Employment Level Leeds Population Overview year olds working, studying or unemployed Jobs in Leeds now and in future
Leeds Population Statistics Source ONS Mid-year Population Estimates, 2011
Leeds Population Statistics Leeds Population BreakdownMaleFemaleTotal Total Population368,000382,700750,700 Aged ,20049,60096,900 The total population of Leeds is 750, ,000 are male 382,700 are female Those aged in Leeds total 96,900 (13%). 47,200 are male 49,600 are female Source ONS Mid-year Population Estimates, 2011
18-24 year olds working, studying or unemployed in Leeds Source: ONS Annual Population Survey, January – December 2011
18-24 year olds working, studying or unemployed in Leeds Number of year olds: LeedsEngland Number% % Employed 60, ,745,30056 Unemployed 14, ,50013 In full time education 50, ,551,50032 Source: ONS Annual Population Survey, January – December % are in employment 13% are unemployed 45% are in full time education Of the age group in Leeds:Of the age group in England: 56% are in employment 13% are unemployed 32% are in full time education
Jobs in Leeds now and in future Source: Experian Regional Forecasting Model, Spring 2012
Jobs in Leeds now and in future Broad Sector Categories Job Growth (%) Health, Education and Public Services136,700144,9006 Financial & Business Services119,300140,40018 Distribution, Hotels & Catering95,500106,20011 Transport & Communications28,40034,10020 Construction22,10026,60020 Manufacturing24,30023,000-5 Metals, Minerals & Chemicals7,8006, Engineering7,3005, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing1,6001,90019 Mining & Utilities1,8001,700-6 Total No of Jobs in Leeds444,800490,70010 Source: Experian Regional Forecasting Model, Spring 2012 This table displays the number of jobs estimated in Leeds for 2012 within each sector and jobs forecast in Public sector and the Finance and Business Service sector are the largest provider of employment opportunities in Leeds. In 2012, 136,700 were employed in the public sector, by 2022, this figure is expected to grow 6% to 144,900. Although Manufacturing and Engineering are showing a decline in growing jobs, combined they are still forecasted to offer up to 30,000 jobs by A review of sub sectors reveal many future jobs making up these two sectors will be high skill level advanced manufacturing/engineering type roles.
Job opportunities in Leeds now and in future – further detail Sector Growth % Business Services76,70090,60018 Health49,70056,00013 Retailing40,70044,3009 Education40,20042,1005 Banking & Insurance32,60036,50012 Hotels & Catering29,70035,10018 Other Services28,80030,5006 Wholesaling25,10026,8007 Construction22,10026,60020 Transport16,40021,00028 Public Admin & Defence18,10016,400-9 Financial & Business Services10,10013,30032 Communications12,00013,1009 Paper, Printing & Publishing10,50011,1006 Food, Drink & Tobacco4,5004,400-2 Other Manufacturing4,5004,100-9 Metals4,1003, Rubber & Plastics2,6002,400-8 Machinery & Equipment2,6002, Electrical & Optical Equipment3,3002, This table breaks down the broad sectors into sub sectors, ranking in order of the number of jobs forecast for Leeds by Leeds is expected to continue to offer a strong and diverse range of employment. Financial and Business services, Health, Retail, Printing and Construction are expected to grow over the next ten years and provide over 10,000 jobs by Although some sectors show a decline in growth, they could still provide in excess of 2000 jobs in the city, and cannot be overlooked as a key sector. For example, the Electrical and Optical Equipment sub sector is showing as declining in growth by 39%, however by 2022, it is forecast to provide 2000 jobs. This means it will still be an important job providing sector within Leeds. Source: Experian Regional Forecasting Model, Spring 2012