How to Download and Install a Sharp Print Driver on a Mac
First, we need to download the print driver. Go to our website Then click on “Customer Center”
On this next page, click on “Driver Downloads”
Then click on “Sharp Driver downloads”
A new tab or window will open up. In the MFP box, click the down arrow and find the machine’s model number. In this example, I am selecting the Sharp MX-2700N
In the Operating system box, click the down arrow and select “MAC OS Driver Package”
Click “Search” You may see two results. To choose the correct download, we need to see what version of MAC that your computer has.
On the top left hand corner of the screen, click on the Apple menu and click “About this Mac”
You should see a screen similar to this. In this example, I have Version
Since I have Mac version I am going to choose this one. Click download file and the next screen will open.
Click “I agree” then “view file” and folder will begin downloading. When the download finishes, click on the little arrow, and then click “Show in Finder” This will open up the download folder. *Note: This view is a zoomed in view
Double click on the ZIP folder and it will automatically extract the files into a separate folder. The ZIP folder is highlighted in the example above.
Double click on the new folder that was created. This folder is highlighted in the example above. *Note that I have downloaded the Mac driver version as well to cover that in this guide
If you are installing the Mac version, you may see it look similar to this. Double click on the.dmg file and a new window will open.
If you downloaded the drivers for older versions of Mac [ ] you will see a folder like the one highlighted above. Please make sure to select the correct version for your Mac. Installing the incorrect version may cause printing errors.
You should see this window open. Double click on “MacOSX” and a new window will open
On this window, double click again on the correct version of your Mac. Another new window will open like the one below. Double click on MX-PBX1 and the installation program will begin.
Click “Continue” to advance to the next screen
Click “Continue” and a drop down box will appear. Click “Agree” to advance to the next step
A pop up will appear asking for your Username and Password. Please enter them and click “Install Software” and this screen will close and return you to the previous window. A loading screen will appear as seen below.
Click “Close” and this screen will close. We are halfway finished. Now we must setup and configure the printer driver.
Open the “System Preferences” menu. To access this, click on the “Gear” on the dock at the bottom of the screen. Or click on the Apple Menu and select “System Preferences” from there.
Click on “Printers & Scanners” to open the Printers and Scanners Menu.
On this screen, click on the + sign and a new window will appear.
On this screen, click on “IP”
Type the Sharp’s IP Address into the address bar. It should begin searching the computer for the printer software. Note: If Sharp is not found, try changing this to “Auto Select” by clicking the down arrow
In the “Name” blank, be sure to rename the machine. In this example I am calling it “Sharp 2700 copy room.” Click “Add” to advance to the next step.
This screen will open. Choose what options your Sharp printer has. It is important that you make the correct selections so that you may print from all the trays and use all the options. Click “OK” to finish
dsfcadszxczxc You should now see the Sharp in the Printer’s menu. Next we are going to send test prints and setup pre-sets for black and white and color printing.
Open a document or image that you would like to print. In my example I am using the Google logo. Click “File” then “Print” to open the printing dialog.
When the printing dialog box first opens, it may look this as you see to the left. Click “Show Details” to expand the window will expand showing more options.
Click the down arrow next to “Preview”
Do you need to login to the machine make a copy? The next 3 slides will cover how to enter your user number or user name and password into the print driver on your Mac. The machine will not print your document without the correct authentication. If you do not need to login to the machine, please skip the next 3 slides as they do not pertain to you.
Click on “Job Handling”
After switching to “Job Handling” you may see the “Retention” screen by default. Click on “Authentication” to go to the next screen.
In this example, I require a user number to login. 1: Click on “User Number” if you use a numeric code to login 1a: Or Click on “User Authentication” if you login using a Login Name and Password 2: Type the correct authentication information into the blank. 3: Click on the “Lock” this will save the user number 1 1a 2 3
Select “Color” to advance to the next screen.
We are going to save a preset for color printing first. Click the down arrow for “Color Mode” and change it to “Automatic”
Next click on the down arrow for “Presets” Click “Save Current Settings as Preset” and a new window will open.
In the blank for “Preset Name” Name it “Color” Select “Only this printer” Click “OK” to finish and return to the previous screen.
Click “Print” to send a print job. It should print out in color successfully. Next we will set up a preset for black and white printing.
Click the down arrow for “Color Mode” and select “Black and White”
Next click on the down arrow for “Presets” Click “Save Current Settings as Preset” and a new window will open.
In the blank for “Preset Name” Name it “Black and White” Select “Only this printer” Click “OK” to finish and return to the previous screen.
Click “Print” and your job should print out in black and white. Please remember to make sure the “Black and White” preset is selected when printing a job in black and white. This not always selected by default, so you may need to switch to it from color if you do not want to print in color. Congratulations!! You have setup your Mac to print successfully!!