Summer students, Training program, CERN-Japan Fellow Katsuo Tokushuku (KEK) CERN-KEK Committee
CERN Summer Student Programme Participation by Japanese students (M1) Participation by Japanese students (M1) 2004 (13 applicants) -> 3 selected (Tokyo x 3) 2004 (13 applicants) -> 3 selected (Tokyo x 3) Now: 1 Assistant prof. (KEK, Belle), 1 post-doc (ATLAS), 1 in industry after master course) Now: 1 Assistant prof. (KEK, Belle), 1 post-doc (ATLAS), 1 in industry after master course) 2005 (8 applicants) -> 3 selected (Nagoya, Toho, Hiroshima) Now: 1 in a different research (anthropology!), 2 in industry (after master course) Now: 1 in a different research (anthropology!), 2 in industry (after master course) 2006 (5 applicants) -> 3 selected (Tokyo, Nagoya x2) Now: doctor course (1 ATLAS post-doc, 1 ATLAS, 1 cosmology) Now: doctor course (1 ATLAS post-doc, 1 ATLAS, 1 cosmology) 2007 (15 applicants) -> 5 selected (Tohoku, Tsukuba, Tokyo x 3) 2007 (15 applicants) -> 5 selected (Tohoku, Tsukuba, Tokyo x 3) 2008 (22 applicants) -> 5 selected (Tokyo x 2, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka) 2009 (15 applicants) -> 5 selected (Tohoku, Tokyo x 2, Kyoto, Osaka) 2010 (17 applicants) -> 5 selected (Tokyo, Tokyo-MU, Waseda, Kyoto, Osaka) 2011 (18 applicants) -> 5 selected (Tokyo x 2, Nagoya, Nagoya, Kyoto) 2012 (25 applicants) -> 5 selected (Tokyo, Tokyo-tech, Kyoto, Osaka Kyushu) 2013 ( call started ) -> 5 planned Red: current CERN experiment members 1.All students wrote reports (in Japanese) and published in ‘High Energy News’ 2.The programme is open to Japanese citizen and those who has a permanent resident permission in Japan (A Chinese has been selected for 2010) including Japanese students abroad. 3.For , we have succeeded to get a support from JSPS (Japan Society for the promotion of Science). For 2013, we are asking KEK to support.
Training Programmes of KEK ATLAS institute staff at CERN (1) Administrative Staff Oct Oct M. GomitaATLAS (P. Schmid) Oct Oct. 2003H. KodaATLAS (M. Nordberg) Oct Dec A. YamaguchiATLAS (M. Nordberg) Apr Mar S. Iwami ATLAS (M. Nordberg) Apr Mar. 2009Y. Kawanishi ATLAS (M. Nordberg) Apr – Mar. 2011H. FukudaATLAS (M. Nordberg) Apr – Mar. 2013H. IshikawaATLAS (M. Nordberg) Apr - K.Yoshida (2) Academic Staff Oct Jun. 2003T. KosugeInterlock system Aug Aug H. NakamuraRadiation instrumentation Apr Mar Y. Yasu DAQ system for ATLAS Aug Jul M. Taira Chemical environmental impact Oct Sep. 2007A. Ueda High power pulse magnet for LHC Oct – Sep H. NakajimaWorks at AB/RF division Oct – Sep. 2009H. KatagiriWorks at AB/RF division Oct - Sep Y. Ikemoto Works on Electronic designs. (No candidates for but we know there are some new candidates for next years.) These programs are supported by the interests of Japanese Fund-in-Trust for LHC.
Fund from JSPS: for sending young Japanese scientists (below 45!) abroad. for sending young Japanese scientists (below 45!) abroad. FY : Project ‘CERN-KEK collaboration for experiments with future frontier accelerators’ has been approved! FY2010: Myen (~150 kCHF) FY2011: Myen (~300 kCHF) FY2012: Myen (~330 kCHF) We used this money to send ‘young’ accelerator physicists for LHC related projects and ATLAS physicists. Qingin Xu : for magnet developments. 3 ATLAS researchers for ATLAS and ATLAS Upgrade works + many senior scientists Note: Other ATLAS institutes have also got this fund : U Tokyo, Kobe+Osaka+Kyushu, Tokyo-tech(atlas+double chooz), : Kyoto+Tokyo We will plan to apply again for
CERN-Japan fellows Ex-fellows Apr Mar T. Kono ATLAS Trigger (N. Ellis) (Now at DESY) Sep Aug M. Kataoka ATLAS Egamma (D. Froidevaux) (Now at LAPP/Annecy) Oct Jul M. Aiba LHC injector upgrade (R. Garoby) (Now at PSI) Dec Nov H. Yokoya Theory (J. Ellis) (Now at Taipei TNU) Oct Sep T. Sumida ATLAS, Tile CAL / Jet (T. Carli) (Now at Kyoto Univ) Jun May 2012 S. Shimizu ATLAS, Tile CAL / Jet (T. Carli) (Now at Nagoya Univ) Current fellows Apr.2011 – Mar 2014 Y. Nakahama ATLAS, Trigger (B. Petersen) Apr Mar 2014 M. Kaneda ATLAS Trigger (B. Petersen) 6 applicants for 2012 program: No one selected: 12 applicants for 2013 program Original programs were to be finished in Ad-hoc committee was formed in > Strong recommendation to continue as it is by finding resources.
Funding discussions on CERN-Japan fellows As expected, it is not so easy to find a funding source for this project. (It is much easier to find money to hire post-docs at KEK and send him/her to CERN.) But this program is the unique path for young Japanese physicists to work at CERN (independent to the Japanese related projects at CERN) After several discussion, our proposal is: Merge the two CERN-KEK accounts (Fellows + exchange programs) and continue these programs as long as the money is left. (see the graph in the next page) (N.B. The money for the magnet development is untouched.) In conditions that; 1. Keep a high-standard for selecting fellows. 2. Continue to find a resource for the exchange programs for the administrative and academic staffs. (Mext, KEK and KEK technical groups are happy with this solution)
Keeping exchange program till the end of more fellows can be hired: -> Baseline?