Module 3: Changes to Transact-SQL
Overview Accessing Object Information New Transact-SQL Syntax Changes to Objects Distributed Queries
Accessing Object Information Referencing Objects Viewing Metadata
Referencing Objects Longer Object Names Fully-Qualified Object Names Bracketed Identifiers Changing Object Ownership northwind.dbo.[order details] server.database.owner.object EXEC sp_changedobjectowner 'products', 'Arturo'
Viewing Metadata Use System Stored Procedures Use Information Schema Views Use Metadata Functions SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables USE northwind IF OBJECTPROPERTY (object_id('products'), 'ISTABLE') IS NULL PRINT 'Products is not an object' USE northwind IF OBJECTPROPERTY (object_id('products'), 'ISTABLE') IS NULL PRINT 'Products is not an object'
New Transact-SQL Syntax New Statements, Functions, and Options Changes for ANSI Compliance
New Statements, Functions, and Options SET Statements and Options SET SHOWPLAN_ALL SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT local_variable = constant SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT Functions VAR, STDEV SELECT Statement Options TOP, PERCENT, WITH TIES
Changes for ANSI Compliance ANSI Support CAST COMMIT WORK and ROLLBACK WORK PRIVILEGES Default ANSI Settings OFF for DB-Library ON for ODBC
Changes to Objects Data Types Tables Stored Procedures Views Triggers Transact-SQL Cursors
Data Types Changes to Existing Data Types decimal and numeric char, varchar, and binary sysname text and image New Types of Data Unicode character Unicode text Global identifier Cursor
Tables Changes to ALTER TABLE Statement Can add a column with a default Can specify NOT NULL Can drop a column with ALTER TABLE New Features for Columns IDENTITY with NOT FOR REPLICATION uniqueidentifier with NEWID Computed columns ALTER TABLE mytable ADD city varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT “Tokyo” ALTER TABLE mytable ADD city varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT “Tokyo”
Stored Procedures Delayed Name Resolution Allows reference to objects created after stored procedure is created ALTER PROCEDURE Modifies existing stored procedure without changing permissions sp_procoption Sets and reports options that affect stored procedure execution
Views Delayed Name Resolution ALTER VIEW Maintains column permissions USE northwind GO CREATE VIEW productview AS SELECT productname FROM products GO ALTER VIEW productview AS SELECT productname FROM products WHERE categoryid = 1 GO USE northwind GO CREATE VIEW productview AS SELECT productname FROM products GO ALTER VIEW productview AS SELECT productname FROM products WHERE categoryid = 1 GO
Triggers Syntax Changes Delayed name resolution supported Prevent trigger execution for replication Can change trigger definition using ALTER TRIGGER Multiple Triggers Nested Triggers Trigger Recursion
Transact-SQL Cursors New cursor Data Type and Cursor Variables New Options for DECLARE CURSOR Statement LOCAL, GLOBAL, FORWARD_ONLY, STATIC, KEYSET, DYNAMIC, FAST_FORWARD, SCROLL_LOCKS, OPTIMISTIC, TYPE_WARNING Retrieving Information About Cursors CURSOR_STATUS Function
Upgrade Considerations for Transact-SQL Remove References to System Tables from Scripts Replace New Reserved Keywords in Scripts Specify Object Owner Name in Scripts Use Binary and Character Data Types for Data 8000 Bytes or Less Check ANSI Settings Alter Objects Rather Than Drop and Recreate Them
Lab 3.1: Changes to Transact-SQL and Objects
Distributed Queries Linked Server Environments Setting Up a Linked Server Establishing Linked Server Security Getting Information About Linked Servers Executing Linked Server Queries Executing Ad Hoc Queries
Linked Server Environments Other Data Sources Linked SQL Server SQL Server allows access to other data sources Linked servers must be linked to the local computer running SQL Server Local SQL Server
Setting Up a Linked Server Connecting to a Remote SQL Server Connecting to an OLE DB Data Source EXEC = = 'SQL Server' EXEC = = 'SQL Server' EXEC = = = = 'OracleDB' -- 'OracleDB’ is the SQL*Net alias EXEC = = = = 'OracleDB' -- 'OracleDB’ is the SQL*Net alias
Establishing Linked Server Security EXEC = = = = 'allcustomers', EXEC = = = = 'allcustomers', Local Server Logs In to Remote Server on User’s Behalf To Establish Linked Server Security, You Can Use the same user login accounts on both servers Map login IDs between servers
Getting Information About Linked Servers sp_linkedservers sp_catalogs sp_indexes sp_primarykeys sp_foreignkeys sp_tables_ex sp_columns_ex USE master EXEC sp_indexes 'CAIRO', 'employees', 'dbo', 'northwind', NULL, 0 USE master EXEC sp_indexes 'CAIRO', 'employees', 'dbo', 'northwind', NULL, 0
Executing Linked Server Queries Using Transact-SQL Using Pass-through Queries SELECT companyname FROM AccountingServer.northwindremote.dbo.suppliers SELECT companyname FROM AccountingServer.northwindremote.dbo.suppliers SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (AsiaServer, ' SELECT productid, FROM northwind.dbo.ProductInfo ' ) SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY (AsiaServer, ' SELECT productid, FROM northwind.dbo.ProductInfo ' )
Executing Ad Hoc Queries Use the OPENROWSET Function: To Access Remote Data Without Setting Up a Linked Server When You Do Not Expect to Use the Data Source Repeatedly SELECT a.* FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'London1'; 'newcustomer';'mypassword', 'SELECT productid, unitprice FROM northwind.dbo.products ORDER BY unitprice') AS a SELECT a.* FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'London1'; 'newcustomer';'mypassword', 'SELECT productid, unitprice FROM northwind.dbo.products ORDER BY unitprice') AS a
Lab 3.2: Distributed Queries
Review Accessing Object Information New Transact-SQL Syntax Changes to Objects Distributed Queries