Bell Work Engineering Design Process: SPI 0807.T/E. Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering PRESS THE RIGHT-ARROW BUTTON TO ADVANCE THROUGH THE SLIDES! Nov 14, 2013 Engineering Design Process: Write down all five steps of the engineering design process Copy 2a (see below in yellow) (Do not use your book!) 1) Identify… 2) Develop… 2a) Pick the best design 3) Make a… 4) Test the… 5) Modify and…
Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering SPI 0807.T/E. Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering Plan Nov 14, 2013 1) Discuss bell work and ask about birthdays 2) Grade yesterday’s Knight Time foldable Note: Only applies to students that have a Knight Time class. 3) Discuss today's notes 4) Complete a 5-question assignment about today's objective 5) Discuss the most missed questions from yesterday's work Copy in your Agenda: Check Jupiter and redo any low grades (after studying my notes)
Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering SPI 0807.T/E. Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering Two Types of Bioengineering Notes Bioengineering-making specific technology items that are used with or in living things Assistive helps you but does not change your body Is a short-term help-not permanent Examples: eyeglasses, external hearing aids, crutches Adaptive helps you and your body is changed Often involve surgery Is a long-term help, often permanent Examples: artificial heart, Cochlear ear implant (see p28)
Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering SPI 0807.T/E. Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering Assistive Bioengineering (Hearing Aid) Notes Assistive helps you but does not change your body Is a short-term help-not permanent
Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering SPI 0807.T/E. Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering Assistive Bioengineering (Cochlear Implant) Notes Adaptive helps you and your body is changed Often involves surgery Is a long-term help, often permanent
Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering Quick Review SPI 0807.T/E. Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering Assistive Bioengineering (Wheel Chair) Is the technology item assistive or adaptive?
Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering Quick Review SPI 0807.T/E. Assistive or Adaptive Bioengineering Adaptive Bioengineering (Artificial Heart) Is the technology item assistive or adaptive?