3rd lecture on blood and Immunity Anemia
Definition Classification Deficiency Anemia Hemorrhagic Hemolytic Aplastic Physiological Basis of Treatment
Misnomer Normally at rest only 25% of the oxygen carried by arterial blood is extracted by the tissues Reserve for Exercise Breathlessness, Fatigue and Palpitation G6PD deficiency Anemia RBC membrane is more prone to peroxidase damage in absence of reduced Glutathione– clinical importance
Iron Metabolism Absorption Different farms At different Ages Causes Worm infestation Milk injury
Metabolic role of Folate and B12 Deoxyuridylate Thymidylate Required for DNA Synthesis 5,10 methylene Tetra Hydro Folic acid B12 can regenerate THFA
Hemolysis Corpuscular Defect Sickle cell, Thalassemia, Spherocytosis, G5PD Def Extracorpuscular Antibodies Drugs Snake venom Hypersplenism
Fate of Hb Jaundice Prehepatic Hepatic Post Hepatic Physiological Jaundice of Newborn
MCQ1 Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to (a)Deficiency of active farm of folate in the body (b)Deficiency of Stem cells in the Red bone marrow (c ) Both (d ) None
2 Deficiency of Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase can lead to (a)Damage of RBC glutathione (b) haemolysis following consumption of some drugs like antimalarial (c) Both (d)None
3 The supplementation of only folate in Vitamin B12 deficiency will relive the symptoms but still it is not recommended in clinical practice because (a ) It can worsen neuropathic symptoms (b) It can Produce Polycythemia (c ) It can Produce Jaundice (d) It is Just a Myth it can very well be used
4 The Physiological management of Polycythemia would be (a) Venesection (phlebotomy) (b) Keeping the affected person at high altitude (c ) Some Yogasanas (d ) Dietary restrictions
5 The most common cause of Iron deficiency anaemia in an adult male in india is (a) Worm infestations (b) Nutritional (c ) Acute haemorrhages (d) Malabsorption of Iron