NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS) Department Guidelines NIMS 2007 Requirements
Overview Welcome Introductions Administrative –Sign-in –Point of contact verification Background 2006 Scorecard Summary 2007 NIMS Requirements
Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) Statewide framework for responding to and managing emergencies and disasters. –1996: State mandated the statewide use of SEMS.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive Management of Domestic Incidents HSPD-5 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Mandates
NIMS National framework for responding to and managing emergencies and disasters.
SEMS vs. NIMS NIMS will not replace SEMS, rather, NIMS will be integrated into SEMS! –Federal Government modeled NIMS on SEMS
National Incident Management System (NIMS) Federal preparedness assistance will be conditioned by full compliance with NIMS
SEMS vs. NIMS Similarities: –Incident Command System (ICS) –Mutual Aid Agreements Incident Command OperationsLogisticsPlanningFinance/Admin
SEMS vs. NIMS Differences: –Resource Management –After Action > Corrective Action Reports –Qualifications/Certifications
2006 Scorecard Summary
REQUIRED TRAINING COURSES Course# Required to Complete Training # Completed Training % Compliance IS % IS % IS-300 (2007)* % IS-400 (2007)* % IS-70016,47714,74890% IS % SEMS Intro % SEMS Exec655178% SEMS EOC %
NIMCAST Requirement Date Submitted % Compliance Overall Score NIMCAST: Required of the 9 lead emergency departments only 1/31/06 (requested by State) 100%91.56%
RESOURCE TYPING Requirement # 120-Typed Resources # 120-Non-Typed Resources Inventory mutual aid resources according to the Federal “120- typed definitions”
NIMS Compliant Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Requirement Number of departments submitting EOP NIMS Compliant Checklist Update emergency operations plans, policies, and procedures to ensure NIMS compliance 18 departments submitted checklist - 25 verbalize compliance
2007 NIMS Requirements
NIMS “Matrix” Matrix –List of 2007 NIMS Requirements 23 Total –6 New –23 from 2006 (extension) –Tier 1 (bold) action steps are required!!! Must be completed by Sept. 30, 2007
NIMS “Metrics” –Allows the OA/State to MEASURE compliance –Tier 1 (bold) action steps are required!!! Must be completed by Sept. 30, 2007