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Accreditation 101 In The Classroom The Big Picture 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Show Me The Money SCE Facts
This term refers to free continuing education classes that are financially supported by the state of California and do not provide credit toward a college degree.
What are noncredit courses? Click to return.
This organization is the fourth largest noncredit program in the state of California.
What is the School of Continuing Education? Click to return.
47,943 in
What is the number of unduplicated students served by SCE? Click to return.
SCE offers approximately this number of courses each trimester
What is 1,000? Click to return.
To promote _____ _____ by providing quality ______ _____ opportunities and services that anticipates and serves the diverse needs of individuals, business and the community.
What is Student Success and Lifelong Learning? Click to return.
This is the date that the WASC Accreditation Team will visit SCE
What is March 14-16, 2011? Click to return.
Identified through SCE’s self-study, the number of standards used in the evaluation by the accrediting team
What is 10? Click to return.
The division of WASC that SCE is accredited under
What is the Accrediting Commission for Schools (ACS). Click to return.
The maximum number of years that WASC accreditation can be granted
What is six years? Click to return.
The document that addresses critical areas of improvement by SCE and WASC
What is the School-wide Action Plan? Click to return.
This term is synonymous with positive attendance; the funding based on the actual number of hours a student has attended class
What is apportionment? Click to return.
This is our largest community education program, which is not sustained by State funds.
What is Kids’ College and Teen Program? Click to return.
This is the term that refers to 525 hours of positive attendance
What is Full-time Equivalent Student (FTES)? Click to return.
iTendance is SCE’s _______ and _____ system.
What is timecard and roster? Click to return.
This term refers to the amount of FTES expected to be generated in a given fiscal year.
What is the annual FTES target? Click to return.
This online system is used to submit, review, edit and approve curriculum at SCE
What is CurricUNET? Click to return.
A statement that clarifies evidence of learning in the classroom
What is a Student Learning Outcome (SLO)? Click to return.
This enrollment policy is used in ESL, High School Diploma, Computer Lab, DSP&S and in some older adults’ programs
What is an open- entry/open-exit enrollment? Click to return.
SCE uses this assessment instrument for the ESL, Basic Skills, and DSPS programs to measure student progress.
What is CASAS? Click to return.
The process by which a prospective faculty member is evaluated for a position when s/he does not hold the prescribed academic credentials.
What is equivalency? Click to return.
This seven member body governs NOCCCD
What is the NOCCCD Board of Trustees? Click to return.
This document details school-wide goals that is annually created and approved by Provost’s Cabinet
What is the strategic plan? Click to return.
SCE prides itself on this process by which all interested parties can provide input into decision-making
What is shared governance? Click to return.
On a state-level, this office oversees curriculum and provides funding for SCE
What is California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO)? Click to return.
This code of regulations governs all facets of school operations
What is Title V of the California Code of Regulations? Click to return.
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The year that SCE was established as adult education as part of the Fullerton High School District
What is 1930?