Ann Shlapobersky 2013 Making Writing Their Own 1
SMS – Are they writing? YesNo Ann Shlapobersky 20132
3 As Teachers: What do we look for in good writing ? Mechanics: capitalization, spelling, punctuation, legible handwriting Language use: correct order, tense agreement, number and function - articles, pronouns, prepositions, meaning not obscured by grammatical errors Vocabulary: uses correct words - variety - appropriate word for topic Organization: sequences ideas, topic sentence, body, conclusion Content: main idea - details - knowledge of subject
Ann Shlapobersky As teachers we teach Vocabulary + Grammar Basics vocabulary and expansion = numbers, colors, cognates, classroom, homes, travel, communication, environment, current events… Prepositions + articles Proper Noun Substitutions Singular - plural Prepositional phrases Grammar chunks Tenses Question chunks Connectors
Ann Shlapobersky To write we need to teach... Punctuation / Capitalization Subject / verb agreement Subject / predicate Enrich the sentence by adding verbs, adjectives, prepositional phrases Organization/sequencing thoughts and ideas What is a complete sentence /question. How to write a topic sentence supporting sentences a concluding sentence
Ann Shlapobersky Doesn’t matter their age Use their background knowledge Use their background language knowledge Use pictures they recognize Use series of pictures that tell a story Make up different stories with different outcomes from pictures – elicit ideas from them Teach them to how to use a dictionary Read to them Guide them – one step at a time – don’t assume
Give them a reason to write Ask their opinion, do they agree or disagree - have them explain why they believe that. Collaborate on a project Write a letter: make it relevant to them Give feedback to others Write questions for an interview that they can get the answers to And….. Ann Shlapobersky Whenever they write: Set clear expectations and keep it focused Model good collaboration Emphasize quality over quantity
Ann Shlapobersky How do I begin? Teach them how to start! Write examples on the board Always have the students answer and write in complete sentences. Give them lots of sequencing activities. Teach them what is a topic sentence and closing sentence Give them lots of guided-writing activities Make a writing rubric: Give each student a list of general writing rules. Prepare a poster of these rules for the class. Read to them
Ann Shlapobersky 20139
Ann Shlapobersky
Ann Shlapobersky
Ann Shlapobersky Have fun with writing Show / demonstrate / write / read You write, then they copy and read. Poetry Create comic strips Letters (friendly/formal/thank you note) Description of something they know Factual report A movie or television review Radio news / weather report Write and/or present a short dialogue/play/script (short or extended dialogues) (Guided)
What type of writing Elementary description friendly letter invitation list note questionnaire report speech bubble story Junior High article (e.g. for school newspaper) blog friendly letter extended form forum short composition (e.g. opinion, description.) story Ann Shlapobersky
What type of writing is in your text books? Ann Shlapobersky
What can you do online? ReadWriteThink MakeBeliefComix Padlet Sites approved by the Ministry Sites approved by the Ministry List of websites: Eric Cohen Books List of websites: Eric Cohen Books Ann Shlapobersky
Ann Shlapobersky When writing expect: complete, clear and organized sentences correct grammar good spelling relevant vocabulary sequence of ideas
Ann Shlapobersky You can also teach that... writing is a form of self-expression. writing is a form of visual art. writing is a form of developing imagination. writing is... ECB Online -
Thank you! Ann Shlapobersky Ann Shlapobersky