تحت عنوان برو ابآكم تبركم ابنائكم... تحدث أحد الآباء، قبل خمسين عاماً حج هذا مع والده، بصحبة قافلة على الجمال، وعندما تجاوزوا منطقة عفيف، وقبل الوصول إلى ظلم، رغب الأب أكرمكم الله- أن يقضى حاجته، فأنزله الابن من البعير، ومضى الأب إلى حاجته، وقال للأبن انطلق مع القافلة أنت، وسوف الحق بكم. مضى الأبن، وبعد برهه من الزمن التفت ووجد ان القافلة بعدت عن والده، فعاد جارياً على قدميه، ليحمل والده على كتفه، ثم انطلق يجرى به، يقول الابن وبينما هو كذلك، أحسست برطوبة تنزل على وجهى، تحت عنوان برو ابآكم تبركم ابنائكم... تحدث أحد الآباء، قبل خمسين عاماً حج هذا مع والده، بصحبة قافلة على الجمال، وعندما تجاوزوا منطقة عفيف، وقبل الوصول إلى ظلم، رغب الأب أكرمكم الله- أن يقضى حاجته، فأنزله الابن من البعير، ومضى الأب إلى حاجته، وقال للأبن انطلق مع القافلة أنت، وسوف الحق بكم. مضى الأبن، وبعد برهه من الزمن التفت ووجد ان القافلة بعدت عن والده، فعاد جارياً على قدميه، ليحمل والده على كتفه، ثم انطلق يجرى به، يقول الابن وبينما هو كذلك، أحسست برطوبة تنزل على وجهى،
وتبين لى أنها دموع والدى فقلت لآبى، والله إنك أخف على كتفى من الريشة... فقال الأب: ليس لهذا بكيت، ولكن فى هذا المكان حملت انا والدى. هذة القصة فكرتنى بقصة آخرى على النقيض سمعتها منذ عدة سنوات... الأبن ضاقت زوجته بأبيه الذى يقيم معهم فى نفس الشقة وطلبت منه أن يطرده وحمل الأبن أباه وسار به طويلا ثم وجد صخرة فتركه عندها... وأخذ الأب يبكى وطلب من ابنه ان ينقلة وأشار الى صخرة أخرى... وتبين لى أنها دموع والدى فقلت لآبى، والله إنك أخف على كتفى من الريشة... فقال الأب: ليس لهذا بكيت، ولكن فى هذا المكان حملت انا والدى. هذة القصة فكرتنى بقصة آخرى على النقيض سمعتها منذ عدة سنوات... الأبن ضاقت زوجته بأبيه الذى يقيم معهم فى نفس الشقة وطلبت منه أن يطرده وحمل الأبن أباه وسار به طويلا ثم وجد صخرة فتركه عندها... وأخذ الأب يبكى وطلب من ابنه ان ينقلة وأشار الى صخرة أخرى...
فلما سأله أبنه عن السبب قال له منذ سنين مضت تركت أنا أبى عند هذة الصخرة... فبكى الأبن وعاد بوالده للمنزل. ونحن نذكر أنفسنا بأن من زرع حصد... فلما سأله أبنه عن السبب قال له منذ سنين مضت تركت أنا أبى عند هذة الصخرة... فبكى الأبن وعاد بوالده للمنزل. ونحن نذكر أنفسنا بأن من زرع حصد... خروج
UNDER THE HEADLINE OF BE KIND TO YOUR PARENTS … YOUR CHILDREN WILL BE KIND TO YOU… One of the sons narrated that since fifty years he went to pilgrimage with his father, accompanied by one of the tribes traveling by Camels. UNDER THE HEADLINE OF BE KIND TO YOUR PARENTS … YOUR CHILDREN WILL BE KIND TO YOU… One of the sons narrated that since fifty years he went to pilgrimage with his father, accompanied by one of the tribes traveling by Camels.
When the tribe reached if area and before arriving to Zolma, the father wanted to descrete, so his son got him down from the camel, to discharge and asked his son to go with the tribe and that he will follow him. The son has gone with the tribe and after sometime, he noticed that the tribe became far from his father. So, he rushed back to his father and carried his father on his shoulder. When the tribe reached if area and before arriving to Zolma, the father wanted to descrete, so his son got him down from the camel, to discharge and asked his son to go with the tribe and that he will follow him. The son has gone with the tribe and after sometime, he noticed that the tribe became far from his father. So, he rushed back to his father and carried his father on his shoulder.
At that time I felt something dropping on his face, and discovered that it is the tears of his father. Therefore, I told him: I swear with Allah that you are more lighter than a feather. The father said: This is not the reason of making me cry, but because this is the same place I carried my father before. At that time I felt something dropping on his face, and discovered that it is the tears of his father. Therefore, I told him: I swear with Allah that you are more lighter than a feather. The father said: This is not the reason of making me cry, but because this is the same place I carried my father before.
This story is contradicting a story I heard since few years of a son who his wife was not bearing her father in law who was living with them. So she asked her husband to get rid of him. The son took his father very far away until he found a rock and left him there. The father kept crying and asked his son to move him to another rock. When his son asked of the reason of his request. This story is contradicting a story I heard since few years of a son who his wife was not bearing her father in law who was living with them. So she asked her husband to get rid of him. The son took his father very far away until he found a rock and left him there. The father kept crying and asked his son to move him to another rock. When his son asked of the reason of his request.
The father answered that he left his father on the same rock. The son cried and took his father back to his home. We have to remind ourselves always … That who cultivate will harvest. The father answered that he left his father on the same rock. The son cried and took his father back to his home. We have to remind ourselves always … That who cultivate will harvest. EXIT