Seattle Community Network How to use SCN to send and receive . Using the PINE Service Text based
Introduction n At the end of this session you will be able to send and receive n Steve Guest / Jim Haskins n George Goodwin / Dave Collins n Melissa Guest Seattle Community Network (SCN)
The Pine Service n Text based interface n Easy to use n Fast n Can be used over all dialup lines n Basic concepts are those of most modern services n High level of functionality n Supports low end equipment
What is SCN n Almost totally volunteer run ISP n Has strong principles n One of the largest ISPs in Seattle n One of the oldest ISPs in Seattle n Provides free and web sites n Provides maillist and news groups n Supported by donations and grants n No Advertisements
Addresses n These are like most addresses: a name and a place for delivery n Important that you type what you see because computers make bad postal workers e.g.
Computer names n.. n or n domain names in the USA org Organisation edu Education gov Government mil Military com Commercial
The Keyboard n Return or Enter Key n Shift Key n ^ - Control Key (not the 6 Key) n Delete or Backspace Key n Auto Repeat n Any key
Logging into SCN n Choose “telnet” n The hostname is n At the login type YOUR user id n At password type YOUR password n Remember to press the enter key at each stage
The SCN menu system n Text based - for speed and older machines n Menu driven n FreePort from Case-Western University n Interface to all SCN’s services
Change your password n This is a “SCN Utility” - option 7 n It is a “User Account Service” - 1 n There is “Change your Password” n Follow the instructions Old Password New Password Retype New Password n Try not to forget it
- Pine n There are two ways of getting to the PINE service. n Follow the menu for or n Simply type pine n Only on the first startup - you are asked some questions. In these cases simple press return
Pine’s Read Screen n On SCN, Pine always starts with a list of you have been sent. (So this should be empty!) n At the bottom of the screen is a list of commands / options / things you can get Pine to do. n Look for the arrow keys on the keyboard - you will need these later!
Sending n You “Compose” a message n m - will take you to the main menu n c - will then compose (by the way - you can also compose from the read screen, but we wanted you to see the main menu!)
An Message n Headers To, From, Subject, Date n Message or Main Body The contents of the message. What you wanted the person to actually read. n Header Envelope n Message Letter
Type in an n Choose who To: n Choose a Subject: n Type a simple message n Note that the bottom help section now has the “^” Control keys n So “^x” will send the . Press and hold down the Control Key and then press the x key once
Options while Writing n Postpone - put off the task until later (save what you have so far) n Cancel - put off the task forever n Get help - seek “on-line” help n Look at the bottom reminder lines for other options.
Exit Pine n To stop the Pine service you type “q” at the main menu or the read menu n While Pine is stopped - will still be accepted by SCN. Pine simply gives you access to the and helps you create your .
Reading n Start Pine n Look at the information Number, Date, From, Subject n Use up and down arrow keys to highlight a message - press Enter n Look at the bottom lines for options and see “i” goes back to the index
What can you do now? n Reply to a highlighted message n Forward a message n Save a message n Delete a message n Explore the other options
Editing Messages n You might need to edit a message - change what is or was written n You have a cursor n Commands you might need: è Arrows keys move you around è Delete (or Backspace) erases the character to the left of the cursor è ^k deletes a whole line è ^u undelete what was deleted è ^j reforms the paragraph
What you now know n Login to SCN n Start Pine n Read n Write n Manipulate n Stop/Exit from Pine n Logout of SCN
There is more n This is a basic introduction n To help you, SCN has an follow on system called PINENUTS n These are video tapes in the Library n There are help pages within SCN and Pine itself n Pine is a powerful program
Other details n Remember the SCN 45 minute limit per session n The Library has a 45 minute per day limit for Internet access n SCN has a limit on its mailbox size
Other ways of ing n SCN offers other services which are not covered here u forwarding u POP u IMAP u Web n Other services are being developed
Contacting SCN n SCN has a Help Desk (206) or n SCN has 40 dial-up lines (206) n Or from most Libraries
Thank-you n We hope you will have many more happy hours using your SCN account n Thank-you for your time