Windows 8 and Windows 7 ◦Windows 8 is the newest version of Microsoft Windows, which is the most popular and widely used operating system. ◦Some businesses still may use Windows 7 so we will see examples of both and talk about the differences. Operating system ◦A computer program (set of computer instructions) that coordinates all the activities of computer hardware such as memory, storage devices, and printers, and provides the capability for you to communicate with the computer. 2 Introduction to the Windows Operating Systems
The Windows 8 interface begins with the Start screen. You may need to login to an account. A tile is a shortcut to an app or other content is a video of the start screen options 3 Windows 8 Operating System
The Windows interface has a Start button and shortcuts that lead to other programs You may need to login to an account. 4 Windows 7 Operating System
5 File Management - Creating a Folder
We are going to create a folder on this computer where you can save files. Let’s name it with your name on this computer. ◦Click the File Explorer app button on the taskbar to run the File Explorer app (In Windows 7, it is the folder on the taskbar that looks like a file folder.) ◦Tap or double click the Documents library in the navigation pane to display the contents of the Documents library in the file list. If you see My Documents, click on that also. See screen shot on prior slide. ◦Tap or click the New folder button near the top of the screen ◦Type your name, and then press the ENTER key ◦You now have a folder in the Documents folder where you can easily save files we create 6 File Management
Double-tap or double-click the desired folder in the navigation pane to display its contents and display a black arrow to the left of the folder icon Double-tap or double-click the desired folder in the navigation pane to collapse the folder Now let’s make some folders in your folder where you will store the Word files you create, the Excel files you create, and so on. ◦Double click on the folder with your name to open it. ◦Click on New Folder and make a folder named Word. Press Enter. Then make a folder for Excel. Make a folder for PowerPoint. Make a folder for Publisher ◦See next slide for screen shot. 7 Expanding a Folder, Scrolling through Folder Contents, and Collapsing a Folder
Create Folders in your named Folder 8 Remember – instead of Casey, your folder will be YOUR name
Tap or click the Minimize button on the app’s title bar to minimize the window If necessary, click the app button on the taskbar to restore the minimized window 9 Minimizing and Restoring a Window Minimize button Folders automatically alphabetize Navigation pane Contents of casey folder are displayed since I have clicked on it
Microsoft Office 2013 is the newest version of Microsoft Office, offering features that provide users with better functionality and easier ways to work with the various files they create. Office 365 is the same thing but is paid with yearly subscriptions ◦Microsoft Word 2013 ◦Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 ◦Microsoft Excel 2013 ◦Microsoft Access 2013 ◦Microsoft Outlook 2013 ◦Microsoft Publisher Introduction to Microsoft Office 2013
Create File in Word and Save ◦Use any one of these ways to open Microsoft Word 2013 ◦Click on the tile or shortcut ◦Click on the Start button. If you do not see Word listed there, type Word in the Search bar at the bottom and then click on Microsoft Word when it finds it ◦Click on the Start button. Click on All Programs. Click on Microsoft Office Click on Word ◦Once Word is open, type something there such as Welcome to Class!! ◦Save to your Word folder ◦Click on File / Save As / Computer ◦Click on the Browse icon ◦Find your folder there in My Documents and double click on it to open your folder ◦Double click on the Word folder there ◦It will use the first line of your document as the file name unless you type something to change it. Click in the box File Name and type First File and click on Save. ◦Close Word by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the screen. 12
Browsing the Internet Usually Internet Explorer is the default browser. Click the Internet Explorer icon on the Start screen. If your computer uses another browser (such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome), you will see an icon for that. You may see several as I have on my computer 13 Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer
Using the Address Bar No matter what your browser opens with, there will be an address bar at the top. The address bar is your starting point for browsing the web, with a combined address bar and search box so you can surf, search, or get suggestions all from one place. Here are three ways to use it: ◦Surf ◦Enter a URL in the address bar to go to straight to a site. Or, tap or click the address bar to see sites you visit often (these are your frequent sites). ◦Search ◦Enter a term in the address bar and tap or click GoGo button to search the web with your default search engine. ◦Get suggestions ◦Don’t know where you want to go? Enter a word in the address bar to get website, app, and search suggestions as you type. Just tap or click one of the suggestions above the address bar. 14
Setting Home Page for Browser The browser opens with pages listed as home pages. You can set your browser to always open with one home page – or several. I have several. To change the home page: ◦With your browser open, click on Tools / Internet options ◦Type in - or copy and paste the URL (address) for the page you want the browser to always open with. Type one per line if you want it to always open with several. ◦Click OK ◦Notice that I have 3: my online course page, my outlook , and google 15
Using Google to Search Let’s do a search. I prefer doing my searches with Google. Let’s try that search engine: ◦In the address line of the browser, start typing google. The browser should finish if not, then keep typing and type ◦In the search box, type FUMC Hurst. You should see the link to our church’s website ◦For another search, let’s see what the term phishing really means. Type phishing in the search area. You may see something from Wikipedia. That is an easy source for information, but realize that people change it. It is monitored and someone tries to remove wrong information quickly. Use if for quick ideas, but don’t use if for references. ◦I also see something from Microsoft, so that is probably more reliable. Click on that if you have that link to see the results on phishing from Microsoft. Read the information to see how to protect yourself from phishing. ◦Read how to recognize spams and phishing. 16
Note to Students If you are having trouble translating, each lesson that we use can be opened from Sue Casey’s website. Here are instructions for using Translate. ◦In the Address Line of the browser, type ◦Click on Classes ◦Click on First United Methodist Church Hurst ◦Click on Windows Operating System and Introduction ◦Both Word and PowerPoint have a Translate tool which includes a player to hear the spoken words. This is a PowerPoint file ◦Click on Review Tab and click the arrow below Translate ◦Click Choose Translation Language and choose your desired language. Click OK ◦From Translate, I chose Mini Translator. Then when I move my mouse over a word or highlighted selection, a Bilingual Dictionary box with translation appears in light type. Move your mouse pointer over the box to see it better. Clicking on the small green arrow at the bottom of the box plays the selection. Clicking on Mini Translator again removes the translations. 17 Review Tab
Using and Cloud Storage You probably all have an account. If not, you might create one at or Go ahead and login to your account or create one. Ask your instructor for help if you have never used . Cloud Storage ◦In Gmail – click on the squares in the upper right corner and click on Drive to get to your cloud storage ◦In Outlook – click on the arrow beside Outlook and then click on One Drive. 18
Uploading Files to Cloud Storage Once you have your cloud storage open, go find the file you want to upload (the file named First File in your Word folder), resize the documents screen so that you can see both your cloud storage and your documents. You resize by clicking on the Restore Down button. You can then resize by dragging a corner in or out. Drag the file and drop in the cloud storage area. 19 My gmail cloud storage My Documents window minimized Restore Down button