Hotel Monaco September 18-21, 2011 Washington, DC Green Program & Power saving emergency measures MLIT/BMMC Japan
2 Summary Background - Kyoto Protocol (1997) became effective in Japanese government promised 6% reduction of the global warming gas emission in average of against 1990 level. “Team – 6% challenge” (2005 ~ 2009) - Many technologies on reducing global warming gas developed. “Green guideline on survey & planning”, “Green Program” … - 28 ℃ /20 ℃ rule, cool biz, warm biz etc. “ Team -6% challenge ”to “Challenge 25 campaign “ (2009 ~ ) - 25% reduction by 2020 against 1990 level The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunai ( ) - Fukushima Nuclear accident caused power crisis.
Green program on government buildings Green program on government buildings is an integrated and systematized program(2010~). Its views are; - Mitigating environmental impact throughout the life-cycle - Considering the characteristic of project and project site - Cooperation with the operation and maintenance The components of the green program are - Reducing global warming gas emission - Promotion of 3R(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) - Introduction of solar panels and roof gardens - Environment-oriented design proposal/ESCO - LCEM tool – key technology on evaluating HVAC systems - CASBEE – an evaluation system similar to LEED - Promotion of using wood in government buildings etc. 3
4 Promotion of use of wood on government buildings The Act for Promotion of Use of Wood on Public Buildings, etc. - The public authorities have to strive for use of wood on public buildings which they build. The fundamental promotion policy of the Government of Japan - The government shall fundamentally build by wood their buildings which don’t need to be fire-resistive buildings. The preparation of guidelines, etc. by the MLIT - The Guideline for Designing Wooden Government Buildings ( May 2011)
The 2011 East Japan Great Earthquake 5
Power saving emergency measures Expected power crisis and the result of power saving measures 2011’s prospect Max. supply 45million KW Max. demand 55million KW 15% saving target for large users(over500KW) Emergency measures - lighting, computer, coffeemaker etc - stop, reduce, shifting activities - PDCA cycle, review standard, level - telework, summer time etc. 6 Y2010 Y2011 9a.m. ~20p.m.
7 What is working? What is not working? Are “up-front” costs a factor? What is working in the area of green innovation? - LED lighting fixtures - Power saving measures resulted in reducing 15~30%. - “Mottainai mentality” comes back in our mind. - Reducing lighting fixtures, excessive illumination “What is not working?” is nearly the same with “expensive up-front costs” - Expensive renewable energy e.g. solar panel, wind power etc. - Task ambient system Mid-/long term energy strategy have gone through the review
8 How does employee/client behavior factor into sustainability goals? Learning from power saving emergency measures Three factors to achieve goals are –Introduction of the advanced technologies into HVAC etc. –Improving operation and maintenance e.g. LCEM tool simulated 45% peak-cut power demand at the max. –Discipline, mentality Behavior is an important factor, but it still needs investigation and analysis. To control behaviors, 3 types of measures are considered. –Compulsory measures : turn off all lights at designated hour –Educational measures : appointing energy saving leaders –Self-disciplined measures: indicating screen, PR What we have learned from the experience of the great earthquake is the importance of self-disciplined attitude and mentality.
Thank you for your attention 9
10 Simulation of effct of power saving measures with LCEM tool ① Cool Biz ② Reduction of illumination ③ Reduction of fresh air ④ Continuous air-conditioning ⑤ Priority of non-electricity chiller ⑥ Lower temperature cooling water ⑦ Cleaning of coil & cooling tower ⑧ Hig h er temperature of cold water ⑨ Decrease of number of operating steps of chillers ⑩ Decrease of flowing quantity & pressure of cold water & cooling water Effect of compound of measures STANDARD CASE COMPOUND CASE hour(7/18) Power consumption KW