UK- Saudi Arabia Contact Seminar – Day 4
Programme Overview: Day 1: Getting to know each other and our education systems Day 2: Visit to a Saudi School Day 3: Identifying and agreeing project themes and activities Day 4: Finalising the Project Plan
Reflections on Day 3
Example themes: Environmental sustainability English/Arabic language Understanding our cultures The Global Economy Art/literature/poetry UK/Arab history Food and healthy eating Example skills: Teamwork Participation Research Presentation Creativity Debate Example values: Respect Active citizenship Tolerance Responsibility Integrity
Day 4: Finalising the Project Plan Outputs: Communication Plan Project Plan Draft visit itinerary
Dissemination Assemblies Parents Websites Local press Other schools
Draft Project Planning
UK- Saudi Arabia Programme Schedule
Submission of Year 1 Project Plan - Deadline: ASAP Activity in Year 1: 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 Joint Curriculum Projects Submit Travel Plan 2 months before visit date £1,500 per school Travel grant (split between UK and Saudi Arabia) Visit from UK to Middle East Submission of Year 1 Report and Year 2 Project Plan - Deadline: 31 March 2013 Activity in Year 2: 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 Joint Curriculum Projects Submit Travel Plan 2 months before visit date £1,500 per school Travel grant (split between UK and Saudi Arabia) Visit from Middle East to UK Submission of Final Report - Deadline: 31 March 2014
Year 1 Project PlanSubmit one agreed form Travel Plan ( )Submit one agreed form Annual Report and Project PlanUK submit to British Council UK/KSA submit to British Council KSA Travel Plan ( )Submit one agreed form Final ReportUK submit to British Council UK/KSA submit to British Council KSA Contact details: British Council Saudi Arabia
School Calenders
Identify priorities for the visit
Visit priorities for you What are you interested in? What would you like to learn about? What would you like to achieve? What activities would you like to have? 1.Curriculum content 2.Education systems 3.Learning/teaching styles 4.Professional development 5.Classroom management/behaviour 6.Additional needs provision 7.Pupil assessment 8.School inspection 9.School/faculty management
The Project Plan
Themes and Aims Bridging gaps between two diverse cultures Activity Plan DateActivity including subject areas, who is involved etc Purpose 2012 Activity 1 : Poetry Students will write poetry.Poetry will encourage cultural exchange.
Themes and Aims Energy Consumption: a comparative and active exchange. Aims: Knowledge: To learn and reflect on our local, national and international contexts through comparative study Skills: To develop student skills in research, IT and communication Values and participation: To promote student participation in school policy To encourage action for positive change
Activity Plan DateActivity including subject areas, who is involved etcPurpose February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 Year 10 geography teachers in each school will commission a pupil lead energy audit. 1 class of pupils in each country. Results are shared via Schools Online. Pupils discuss and then present comparative findings in an assembly. Assemblies are filmed and shared online. A student committee is formed between the schools to propose changes to school policy in order to reduce energy waste. Year 10 pupils lead younger pupils. The committee meets weekly for one month via Skype. As a result the students identify joint targets and write a report for their head teachers outlining proposals for changes in policy in the school. The head-teachers’ responses are shared. Teachers research national energy consumption targets in their countries. Teachers lead lessons linking school findings to the national picture. Both countries policies, their rationale and political motivation are analysed. Awareness of energy use and waste increased. Research skills developed. Awareness of the partner countries context is increased. Skills in presenting and filming developed. Students build on their relationships and lead their own creative and innovative solutions. The project will encourage active participation in students and address a local need. Pupils relate their project to national and international agenda. Knowledge of policy development increased.
Project Planning
Good luck!