of what crime does Oedipus accuse Creon?  Why did no one attempt to find out the truth about what had happened to Laius?