1 TEACHER TRAINING & TODAY’S TECHNOLOGY NERMIN S. ELTORIE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY School of Continuing Education English Studies Division NERMIN S. ELTORIE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY School of Continuing Education English Studies Division
2 QUESTIONS What technological knowledge future instructors need to perform effectively? How to integrate technology training within teacher-training programs? What challenges trainees might encounter?
3 ESD English Studies Division (ESD) serves around 7000 EFL learners each year. ESD hires part-time instructors and has an average of 120 throughout one academic year. ESD offers two Teacher Training Certificates.
4 CERTIFICATES Introduction to Teaching English (ITE) Pre-Certificate for Teaching English Language to Adults (PCTEFLA)
5 PCTEFLA Eight Weeks 6/8 Trainees Two Trainers Input Sessions Practicum Classroom Teaching Graded Certificate
6 ITE Two Weeks 10 Trainees Two Trainers Input Sessions Practicum within the group No classroom teaching Pass/Fail
7 PCTEFLA & ITE In demand all year round Less expensive than CELTA / COTE Requirement for Public & Private Schools/institutions Feeding in potential instructors for ESD. Took 37 out of 120 trainees. Following the functional and communicative teaching approach
8 TRAINERS Experienced/Certified Trainers Experienced Administrative body Invite outside Trainers for separate input sessions Invite ESD administration for separate input sessions focusing on assessment, teaching conversation, and second language acquisition
9 NEEDS ASSESSMENT Questionnaires given to trainers and participants throughout one academic year 118 trainees and six trainers and ESD Administration Need to integrate advanced knowledge of technology in teacher training Compare current teacher training certificates with CELTA
10 ESD CERTIFICATES Technology awareness focuses on simple technological knowledge Use of equipment in the classroom Search the WWW (pictures - activities - design rubrics) Prepare activities on WORD Share knowledge through s
11 CELTA Interviewed 8 ESD instructors who took the CELTA at the British Council in Cairo. Technology component in the CELTA training composed of: One session: Interactive White Board One session: Using songs, video and music inside the classroom Both sessions: Each 1 hr & 15 minutes
12 FINDINGS CELTA is using Interactive White Board (IWB) because classrooms are provided with it CELTA and ESD training certificates share in utilizing basic technology knowledge within the classroom setting ESD trainees are eager to learn how to use UTUBE - FACEBOOK - TWITTER - Group s - Designing web-pages Some trainees lack basic technology awareness
13 MAKING DECISIONS Encourage basic technology skills Enhance technology skills through offering scholarships for ICDL Integrate FACEBOOK - TWITTER - UTUBE within the teaching process Follow-up sessions for trainees to prepare and share with colleagues and learners
14 ACTUALITIES Instructors’ interactive processes with ESD administration: ESD FACEBOOK ESD TWITTER ESD GOOGLE GROUP Interactive Updates through s and UTUBE sharing
15 CHALLENGES Poor on-line interaction among instructors One-sided interaction with ESD Cultural influences; preferring face to face interaction Dependence on hard versus soft communication
16 REQUIREMENTS Adding new training/input sessions on how to integrate teaching through FACEBOOK - MY-SPACE - UTUBE Offering the chance to join ICDL prior to or immediately after the completion of the training certificates Offering continuous professional development on aspects of new technology inside and outside the classroom
17 POTENTIALITIES Moving into E-Learning Considering challenges of current instructors Enhancing in-house professional development Updating standards for professional development Increasing technological knowledge among administration
18 REVISITING Conduct task force to review the certificates Revise goals and learning outcomes Conduct further market survey to compete with other certificates Involve instructors in the decision making Benefit from the needs assessment