Family Studies Types of Families
Philosophical Question “…studies have pointed to families without a regular structure, such as headed by a lone parent or including the children of other partners, etc. as leading to a greater risk of teenagers living in such families turning to drugs or being violent, having mental health problems or even exhibiting criminal behavior.”
Philosophical Question The children raised in a traditional family (both biological parents) will become more successful.
The Nuclear Family A nuclear family is formed when a couple marries After the marriage, the couple may or may not add children to the family In nuclear families, couples can decide to stay childless, decide to have children, to they may decide to adopt .
One Parent Family Includes one parent and one or more children The parent may be either the mother or the father The parent may be divorced, widowed, separated or never married Often a one parent family forms because of a death or divorce, creating a great deal of emotional stress
Responsibilities of One Parent Families The parent plays the role of both the mother and father The parent must often provide emotional and financial support for the family The parent usually works full time and arranges child care for the children Older children in a one parent family may take on additional work or roles in order to support the parent
The Step Family When a single parent marries, a stepfamily is formed At least one parent in a step family is the step parent Stepparent is a parent who marries the mother or father in a single parent family, and is not blood related to the child or children
Challenges of Step Families Children have to learn to share their home with another adult and possibly other children Adjustments have to be made in daily routines There may be more demands on family income Advantages vs. Disadvantages
The Extended Family Extended families have relatives other than parents (or stepparents) and children living together in one home Ex. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousins. In the past, extended families were more common than they are today
Benefits to Extended Families Grandparents can provide guidance and support They can take care of small children while the parents work They can help with household duties Extended families also benefit the grandparents who may be ill or unable to take care of themselves or their own residence
Questions How could a nuclear family become an extended family? How can a one parent family become step? Can a nuclear family become a step family? Can a single parent family become a nuclear family?
Picture quiz
Picture Quiz
Picture Quiz
Picture Quiz
Picture Quiz
Picture Quiz
Picture Quiz
Family Bubble Map Please create a family bubble map to describe your family Use a center circle that says “ME” and draw circles to represent your family members The closer the circles are to “ME” the closer your relationship is The BIGGER the circles are, the more important the relationships are to you.