Sot23things Welcome to the Launch Please help yourself to a drink and some nibbles Look around the room at all the “Things” and what you will be learning about. Use the post-it notes that are on the tables: Think about what you might call your blog. (from the sublime to the ridiculous) Write down what you hope to get out of this training – you can use this for your 1 st post on your blog. Write down any questions you want answered – stick them onto the white board.
23things Soton blog All roads lead there…… This is your main source of information and where the instructions for each “Thing” will be, We will blog every Monday about what you can expect and you will have all week to explore and blog about your experience.
What is a blog and why do I need to have one? What is a blog – it stands for “web log” and is effectively an online diary. In order to complete Sot23things you need to set up a blog and you need to write something about each “Thing”. If you have one already you can use that. If you haven’t got one but feel happy to set one up on your own, we will be supporting Blogger and Wordpress. – Instructions for both of these will be available via the Sot23things. If you haven’t got one but want some help to set one up, please come to the Help sessions. They are on: Friday 18th January 09:30-11:00 (room 4077) Tuesday 22nd January 14:00-15:30 (room 4077) Thursday 24 th January (room 4075) I
Examples of blogs
What do you have to do now ? Register your interest if you haven’t already done so via the J Drive. Decide if you would like to come to a “Blog Help session” add this to the J Drive. J:\Library\Library_Strategy_Groups\Staff_development\Sot23things Create a Google account, it is optional to include your mobile number. At the help sessions you will be able to do: Thing 1 Create a blog Thing 2 Write your first post using your post-it notes from today. Thing 3 Send your unique Blog URL to Catherine Polley (clp2) and she will add you to the list of participants, Find some of the participant’s blog that look interesting and comment on them.
Booking Mobile Devices \\\RESOURCE\Library\Library_Strategy_Groups\Staff_development\M obile Devices\Mobile Devices Booking Diary 2013.xlsx For 23 Things, we have an iPad and Tablet (Asus Nexus 7) for you to use should you want to have a go. There will be some “Smart” Phones available soon. You can book them using the link above which is on the J Drive. The devices are listed at the bottom and you write you name in the dates and times you want. They are kept in the Small Stationary cupboard in the Pauline and Anne’s office. There is only one key. If you can’t find Pauline, then Anne, Roni, Heather, Richard and Mark should be able to help you.
Where can you do Sot23things? If you need to work quietly on 23things or want to work with a friend, and need a computer to work on you can use Room 4059 which is on this floor along the corridor, next to Room See floor plan If you don’t have a key, go along to reception who will check the paper calendar and if it is free, they will give you the key which you have to sign for and then return it when you have finished. If you do have a key and it is free, you can use it as long as there is no sign on the door to say it is busy. You can also use the Staff Room or the Staff Club or just sit at your desk. Do what is best for you.
Passwords, Accounts and Online Identity As you delve into Sot23things you might need to create accounts requiring passwords and personal information. You are in control of your online Identity. Please keep all your account information safe and use different passwords if you can. Check the privacy options and adjust the settings you are comfortable with. There are some links on the Support page on the Sot23things blogs about passwords and online identity.
Writing reflectively What is it and why will it help? It is personal. It is your thoughts about a topic - like a diary. It makes your blog more interesting and you will learn more. Reflection turns what you experience into genuine learning as you have to think about your thoughts and feelings – putting them into context. Have look at some of the books we have on the tables, there is a copy of a guide on the table which is useful. Practice Look at the Vocabulary aid. Write down what you have learned during the launch today. Eg: For me, the most important idea was learning that a blog could be interesting, previously I thought that it would be boring. This is probably due to not understanding how the technology worked. I tend to shy away from things I don’t fully understand.