Envisioning Our Future St. Cecilia Parish Gathering March 24, 2015
Father Francis Macatangay Opening Prayer and Welcome
Jeanmarie Stevenson and Eddie Standige Overview of the Evening 2015 PARISHIONER SURVEY ENCUESTA PARA FELIGRESES 2015
Mark Kemmeter, Meitler Key Insights from the 2015 Parishioner Survey
Survey Response Rate 2015 PARISHIONER SURVEY ENCUESTA PARA FELIGRESES 2015 Total Parish Households1,500 Total Survey Respondents366 Percentage of Response 24%
My Opinions about St. Cecilia Parish Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 366 Answered
When I think about the future of the parish in the next 5 to 10 years, I foresee: 366 Answered
The Weekend Masses include: Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 344 Answered
I am interested in participating in an adult retreat that is held at St. Cecilia. Not Interested Very Much Interested 344 Answered Neutral
I am interested in joining a small faith- sharing group which meets at the parish or in someone’s home. Not Interested Very Much Interested 344 Answered Neutral
I am interested in volunteering in a parish ministry that serves the community. Not Interested Very Much Interested 344 Answered Neutral
What additional types of community builders or social activities are needed at St. Cecilia? (check all that apply) 344 Answered
The parish can communicate most effectively with me through: (check all that apply) 344 Answered
Level of Agreement about Parish Operations 338 Answered Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Upon elimination of the existing debt, I am willing to make an extra contribution for a new renovation to update to the parish facilities. Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 338 Answered Neither agree nor disagree
The facilities at St. Cecilia are: 338 Answered Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Age of Respondents 331 Answered
Household Size of Respondents 327 Answered
Length of Respondents’ Membership at St. Cecilia 328 Answered
Frequency of Mass Attendance for Respondents 330 Answered
The current schedule of Masses meets my needs. Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 334 Answered Neither agree nor disagree
I volunteer at the parish or school in a ministry or activity: 334 Answered
I contribute financially to the mission of the parish: 323 Answered
St. Cecilia is a welcoming Catholic community, Called by God to share the joy of the Gospel, In love and service to those around us. Proposed Vision for St. Cecilia in the plan
Welcome + Share the Gospel + Serve Summary of the Vision Statement
There are many cultural groups at St. Cecilia. Every effort will be made to provide for the Pastoral and Spiritual needs of the parishioners. St. Cecilia is a Multi-Cultural Community
Leading and organizing the vision (structure) Pastoral activity (mission) Resourcing the vision (support) Organization of the Plan
Year 1 – Initiatives to improve the quality of ministries and to develop the structure and resources to support growth Year 3 – Assess initiatives and membership growth to identify what St. Cecilia will look like in the future Year 5 – Implement strategic changes Timeline of the Plan
Organize staff into departments/job descriptions/performance appraisal process Organize Lifelong Faith Formation and Pastoral Care & Outreach committees/ reactivate Stewardship Committee Leading and Organizing – Year 1
Assess professional development needs Study/implement future staff needs Recruit and form volunteer leaders Leading and Organizing – Years 3 and 5
Eliminate parish debt and coordinate fundraisers Form Buildings & Grounds and Technology committees Develop rotation/replacement plan for technology and provide local tech support Resourcing the Vision – Year 1
Assess financial potential for site improvements Consider key facility needs connected with membership growth Develop a long-term technology strategy Resourcing the Vision – Years 3 and 5
Improve weekend Mass attendance Evaluate seating capacity and worship space Liturgy
Develop parish-wide awareness of school as a parish ministry Promote family-based parish celebrations for all parishioners Lifelong Faith Formation - School
Add sessions for parents Promote family-based parish celebrations for all parishioners Develop a total youth ministry Hire a Family Life Director and develop programs Establish adult retreats and small faith sharing groups Look at enrollments, retention rates, and program options for the future Lifelong Faith Formation
Study new project possibilities Increase the number of volunteers Pastoral Care & Outreach
Welcome new members into the parish Invite parishioners to volunteer for ministries Implement a stewardship of treasure approach Create a centralized database Stewardship
Questions to clarify plan
Staggered assignments for groups to review the plan Affirm Change Add Small group discussion of the plan
Staggered assignments for groups to review the plan Affirm Change Add Small group discussion of the plan
One area your group AFFIRMED A CHANGE to an area Something ADDED to an area Large group feedback
Final draft by Steering Committee in April Approval by Pastoral Council Implementation Next steps in the process
Your participation in envisioning events and the survey The work of task groups in writing and developing the plan The dedicated efforts of the Steering Committee The leadership of the Executive Committee Thank You
Father Francis Macatangay Closing Prayer