UNFCCC Crashcourse Introduction to the Climate Regime Introduction to the Climate Regime


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Presentation transcript:

UNFCCC Crashcourse Introduction to the Climate Regime Introduction to the Climate Regime

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 Outline  The History  The Convention  The Kyoto Protocol  The Institutions  The Negotiations  The Actors  The History  The Convention  The Kyoto Protocol  The Institutions  The Negotiations  The Actors

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The History

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The existing Climate Regime  Intergovernmental Cooperation on Science  1988: establishment of the IPCC by the UNEP & WMO  UNFCCC  1990: UN General Assembly Mandate  : Intergovernmental Negotiations Committee  1992: Convention Signed  1994: Convention entered in force Mainly limited to an overall objective, a few key institutions and the statements of key principles  Intergovernmental Cooperation on Science  1988: establishment of the IPCC by the UNEP & WMO  UNFCCC  1990: UN General Assembly Mandate  : Intergovernmental Negotiations Committee  1992: Convention Signed  1994: Convention entered in force Mainly limited to an overall objective, a few key institutions and the statements of key principles

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The existing Climate Regime  The Kyoto Protocol  1995: The Berlin Mandate (beginning of the negotiations)  1997: Protocol Signed  2005: Protocol entered in force  : First Commitment Period  The Post-Kyoto Agreements (more detailed rules necessary to implement the KP)  2001: Marrakesh Accords  The Kyoto Protocol  1995: The Berlin Mandate (beginning of the negotiations)  1997: Protocol Signed  2005: Protocol entered in force  : First Commitment Period  The Post-Kyoto Agreements (more detailed rules necessary to implement the KP)  2001: Marrakesh Accords

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Convention

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Objective The ultimate objective of this Convention and any related legal instruments that the COP may adopt is to achieve, …, stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner. Article 2 The ultimate objective of this Convention and any related legal instruments that the COP may adopt is to achieve, …, stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner. Article 2

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Principles  Precautionary Approach  Sustainable Development  Rights of Future Generations  Cooperation  Common but Differentiated Responsibility  Historical responsibility  Respective Capacity (most debated principles, no consensus on what it concretely means) Article 3  Precautionary Approach  Sustainable Development  Rights of Future Generations  Cooperation  Common but Differentiated Responsibility  Historical responsibility  Respective Capacity (most debated principles, no consensus on what it concretely means) Article 3

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The main obligations  All:  Develop inventories of GHGs (Annex I pay for the costs of developing countries)  Only developed States:  Stabilisation by 2000 at the 1990 level of Annex 1 Countries (Art. 4)  Financial and technological transfers (not for Economies In Transitions)  All:  Develop inventories of GHGs (Annex I pay for the costs of developing countries)  Only developed States:  Stabilisation by 2000 at the 1990 level of Annex 1 Countries (Art. 4)  Financial and technological transfers (not for Economies In Transitions)

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Kyoto Protocol

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Kyoto Protocol  Ratification  55/55 requirement  Entered into force: 2005 (with the ratification of Russia)  Scope:  6 GHGs concerned CO 2, Methane, N 2 O, HFCs, PFCs, SF 6  Ratification  55/55 requirement  Entered into force: 2005 (with the ratification of Russia)  Scope:  6 GHGs concerned CO 2, Methane, N 2 O, HFCs, PFCs, SF 6

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Kyoto Protocol

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Kyoto Protocol  The main obligation only for Developed states:  Aggregate reduction of 5% of GHG in the commitment period based on 1990 levels Australia 108 Greece 92 Norway 101 Austria 92 Hungary* 94 Poland* 94 Belgium 92 Iceland 110 Portugal 92 Bulgaria* 92 Ireland 92 Romania* 92 Canada 94 Italy 92 Russian Federation* 100 Croatia* 95 Japan 94 Slovakia* 92 Czech R* 92Latvia* 94 Slovenia* 92 Denmark 92 Liechtenstein 92 Spain 92 Estonia* 92 Lithuania* 92 Sweden 92 E.U. 92 Luxembourg 92 Switzerland 92 Finland 92 Monaco 92 Ukraine* 100 France 92 Netherlands 92 UK, Northern Ireland 92 Germany 92 New Zealand 100 United States† 93  Accompanying technical requirements  The main obligation only for Developed states:  Aggregate reduction of 5% of GHG in the commitment period based on 1990 levels Australia 108 Greece 92 Norway 101 Austria 92 Hungary* 94 Poland* 94 Belgium 92 Iceland 110 Portugal 92 Bulgaria* 92 Ireland 92 Romania* 92 Canada 94 Italy 92 Russian Federation* 100 Croatia* 95 Japan 94 Slovakia* 92 Czech R* 92Latvia* 94 Slovenia* 92 Denmark 92 Liechtenstein 92 Spain 92 Estonia* 92 Lithuania* 92 Sweden 92 E.U. 92 Luxembourg 92 Switzerland 92 Finland 92 Monaco 92 Ukraine* 100 France 92 Netherlands 92 UK, Northern Ireland 92 Germany 92 New Zealand 100 United States† 93  Accompanying technical requirements

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Kyoto Protocol  The Flexibility Mechanisms  ETS: Emissions Trading (North-North)  Regional Carbon markets  CDM: Clean Development Mechanisms (North-South)  For projects in developing countries  JI: Joint Implementation (North-North)  For projects in another developed country  The Sinks  LULUCF (forest activities in developed countries) - included  CCS - excluded  The Flexibility Mechanisms  ETS: Emissions Trading (North-North)  Regional Carbon markets  CDM: Clean Development Mechanisms (North-South)  For projects in developing countries  JI: Joint Implementation (North-North)  For projects in another developed country  The Sinks  LULUCF (forest activities in developed countries) - included  CCS - excluded

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Institutions

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Institutions  The Institutions  COPs (Conference Of the Parties): Main decision-making body for matters under the convention  CMPs (Meeting Of the Parties): same thing for matters related to the Kyoto Protocol  Secretariat,  Facilitates the process and support parties in their implementation  Subsidiary Bodies, support the COP:  SBI: Subsidiary Body for Implementation  SBSTA: SB for Scientific and Technical Advice  The IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  The GEF: Global Environmental Facility  The Institutions  COPs (Conference Of the Parties): Main decision-making body for matters under the convention  CMPs (Meeting Of the Parties): same thing for matters related to the Kyoto Protocol  Secretariat,  Facilitates the process and support parties in their implementation  Subsidiary Bodies, support the COP:  SBI: Subsidiary Body for Implementation  SBSTA: SB for Scientific and Technical Advice  The IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  The GEF: Global Environmental Facility

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Institutions COP/ MOP SBSTA SBI Secretariat Bureau IPCC Financial Mechanism CDM JLG JWG

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Negotiations

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The On-going Negotiations  UNFCCC Timeframe  COP 13, 2007: Bali Road Map, detailed plan on how to move forward  COP 14, 2008: Poznan ”half way”  COP 15, 2009: Copenhagen, foreseen as the conclusion of the negotiations under the AWGs, failure  COP16, 2010: Cancun, pragmatic/incremental approach  Other International Processes  Major Economy Forum, G8, G20  Bilaterals and Regional Consultations  REDD + Partnernship  High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing (AGF) Sometime more political momentum, but less transparency and inclusiveness  UNFCCC Timeframe  COP 13, 2007: Bali Road Map, detailed plan on how to move forward  COP 14, 2008: Poznan ”half way”  COP 15, 2009: Copenhagen, foreseen as the conclusion of the negotiations under the AWGs, failure  COP16, 2010: Cancun, pragmatic/incremental approach  Other International Processes  Major Economy Forum, G8, G20  Bilaterals and Regional Consultations  REDD + Partnernship  High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing (AGF) Sometime more political momentum, but less transparency and inclusiveness

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The current negotiations process AWG-LCA covering other issues under the Convention  Created in 2007  Workplan: Four building blocks from the Bali Road Map: 1.Mitigation of  Developed countries (“1b i”)  Developing countries (“1b ii”)  REDD: Reducing Deforestation in the Global South with financial support from Global North 2.Adaptation 3.Financial Transfers  Short Term (up to 2012)  Long Term (up to 2020) 4.Technological Transfers AWG-LCA covering other issues under the Convention  Created in 2007  Workplan: Four building blocks from the Bali Road Map: 1.Mitigation of  Developed countries (“1b i”)  Developing countries (“1b ii”)  REDD: Reducing Deforestation in the Global South with financial support from Global North 2.Adaptation 3.Financial Transfers  Short Term (up to 2012)  Long Term (up to 2020) 4.Technological Transfers

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The current negotiations process AWG-KP looking at issues under the Kyoto Protocol  Created in 2005  Two main issues 1.How to renew obligations from Annex 1 countries after the first commitment period (= after 2012)  Kyoto Protocol planned to work with successive commitment periods  So far agreement only on the first one up to 2012  No expiration date, but necessity to include new targets after this date 2.How to improve the functioning of the Kyoto Protocol in the future (forest accounting/LULUCF, Flexibility Mechanisms) AWG-KP looking at issues under the Kyoto Protocol  Created in 2005  Two main issues 1.How to renew obligations from Annex 1 countries after the first commitment period (= after 2012)  Kyoto Protocol planned to work with successive commitment periods  So far agreement only on the first one up to 2012  No expiration date, but necessity to include new targets after this date 2.How to improve the functioning of the Kyoto Protocol in the future (forest accounting/LULUCF, Flexibility Mechanisms)

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 Expectations towards COP16 1.Progress and COP decisions on specific policy areas where consensus is easier 2.Clear mandate to move the negotiations towards a fair, ambitious and binding deal in South Africa

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The current negotiations

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 “The Brick” The Process of Negotiations

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Actors

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The parties to the Convention The developed Countries (Annex I)  EU  Umbrella  JUSCANNZ The developing countries (Non-Annex I)  G77/China (130+ countries)  LDCs: Least developed countries  OPEC: oil producing and exporting countries…  AOSIS (SIDS): Small Islands States  Africa One country might join more than 1 grouping: e.g. Algeria is a member of Africa, OPEC and G77/China The Environmental Integrity Group, with both developed (Switzerland) and developing countries (Mexico, South Korea) The developed Countries (Annex I)  EU  Umbrella  JUSCANNZ The developing countries (Non-Annex I)  G77/China (130+ countries)  LDCs: Least developed countries  OPEC: oil producing and exporting countries…  AOSIS (SIDS): Small Islands States  Africa One country might join more than 1 grouping: e.g. Algeria is a member of Africa, OPEC and G77/China The Environmental Integrity Group, with both developed (Switzerland) and developing countries (Mexico, South Korea)

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 Observers  Other States (US in the case of the KP)  International Organizations (WTO, UNICEF…)  Civil Society  Observer Organizations  Organized within 9 constituencies Environmental NGOs, Business and Industries, Research, Indigenous People, Gender, Trade Unions, Local Governments, Farmers, Youth  Press  Other States (US in the case of the KP)  International Organizations (WTO, UNICEF…)  Civil Society  Observer Organizations  Organized within 9 constituencies Environmental NGOs, Business and Industries, Research, Indigenous People, Gender, Trade Unions, Local Governments, Farmers, Youth  Press

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 … Questions ? Comments

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The UNFCCC  Key Articles of the Convention  2: Objective  3: Principles  4: Commitments  6: Education  7-10: Institutions  Key Articles of the Convention  2: Objective  3: Principles  4: Commitments  6: Education  7-10: Institutions

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 The Kyoto Protocol  Key Provisions of the Convention  2: Political Actions  3: Reductions of emissions  4, 6, 12: Commitments  5: Inventory of emissions  7, 8: Sinks  10: Cooperation  11: Financial Transfers  Key Provisions of the Convention  2: Political Actions  3: Reductions of emissions  4, 6, 12: Commitments  5: Inventory of emissions  7, 8: Sinks  10: Cooperation  11: Financial Transfers

COY 6 Cancun, Novembre 2010 AGFHigh-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing (AGF) AOSISAlliance Of Small Island States AWG-KP Ad Hoc Working Group on further commitment for Annex I Parties of the Kyoto Protocol AWG-LCAAd Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action CCSCarbon Capture and Storage CDMClean Development Mechanism CMPConference of Parties acting as Meeting of the Parties COPConference of Parties ETSEmissions Trading Scheme EUEuropean Union GEFGlobal Environmental Facility GHGsGreenHouse Gases List of Acronyms used in this presentation INCIntergovermental Negotiations Committee IPCCIntergovermental Panel on Climate Change JIJoint Implementation JLGJoint Liaison Group JUSCANNZJapon, US, Canada, Norway, New Zealand LDCsLeast Developed Countries LULUCFLand Use, Land Use Change and Forestry MRVMeasurable, Reportable and Verifiable OPECOil Producing Exporting Countries (?) SBISubsidiary Body on Implementation SBSTASubsidiary Body on Scientific and Technical Advice SIDSSmall Island Developing States UNEPUN Environmental Program UNGAUN General Assembly WMOWorld Meteorological Organization