JAXA Agency Report ~The Latest Status on “ALOS Kyoto & Carbon Initiative” CEOS Plenary Doc. 31 Satoko Horiyama MIURA JAXA 1 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 December 2009
The Kyoto & Carbon Initiative International collaborative project led by JAXA EORC. Continuation of Global Rain Forest and Global Boreal Forest Mapping project. Aims to support information needs posed by: – Multinational Environmental Conventions and Declarations: UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol (Land Cover change); Ramsar Treaty on Wetlands (wetland characteristics and disturbances); UN Millenium Declaration & WSSD (water supply and water management); Other international convention (Biodiversity[CBD] and Desertification [UNCCD]). – The terrestrial carbon cycle science community (CO2 & CH4 sources and sinks); 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 December K&C produces the global SAR mosaics of 50 m resolution twice a year frequency High resolution PALSAR mosaic Left:2007:Japan island Right:2007:Indonesia, Sumatra, color composite
Collaborators University of Massachusetts, JPL ( USA ) University of California, Santa Barbara(USA) Sheffield Centre for Earth Observation Science (SCEOS), University of Sheffield (UK). Centre dtudes Spatiales de la Biosphere(France) University of Bordeaux, France ) DLR(Germany) Jena University (Germany) Joint Research Center ( EU ) Sarmap ( Swiss ) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(Sweden) Wetlands International(Holland) Applied Geosolutions(USA) Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University(UK ) University of Victoria(Canada) IBAMA(Brazil) INPE(Brazil) Wageningen University(Holland) 3
Themes 4 ThemeContents 1) Mosaics Generation To produce the global SAR mosaics of 50 m resolution twice a year frequency [source data for 2) ~4)] 2) Forest AnalysisForest classification (forest vs non-forest) Monitoring illegal deforestation Biomass estimation 3) Wetland AnalysisMonitoring global changes for Wetland (Estimation of CH4) 4) Desert AnalysisMosaics generation for Sahara Desert area
Mosaics Generation 5
Monitoring deforestation (1/2) Clear cut region can be identified as the small backscattering area. Estimation of the deforestation time- change can be monitored. 6 Surface scattering and the volume scattering. ( Red arrow shows the back scattering ) Deforestation time-change in Amazon west londonia region
Monitoring deforestation (2/2) Repeat observation covering wide area in short time Continuous observation is planned by GCOM-C 7 “Fish-Borne” deforestation in Amazon region observed by ADEOS-II/GLI (resolution = 250m)
Near Real Time Operation ~ Quick Forest Observation Chain~ 8 Earth Observation Center/JAXA Earth Observation Research Center/JAXA PALSAR Acquisition:3.5 hrs/day 350GB/day 110M scenes/ 3 years Within 24hrs Raw data Within 24hrs Raw data Within 5days: SCANSAR browse IBAMA The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources DRTS ALOS
Application of the SCANSAR data: ~ Quick imaging and distribution~ a)before cutting, b) mid of the cutting, c) after cutting. These images are provided to IBAMA and used for monitoring the deforestation. Tapajos,PARA State, Brazil 9 a) b) c) Logging place Actual Cutting was done
Forest/Non-Forest Classification by PALSAR ~Sample in Indonesia~ 10 WWF map ALOS/PALSAR based map (First try) Non Forest Forest Water Non Forest Forest Water 100 km Mountainous areas
Biomass Estimation ~Sample Image~ 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 December Biomass estimation for Viet Num Le Toan
Wetland ~Sample Images~ 12 Wetland in Amazon by PALSAR ( Hess)
Desert Mosaic ~Sample Image~ 13 Mosaic of Sahara desert ( Paillou )
Future Plan on ALOS K&C 1.Continue Data Acquisition/Processing, Mosaics generation 2.Continue and improve Biomass Estimation & Forest/Non-Forest Classification 3.Comparison with data in 1990s 4.Data Analysis in Wide Area Please visit our web site on 14