The raw water supply of Statesboro's drinking water is from the Floridian Aquifer. The raw water supply of Statesboro's drinking water is from the Floridian Aquifer. It is a limestone formation running under the entire country and extends south. It is a limestone formation running under the entire country and extends south.
Raw water from this Aquifer has very high quality. It is withdrawn from the Aquifer through five active deep wells. Water Treatment Includes: chlorination (which is a disinfection), fluoridation (prevents tooth decay in children’s teeth), and phosphate (for iron control). Safety of the Floridian Aquifer
As water travels through the surface of the ground in lakes, rivers, streams, and springs, it may pick up: minerals, various bacteria, and substances provided by human or animal activity. The presence of this contaminates does no necessary post a threat for people that are drinking the water. Contaminates In Water Source
MYTH! Due to aggressive advertising, bottled water companies has convinced communities that bottled water is clean and safer than tap water. After a four year study, they have proven that is not the case. In fact, 25 percent of bottled water is actually just bottled tap water. This makes people spend 10,000 times more per gallon, when they are basically the same water. Bottled Water Is Better Than Tap Water?
Fill your dishwater to maximum capacity, they use 15 gallons PER cycle. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Check every faucet for leaks, just a slow drip can waste gallons A DAY! Check for leaks in your toilet, it is not uncommon to lose 100 gallons of water a day from an invisible toilet leak. Want To Save Money & Water?