Metric Prefixes Conversions Ch 1 Examples
Convert dm to nm Deci (10 -1 ) to nano- (10 -9 ) is move of eight orders of magnitude to the right Decimal moves eight decimal places to the right nm 3.00 x nm also OK
Convert 4,000 cg to Mg Centi- (10 -2 ) to Mega- (10 6 ) is eight orders of magnitude to the left Decimal moves eight places to the left Mg 4 x Mg
Convert 3.4 x km to cm Kilo- (10 3 ) to centi- (10 -2 ) is move of five decimal places to the right Exponent rises five 3.4 x cm cm
Convert 9.61 x 10 5 pm to m Convert 9.61 x 10 5 pm to m Pico- ( ) to base unit (10 0 ) is twelve steps on number line to the left Exponent drops twelve 9.61 x m m
Converting Square and Cubic Units Multiply the decimal place change by the exponent of the unit to know the overall change in value Square (area) units-multiply by 2 Cubic (volume) units-multiply by 3
Example: Square Units Convert mm 2 to cm 2 Milli (10 -3 ) to centi (10 -2 ) is move of one decimal place to the left Multiply this X 2 = total change of 2 decimal places to the left because square units cm x 10 2 cm 2
Example: Cubic Units Convert 2.39 x km 3 to dm 3 Kilo (10 3 ) to deci- (10 -1 ) is move of four steps on number line to right Multiply this value by 3 because cubic unit = total change of 12 decimal places Exponent rises x dm dm 3
Find the Conversion Convert 2.06 x Tm 3 to km 3
Tera (10 12 ) to kilo (10 3 ) is change of 9 decimal places to the right Multiply this by 3 because volume unit Total decimal place change is 27 Exponent rises x km 3
Find the Conversion Convert 6.05 x μm 2 to cm 2
micro (10 6 ) to centi (10 -2 ) is change of 4 decimal places to the left Multiply this by 2 because area unit Total decimal place change is 8 Exponent falls x 10 4 cm 2