Season 4 “a cold snack is Coming…” TV Quick: “The welcome is a frosty one”
Back Story: The city of Easteros, situated on the coast of Wessos, is the scene of a bitter ice cream feud between two companies: Lark Ices (run by Edward Lark) Stannister Dairy (run by Bob Stannister) Both men, through their companies, are trying to win control of the frozen dairy market in Easteros, and will stop at nothing to achieve their goal! The saga has become known as the “Games Of Cones”.
Weighting In Vain Lark Ices have always used metric measures, but the new labelling machine has misprinted all the new labels in the warehouse. Can you convert all the labels to the units required?
Weighting In Vain ItemPrinted Label Measure Required Corrected Label Cornets0.752kgGrams Flakes3210gKilograms Hundreds & Thousands 57gMilligrams Coconut Flakes15.3gMilligrams Vanilla2670kgTonnes Chocolate876kgTonnes Strawberry0.032tKilograms Mint Choc Chip13450gKilograms 752g 3.21kg 57000mg 15300mg 2.67t 0.876t 32kg 13.45kg
A Long Weight Lark Ices are trying to decide which vans will go under various low bridges around Easteros. The vans can’t be within 15cm of the bridge due to occasional advertising on the roof. Unfortunately all the units are mixed up. Can you decide which vans will fit under the bridges listed?
A Long Weight VanHeight of VanHeight of BridgeYes or No Van 1333cm3.47m Van 22672mm2.85m Van km426cm Van 44378mm450.1cm Van km3410mm Remember the van can’t be within 15cm of the bridge. No Yes No Yes
Sit and Weight Lark Ices have decided to produce their own chcoclate ice cream and but their recipe books are all in the wrong units. Can you convert each ingredient to the unit asked for?
Sit and Weight IngredientAmountUnit Required Corrected Amount Chocolate mgKilograms Milk3200mlLitres Sugar tGrams Egg Yolks30N/A30 Cream275clLitres 1.1kg Egg yolks have been done for you… 3.2l 850g 2.75l
(Weighting For The) Ghost Train Stannister Dairy, unlike their counterparts Lark Ices, always use imperial units. Ironically both companies order the same items, although different amounts, from the same supplier. The supplier has forgotten who has metric and who has imperial units and got them the wrong way around. Can you convert them?
(Weighting For The) Ghost Train Stannister Dairy (want imperial measures) ItemAmount Cornets2 kilograms Flakes900 grams Hundreds & Thousands 200 grams Coconut Flakes 100 grams Chocolate Sauce 1.5 litres Lark Ices (want metric measures) ItemAmount Cornets7lbs Flakes1lb 4oz Hundreds & Thousands 8oz Coconut Flakes 3oz Chocolate Sauce 5 pints Choose an appropriate measure for each item & estimate where appropriate. 4.4lb 2lb 7oz 3.5oz 3 pints 3.2kg 568g 227g 85g 2.845l
Weighting For A Star To Fall Lark Ices and Stannister Dairy are always competing. Both claim that they travel the furthest and sell the most produce. Who is right? Compare the units to decide.
Weighting For A Star To Fall Stannister Dairy ItemAmountConversion Distance travelled 56 miles Ice Cream Sold 8 gallons Flakes Sold 2st 3lb Lark Ices ItemAmountConversion Distance travelled 86km Ice Cream Sold 38 litres Flakes Sold 14.3kg Compare each company’s results. 89.6km 36.4 litres 14.1kg miles 8.3 gallons 2st 3.5lbs Stannister Dairy travelled further but sold less of each item.
Season 5 – Coming soon