Some ideas on water Is it urban or..? Water quality and quantity – Ground and surface water – Hazards (pre and post event) Agriculture: quality and quantity – What can be measured by citizens (smell, colour..) – Need for new sensors Which incentives work for which citizens?
WP: Water CO in Education Primary, secondary, tertiary School networks : CO approaches included in school curricula for Science and IT education – Different levels Pilot to develop and test curricula
Water level measurement in high hazard areas Wildlife in/near rivers Do we need more water level/quality monitoring, where and why? – Schools – Anglers: fish stocks, – What does water quality mean and to whom? What are water issues Which interest groups can we identify who have a stake in collecting and using CO?
WP: Sensor technologies development and testing Massive numbers of cheap sensors are preferable to a small no. of expensive ones. What sort of sensors do we have, are needed can be built, distributed? Quality of drinking water: from wells or piped systems? Animal and plant indicators? Birds, plants, bees (and bee-keepers)
WP: VGI a critical analysis WP looking at historical developmet What works What does not And why? Lessons
WP: Quality of CO Guidelines for CO and sensor use How to filter out good and bad sources – Also bias due to specific interests What is the critical mass CO on demand for local crises
WP: Flooding Pre and post disaster Need one or more high risk areas for pilot Vulnerability assessment (historical event syrveys) Monitoring of hazard levels over time > early warning systems, event dynamics Use CO to calibrate hydro models Robustness Waste redistribution post event
Possible partners Geodan, Amsterdam Sensor technologies: UT, TUD etc Associations: Anglers, Bee-keepers? Environmental Lawyers ICLEI Water boards & local, regional authorities