Presentation addressing the challenges facing the creation of Sustainable Human Settlements Wendy Hartshorne Consulting SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
The Starting Point and/or End Goal All people of all cultures; poor, middle class and rich feel they belong All can participate in the wide range of activities & events Meaningful restitution has been realised Our rich cultural and struggle history is recognised and celebrated A range of businesses thrive from entrepreneurial to large corporate
The Starting Point and/or End Goal Streets and spaces are safe, dignified and of good quality There is a wide range of quality housing - home to people of all income groups Ownership and rental stock is accessible to transport, work and social facilities
Key issues and ethos Understand the issues - each node is different, while adopting a uniform approach! Promote step by step partnership building philosophy yet….. Manage a holistic triple bottom line approach - package of activities Incorporate the private sector
Actualities and Alternatives
Facilitating the possible
Urban Renewal Initiatives Khayelitsha CBD Informal Settlement Upgrading Land Release, in Khayelitsha and beyond. Housing Top-structure Development Housing Support Institutional arrangements
Targeted Settlements N2 Gateway - The project will be grounded in the principles of the City's Integrated Development Plan, and will specifically articulate the following programmes identified in the IDP: Informal settlement upgrade New subsidised housing Integrated neighbourhood interventions Community empowerment and development Job Creation Entrepreneurship development Good governance Environmental management
Key issues and concerns Understand the issues - each node is different, while adopting a uniform approach! “NATURE OF INTERVENTION The planned project intervention is multi-pronged in that it consists of a combination of immediate improvement in the quality of people’s lives through the provision of basic services to all citizens; upgrading and planning of sustainable and integrated settlements in areas suitable for human habitation so as not to disrupt/destroy the delicate socio-economic fabric underpinning the livelihood and coping strategies of the poor; and, the re-establishment of communities displaced by de- densification and those residing on unsuitable land to areas within and/or near the urban core thereby maximising their access to employment opportunities and social amenities. ” City of Cape Town
Key issues and concerns Promote step by step partnership building philosophy yet….. NSDF PSDF SDF IDP IZS Manage a holistic triple bottom line approach – realign budgets and legislation Incorporate the private sector AND unpack ‘viable’ alternatives
PSDF Restructuring Urban Settlements Urban settlements should be restructured so as to break down the barriers created by apartheid and make them more convenient and pleasant to live in, Sectoral SDFs for the main urban settlements within local Municipalities should clearly indicate how settlements are to be restructured before they can be approved.
PSDF Proposed Density Pattern The density target should be achieved using a range of urban development " tools“ including: demolition & redevelopment; infill of surplus vacant land including brownfield sites; greenfield locations within Urban Edge… and, subdivision, second dwellings & sectional title as appropriate. Sectoral SDFs for the main settlements in local Municipalities should indicate the most appropriate locations for the different urban development "tools".
PSDF Restructuring Urban Settlements All high & middle income residential, industrial & commercial projects located on privately owned land shall provide serviced land & top- ups to the available housing subsidy as necessary to provide for 10% social housing (R R ) & 10% subsidy housing (R R50 000) either on site or if the site is too small, nearby. The % shall be measured as proportion of the total number of units and not area of land. In instances where it is not appropriate for low income or social housing to be located on the same site as the main project because of the principle of Socio-Economic Gradient or other considerations, such housing should not be located further than walking distance (1000m).
PSDF RESTRUCTURING URBAN SETTLEMENTS Urban development projects on public land shall provide for mixed use and socio- economically integrated communities in a similar ratio of income distribution to that pertaining to the Municipality as a whole. Requires the Municipality to evaluate by means of its aforementioned ‘tools’ the alternative locations, ensure the means of realising such ‘offset’ development rights and identify the beneficiaries
PSDF Integration of Urban Activities 50% of the five major urban activities; public transport, (access points), residence, recreation, shopping, and employment should be accessible within walking distance (1000m) of residential dwellings, SDFs for the main urban settlements in Local Municipalities should indicate: 1.where new residential areas will be located close to existing work and community facilities; and 2.where new work and community facilities will be located close to existing residential areas.
‘Muddling through’ “Is there not a city-wide plan which guides urban growth and development; which provides for a locational rationale for co- ordinated public capital expenditure; which anticipates and addresses problems of overloaded infrastructure and land shortage; which recognises the problem of persistent segregation and spatial exclusion and develops ideas to counter these… The current approach of ‘muddling through’, reacting to crises as they emerge is bad for both formal business in Cape Town and for those attempting to survive on the margins” Prof Vanessa Watson – UCT Cape Argus 2005
and/or the End Goal Streets and spaces are safe, dignified and of good quality There is a wide range of quality housing - home to people of all income groups Ownership and rental stock is accessible to transport, work and social facilities
Key Actions Provide the essential City-wide Spatial Development Framework Ownership/Title Address the public environment Design Infrastructure Maintenance / PPP housekeeping Introduce the possible Range of options – allow for personal growth including from rental stock to home ownership Optimise possible LOCATION/S