Opportunities and Challenges for Coastal Management in Oregon
Marine & Coastal Management A process by which decisions are taken for the development, conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal systems – biophysical, social, cultural and economic.
Challenges & Opportunities Challenges & opportunities in coastal management Include: Biological & physical systems Social, economic and political dimensions Available human resources including education & training of managers and stakeholders Institutional & legal frameworks In the rest of the lecture we’ll explore some examples from Oregon
Are our management actions Achievable? Affordable (cost & time)? Popular with decision makers, stakeholders, public, voters?
Challenges: The Natural Environment
Our biggest challenge is understanding and adapting to environmental change whether natural or human induced Oregon’s coastal ecosystems - marine and terrestrial – are adapted for change. Our coastal communities and economy not be so resilient to change unless it is planned for.
Changing Beaches and Shorelines
Oregon’s beaches and shoreline are an important part of our identity. Our coast is where we live, play and its generate tourism income for our communities and state. Much of the shoreline is managed by the state for recreation. Oregon’s Shoreline
Impacts on Beaches and Shorelines
Changing Marine Ecosystems & Impacts on Fisheries
Changing Ocean Ecosystems Intensified upwelling? Increased ocean temperature? Increased ocean acidity? Changes in plankton & food chains? Harley et al. 2006
Ocean Acidification
Impacts on Ocean Fisheries California current ecosystem has changed often in the past Any changes due to predicted warming will be difficult to detect because of high natural variability Changes that do occur will affect commercial fisheries and recreational fisheries Norton and Mason 2005 Sea Temperature Anomaly Upwelling anomaly
Changes in Upwelling
Impacts on Salmon Fishing
Salmon - Loss of Habitat OR will lose more habitat than WA or ID Trout habitat less impacted than salmon habitat because salmon are restricted to warmer waters by dams and other barriers Salmon Habitat Lost in OR, ID, WA ISAB Climate Change Report 2007 By 2030 OR could lose15% of its salmon habitat By 2090 OR could lose 45% of its salmon habitat
Salmon - Ocean survival Source: Peterson et al Warmer waters reduce salmon survival: Decreased food supply Higher metabolic rates and less growth Increased migration distances Increased predation by warm water species
Community and Social Challenges
On the ocean increased competition for space from the new industrialization of the ocean: Offshore renewable energy Marine farming Dredging, dumping etc In our communities: Decline of resource industries Tourism Immigration Retirees Rise of the service industry and minimum wage jobs Economic Change
Growth and development present both opportunities for and challenges to community economic prosperity and ecological sustainability. We need to: Identify and create opportunities for economic and environmentally sustainable development of our coastal communities. Build the capability within coastal communities to create and take take advantages of new opportunities. Coastal Development and Community Prosperity
Collective learning determines a community’s ability to take advantage of opportunities for sustainable economic and ecological development. Informed individuals & communities are better able to maintain & improve the quality of the ecosystems and natural resources on which they depend. How can we build human capital, developing new models for learning and engagement encompassing K-12, formal and informal learning strategies and opportunities? Learning for Sustainable Communities
Changing Stakeholders: The Ocean Aware There is unprecedented awareness among non-coastal residents of the state of our coastal and ocean resources. Management, education and communication actions have to be increasingly aware of a new community of interest - the ocean aware. We need to understand the motivations of this group and encourage initiatives that align the interests of both new and traditional stakeholders.
Changing Stakeholders: The NGO Community and a New Kind of Direct Action Increasing outreach & research activities by non- governmental organizations & industry associations engaged in marine issues. Stakeholder organizations and foundations do not necessarily represent the wider interests of coastal communities nor is their research always agenda free. How can traditional agencies work with these organizations to leverage new research resources while giving decision makers and the public confidence in the integrity and quality of this research?
Responding to The Management Challenge
Decision-makers need to educate researchers by about the kinds of data and information they will need, and their time lines for decisions. Researchers in the natural and social sciences need to educate decision-makers about what is at stake in the interactions of society and economy with the natural environment. Two-way dialogue between researchers and decision-makers is critical. Linking Research & Management
Ecosystem based management demands the collection and use of vast amount of data about our oceans and coasts. For the first time we have the technology to collect, store and disseminate this data to specialists and citizenry alike. To maximize the value of this data we need to transform it into useful information by: Understanding the needs of potential users of coastal and ocean information. Considering the skill levels of users and where necessary increasing these skill levels. The Data Revolution
Unprecedented Change in Marine Governance Pew Commission & Ocean Commission early to mid 00s Bush Administration response 2005 State responses present: E.g. California, Massachusetts, West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health etc. Obama Administration 2009 : Catch Shares Interim Ocean Policy Policy Marine Spatial Planning
Emerging scientific consensus around ecosystem-based management as a conceptual model for managing marine systems. It is about maintaining healthy marine & coastal ecosystems so that they can provide the services humans want and need for this and future generations. It is place focused rather than sector focused. EBM focused research and education explicitly integrates multiple disciplines and perspectives and emphasizes their interconnection. Planning for the 21st Century Ocean Uses
Putting EBM into effect means giving greater attention to research that supports marine spatial planning by: Identifying management units based on biotic and abiotic characteristics and disturbance regimes. Establishing the value of the ecosystem services provided by these management units. Evaluating regulatory and non-regulatory management that align incentives for the sustainable use of resources within the zones. Encouraging adaptive management programs to monitor, review and adjust zones and their regulation as required. Planning for the 21st Century Ocean Uses
State Planning
Take Home Messages Coastal management is about change management Changes in marine & coastal ecosystems are unpredictable & are a result of both natural variability and human induced variability Oregon’s coastal ecosystems - marine and terrestrial - are adapted for change Coastal communities and their dependence on coastal services may not be so resilient to change unless it is planned for Change planning has to integrate both bio-physical and human dimensions of coastal systems We are only beginning to figure out how to do this.