CHAPTER 6: African American Religion & Nationhood
Slavery slave trade, 1600s-1700s o West Africa importation of slaves outlawed, 1808 By the 19 th century, 20% of the national population was African American.
West African Religious Worldviews sense of community ancestors continuity with spirit world high God as creator Tricksters (spiders, hares)
West African Religious Practices storytelling animal sacrifice divination music & dance possession magic for healing or harm
New Land, New Religion new Tricksters o Brer Rabbit conjure & root work o voodoo in New Orleans o elements of Catholicism
Black Christianity some became Catholic o use of material elements in ritual o Saints as intermediaries many became Protestant o Methodist & Baptist
Invisible Institution slave revolts o unsupervised meetings banned hush harbors spirituals ring shout
Sources of African American Religion 1)West African background 2)condition of slavery 3)language of European Christianity
The Black Church in Freedom 1)blacks within white denominations o separate seating or churches 2)independent black churches 3)black denominations o A.M.E. o A.M.E. Zion
20 th -Century Black Religion migration to North migration to cities o urbanization o growing class divisions Afro-Caribbean immigrants
Holiness and Pentecostal Religion presence of the Spirit gospel music healing sanctified life new esteem for blackness Charles Mason & COGIC
Religious Combinations Peace Mission Movement o Father Divine o prosperity Spiritual churches of New Orleans Haitian vodou Afro-Cuban Santeria
The Religion of Blackness Marcus Garvey Ethiopianism Rastafarianism Moorish Science Temple o Wallace D. Fard
Nation of Islam Elijah Poole/Elijah Muhammad Yakub’s History Malcolm X Wallace D. (Warith) Muhammad Louis Farrakhan
Blackness and Christianity Martin Luther King, Jr. o civil rights movement James Cone o influence of W.E.B. DuBois o black liberation theology Cornell West
OVERVIEW slave trade West African traditions invisible institution growth of the black church religion of blackness