1United States11Korea 2Switzerland12Hong Kong 3Denmark14Taiwan 4Sweden21Malaysia 5Germany28Thailand 6Finland34China 7Singapore48India 8Japan54Indonesia 9United Kingdom68Vietnam 10Netherlands71Philippines Global Competitiveness Index Source: World Economic Forum, October 2007
1Singapore12Japan 2New Zealand15THAILAND 3United States24Malaysia 4Hong Kong30Korea 5Denmark50Taiwan 6UK83China 7Canada91Vietnam 8Ireland123Indonesia 9Australia133Philippines 10Iceland164Laos PDR Ease of Doing Business Source: World Bank Study: Doing Business 2008
Most Attractive Economies for the Location of FDI China11Thailand 2India12France 3United States13Malaysia 4Russian Federation14Indonesia 5Brazil15Singapore 6Vietnam16Italy 7United Kingdom17Ukraine 8Australia18Japan 9Mexico19Canada 10Poland and Germany20Republic of Korea Source: UNCTAD World investment Prospects Survey,
Promising Countries for Overseas Business Operations Medium-Term (next 3 years) RankCountry 1China 2India 3Vietnam #4Thailand 5U.S. 6Russia 7Korea 8Indonesia 9Brazil 10Taiwan Includes production, sales, R&D, outsourced operations Long-Term (next 10 years) RankCountry 1China 2India 3Russia 4Vietnam 5U.S. #6Thailand 7Brazil 8Indonesia 9Korea 10Malaysia Includes production, sales, R&D, outsourced operations Source: JBIC FY 2006 Survey: Outlook for Japanese FDI (18 th Annual Survey)
Number of Surveyed Companies Looking to Strengthen or Expand in ASEAN-4 Source: JBIC 18 th Annual Survey Report on Overseas Operations by Japanese Manufacturing Companies
Wages Source: The 17th Survey of Investment-Related Cost Comparison in Major Cities and Regions in Asia March 2007, Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization
Office Rent Source: The 17th Survey of Investment-Related Cost Comparison in Major Cities and Regions in Asia March 2007, Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization
Mobile Phone Charge per Minute Source: The 17th Survey of Investment-Related Cost Comparison in Major Cities and Regions in Asia March 2007, Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization
Internet Charge per Month Source: The 17th Survey of Investment-Related Cost Comparison in Major Cities and Regions in Asia March 2007, Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization
Electricity for Business Use Source: The 17th Survey of Investment-Related Cost Comparison in Major Cities and Regions in Asia March 2007, Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization
Water Rate for Business Use Source: The 17th Survey of Investment-Related Cost Comparison in Major Cities and Regions in Asia March 2007, Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization
Corporate Income Tax (Effective Tax Rates) 20-25% from January 2008 Source: The 17th Survey of Investment-Related Cost Comparison in Major Cities and Regions in Asia March 2007, Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization