1 Using the Wake County Services and Resources for Children Birth-5 Webpage A Quick, How-To Guide
2 Background Information Premise of the Idea came from Goal Area II (Patti/Charles). TelAbility website already had the infrastructure for this kind of searchable database. Wake County Smart Start offered funds for the initial development of the webpage. TelAbility provided funds for the additions to the webpage.
3 Where is the webpage located? (
4 What does it look like?
5 What does it look like, cont.
6 What will the webpage do? The webpage will act as a searchable database where anyone can select specific fields to find the services they need. Agencies that match their needs will be sorted and listed. When you click the link for an agency all that agency’s data will be provided.
7 What the Agency Contact Page looks like…
8 Who Can Be Listed on the Webpage? Any agency, program, company, etc., that provides services or resources for children birth-5 may register on the webpage. The webpage is not meant to endorse any particular program, agency or service. It is simply meant to be a resource to the community.
9 Webpage Disclaimer The information listed here was provided by the individuals and agencies listed, who have identified themselves as being providers of services for children ages 0-5 in Wake County. Inclusion in this list does not indicate or imply endorsement of any kind by TelAbility, Wake Local Interagency Coordinating Council (LICC), Raleigh Regional Interagency Coordinating Council (RICC), Raleigh Children's Developmental Services Agency, Wake County Smart Start, Wake County Public Schools, or any other group, agency, or individual; nor has the information provided been verified. The list provided here is comprised of those individuals and agencies that have requested inclusion and do not necessarily represent all relevant services available in Wake County. The user of this list is encouraged to verify the information provided and to use his or her own discretion in evaluating the services provided.
10 How do Agencies get Entered into the Database? Any agency interested in registering on the webpage will be asked to pay a one time $25 enrollment fee and will need to attend an orientation session. Fees/checks will be made payable to Community Partnerships (LICC Treasury) and will be used for ongoing maintenance and updates to the webpage. Orientation sessions for new programs will be scheduled throughout the year, as needed, in conjunction with LICC mtgs.
11 How do Agencies get Entered into the Database? All designated Agency Contact Persons will need to complete a contact sheet. Agencies will need to complete a separate contact sheet in order to list multiple programs within one organization. (ex. CPI IRP and IRS). You will not need to pay more for multiple listings. The form includes their name, agency name, address, password to the WCLICC webpage, and payment information. Contact page and payment should then be sent to Juliellen Simpson-Vos. The Contact Sheet can be found on the Wake County LICC webpage at
12 Send Contact Forms to… If paying by check, send by mail to: Juliellen Simpson-Vos TelAbility 1101 Weaver Dairy Road, Suite 202 Chapel Hill, NC If paying by credit card you can your contact form to
13 WCLICC Webpage Directory
14 Next…. Juliellen will enter the Contact Person’s information into the TelAbility website database. Please allow 3 business days for contact person’s information to be entered before trying to enter your agency information.
15 Accessing the TelAbility website database: Once entered, Agency Contacts can go to Your User Name is your address Password is what you provided on the contact form. Click “log in”
16 Moving on… You will be directed to the “Maintain WCLICC Agencies” page. Click “add” to get a clean page to enter your agency’s data. Enter your data. Make sure you click “active” before you exit the page.
17 To “save” data for review… If you get interrupted while entering your data or someone else needs to review your data before making it “live” you can hit the “inactive” button on the bottom of the page. This will save your information within the Administration Page but will not be viewable via the webpage. You will need to go back and click “active” to make your information “live”.
18 For multiple programs within one agency Repeat – Go back to “Maintain WCLICC Agencies” – Click “add” – Enter data – Click “active”
19 Voila! Your Agency and programs are now entered into the database and can be accessed via the WCLICC Resources and Services webpage.
20 Test Run Go to Click WCLICC Services and Resources link. Choose data that matches your agency profile. Click “Go” at bottom of page. Your agency should come up as one of the choices listed.
21 Maintaining Your Agency Information It is very important to keep your agency’s information up to date. messages will be sent out to the agency contact person every six months reminding them to review their agency data. Regardless if anything has changed, you will need to review and affirm your agency’s contact information is correct.
22 To Review/Edit Agency Data Log in to TelAbility’s Administrator page as you did before. ( Enter user name ( address) and password. Select “Maintain Agencies”. Select your agency from the drop down box. Hit the “edit” button. Review or edit your agency information. Click “active” button. Click the “next” button. Your page has been reviewed/edited!
23 Maintaining Your Agency Information You will have 30 days to review or make changes to your agency’s contact information. A second reminder will go out to all agencies who have not updated their information within 30 days.
24 Maintaining Your Agency Information Agencies that do not maintain updated information within 30 days after the 2 nd message will be removed from the data base. An will notify the Agency Contact person that the agency has been removed. Agencies who wish to re-enroll will be asked to pay a new $25.00 enrollment fee and will need to complete the orientation once again.
25 Maintaining Your Agency Information The TelAbility website Administrator Page provides a report with the date of the most recent agency edits.
26 Thank You! We hope this will prove to be a tremendous resource to the Wake County Early Intervention Community and the community at large. Many thanks to Goal Area II, the Steering Committee, Smart Start and MicroMedic for all their work in getting this resource off the ground!
27 Questions? If you have trouble with the webpage or administrator’s page you can reach me at Or