Adolescents need a collaborative approach to meet all their needs in reproductive health education. Got Family Planning?
All of the above!
Family Planning Providers Unintended Pregnancy Prevention Specialists Classroom Teachers Counselors School Nurses School Based Health Centers Community Groups Religious Organizations Parents
Knowledge and Guidance Access to Quality Education Goals and Skills Information about Healthy Relationships Empowerment to Create Healthy Relationships Resources and Support to Accomplish Their Dreams Successful Completion of Teen Years without an Unintended Pregnancy (s)
Title X
In 1970, Congress enacted Title X (ten) of the Public Health Service Act, the only federal program - then and now - devoted solely to the nation-wide provision of family planning services. The Title X program, administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs, awards grants to approximately 85 delegate agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Pacific Basin to make contraceptive supplies and services available to persons who want and need them but are unable to afford them without government assistance. Since 1970 the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, Family Planning Program has been the sole Federal Title X grantee in West Virginia. The Program also receives funding from Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant, Title XIX/Medicaid and State Appropriations. The WV Family Planning Program contracts with approximately 157 local county health departments, primary care and rural health centers, college student health clinics, school wellness centers, hospitals, and private medical practices to deliver clinical family planning services to eligible individuals.
In West Virginia for calendar year 2012, 162 publicly funded family planning clinics provided contraceptive care to over 59,000 patients—including 13,205 adolescents. Family planning clinics also serve male patients, that includes teen boys
Services and Products
Sex Education
Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infection and HIV and Pregnancy
Oral Contraceptives Barrier Methods Injectable Transdermal Vaginal Delivery System Intrauterine Device Implant Natural Family Planning Emergency Contraception
then select the county in which you want to find a clinic then select “where to get it” at the top of the page, finally enter your zip code and it will list the closest centers
350 Capitol Street Room 427 Charleston, WV (direct line)