Florida State Board of Education Education Budget Request November 10, 2008
Education Budget Presentation November 10, 2008 IntroductionEric J. Smith Colleges and UniversitiesTim Jones Community CollegesWill Holcombe PK-12 EducationFrances Haithcock Workforce Education Linda Champion Other Education Vocational RehabilitationLinda Champion Blind Services Linda Champion Student Financial AssistanceLinda Champion State Board of EducationLinda Champion Fixed Capital OutlayLinda Champion STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION
Introduction Dr. Eric J. Smith Commissioner of Education
Statewide All Funds Operations and Fixed Capital Outlay = $66.2 Billion
Statewide General Revenue Appropriations Operations and Fixed Capital Outlay = $25.6 Billion Early Learning2.75% Public Schools70.13% Community Colleges7.51% Universities16.64% Other2.97%
6 Florida: Among the Top Four States in the Country in Closing Achievement Gaps Source: National Center for Education Statistics, USDOE Florida, Delaware, Illinois, & New Jersey made the most progress in closing performance gaps between White and Black and White and Hispanic students in fourth and eighth grade reading and math between Florida was one of only five states that showed a significant narrowing of the White/Black performance gap between in fourth grade reading. Florida is one of only two states where the gap between low and higher income fourth grade students decreased significantly in math between and Florida is one of three states where the performance gap between low and higher income students decreased between 2003 and 2007 in fourth grade reading. Florida is one of seven states where the gap between White and Black students decreased significantly in eighth grade math.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics, USDOE
In 2008, 60 percent of all students in Grades 3-10 were performing at or above Achievement Level 3 (on grade level and above) on FCAT Reading. This is an increase from 47 percent in 2001, 47 percent in 2002, 50 percent in 2003, 52 percent in 2004, 53 percent in 2005, 57 percent in 2006, and 58 percent in In 2008, 20 percent of all students in Grades 3-10 were performing at Achievement Level 1 on FCAT Reading. This is a decrease from 32 percent in 2001, 31 percent in 2002, 29 percent in 2003, 27 percent in 2004, 26 percent in 2005, 22 percent in 2006, and 21 percent in Source: K20 Education Data Warehouse Florida Department of Education, June 2008 FCAT Reading by Achievement Level Grades % 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Achievement Level 3 and Above (On Grade Level and Above) Achievement Level 1
In 2008, 66 percent of all students in Grades 3-10 were performing at or above Achievement Level 3 (on grade level and above) on FCAT Mathematics. This is an increase from 50 percent in 2001, 51 percent in 2002, 54 percent in 2003, 56 percent in 2004, 59 percent in 2005, 61 percent in 2006, and 63 percent in In 2008, 15 percent of all students in Grades 3-10 were performing at Achievement Level 1 on FCAT Mathematics. This is a decrease from 29 percent in 2001, 27 percent in 2002, 24 percent in 2003, 22 percent in 2004, 20 percent in 2005, 18 percent in 2006, and 17 percent in Source: K20 Education Data Warehouse Florida Department of Education, June 2008 FCAT Mathematics by Achievement Level Grades % 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Achievement Level 3 and Above (On Grade Level and Above) Achievement Level 1
In 2008, 42 percent of all students in Grades 9 and 10 were performing at or above Achievement Level 3 (on grade level and above) on FCAT Reading. This is an increase from 32 percent in 2001, 32 percent in 2002, 33 percent in 2003, 33 percent in 2004, 34 percent in 2005, 37 percent in 2006, and 38 percent in In 2008, 30 percent of all students in Grades 9 and 10 were performing at Achievement Level 1 on FCAT Reading. This is a decrease from 39 percent in 2001, 39 percent in 2002, 38 percent in 2003, 38 percent in 2004, 37 percent in 2005, 33 percent in 2006, and 32 percent in Source: K20 Education Data Warehouse Florida Department of Education, June 2008 FCAT Reading by Achievement Level Grades 9 and % 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Achievement Level 3 and Above (On Grade Level and Above) Achievement Level 1
In 2008, 43 percent of all students in Grade 5 were performing at or above Achievement Level 3 (on grade level and above) on FCAT Science. This is an increase from 28 percent in 2003, 29 percent in 2004, 33 percent in 2005, 35 percent in 2006, and 42 percent in In 2008, 23 percent of all students in Grade 5 were performing at Achievement Level 1 on FCAT Science. This is a decrease from 38 percent in 2003, 37 percent in 2004, 29 percent in 2005, 29 percent in 2006, and 25 percent in Source: K20 Education Data Warehouse Florida Department of Education, June 2008 FCAT Science by Achievement Level Grade % 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Achievement Level 3 and Above (On Grade Level and Above) Achievement Level 1
In 2008, 40 percent of all students in Grade 8 were performing at or above Achievement Level 3 (on grade level and above) on FCAT Science. This is an increase from 28 percent in 2003, 28 percent in 2004, 33 percent in 2005, 32 percent in 2006, and 38 percent in In 2008, 27 percent of all students in Grade 8 were performing at Achievement Level 1 on FCAT Science. This is a decrease from 36 percent in 2003, 36 percent in 2004, 36 percent in 2005, 35 percent in 2006, and 31 percent in Source: K20 Education Data Warehouse Florida Department of Education, June 2008 FCAT Science by Achievement Level Grade % 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Achievement Level 3 and Above (On Grade Level and Above) Achievement Level 1
In 2008, 38 percent of all students in Grade 11 were performing at or above Achievement Level 3 (on grade level and above) on FCAT Science. This is an increase from 33 percent in 2005, 35 percent in 2006, and 37 percent in In 2008, 29 percent of all students in Grade 11 were performing at Achievement Level 1 on FCAT Science. This is a decrease from 36 percent in 2005, 32 percent in 2006, and 30 percent in Source: K20 Education Data Warehouse Florida Department of Education, June 2008 FCAT Science by Achievement Level Grade % 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Achievement Level 3 and Above (On Grade Level and Above) Achievement Level 1
14 Department of Education Next Generation Goals 1.Strengthen foundation skills 2.Improve college and workforce readiness 3.Increase access to post-secondary education 4.Improve quality of teachers/teaching in the education system 5.Improve/increase educational choice options 6.Align resources to strategic goals
15 Preparation of Education Legislative Budget Request Involvement of stakeholders Fiscally responsible Focus on student services/workload Modest cost of living increase Compliance with constitutional mandate for class size reduction
16 State Board of Education Position on Education Funding Education is the key to economic recovery Funding represents an investment in a competitive workforce Funding is essential to an “Innovative Economy”
Legislative Budget Request Tim Jones, Chief Financial Officer Florida Board of Governors
18 SUS At A Glance 11 Institutions 301,135 Students (Fall 2007) 71% Full-time; 29% Part-time 61,883 Personnel (Fall 2007) 64,778 Degrees Awarded ( ) 31,362 Acres 3,629 Facilities 77.6 Million Gross Square Feet $2.4 Billion State Operating Budget $1.6 Billion in Research Contracts UNF FAMU FSU UF UWF UCF Main Campus NCF FGCU USF Branch Campus FAU FIU
19 Investments in Higher Education Appropriation Category Recurring Appropriation BOG Request $ and % Change E&G Core Budget$2,964,294,827$3,166,574,409$202,279,5824.4% UF-IFAS$132,956,594$141,732,548$8,775,9545.5% UF-HSC$122,409,340$149,438,992$27,029, % USF-HSC$84,712,878$100,787,917$16,075, % FSU-MS$46,940,847$48,485,225$1,544,3782.4% FIU-MS$11,459,863$22,570,954$11,111, % UCF-MS$9,173,004$19,652,581$10,479, %
20 Investments in Higher Education Appropriation Category Recurring Appropriation BOG Request $ and % Change IHMC*$1,320,420 $00% Moffitt Cancer Center $11,718,645 $00% Distance Learning$334,026$1,363,233$1,029, % Centers of Excellence $0$30,250,000 NA Major Gifts$0$102,045,580 NA Fixed Capital Outlay$0$270,266,740NA Board of Governors$6,517,911$6,861,509$343,5985.3% *Institute of Human & Machine Cognition
21 Total E&G Funding Per FTE Student will Increase Slightly 2.1% increase in funding per FTE Student. Adjusted by the Higher Education Price Index.
22 Florida’s Per FTE Student Funding Ranks 10 th Among Southeastern States SREB 2007 data.
23 Florida Graduation Rates are High Compared to Funding Graduation Rate %, (01-07) Delaware70.7 Virginia67.3 Maryland63.0 South Carolina59.5 Florida59.2 North Carolina58.8 Georgia51.0 Mississippi49.3 Alabama47.4 Texas47.0 Kentucky46.3 Oklahoma46.1 West Virginia45.2 Tennessee44.2 Arkansas40.4 Louisiana39.8 SREB states52.2 US Avg55.0 Notes: Data from the National Center of Education Statistics graduation rate survey, bachelor's or equivalent degree/certificate- seeking subcohort (4- year institutions), adjusted cohort, completers of bachelor's or equivalent degrees within 6 years.
24 Degree Production has Increased 40%
25 Student Safety - $14 M Student Access - $20 M Medical Education - $48 M Utility Increases - $32 M Recurring Plus $24 M in non-recurring for costs Quality Faculty - $65 M Key Initiatives
26 Utilities/Infrastructure - $79 M 23 projects - $191 M Fixed Capital Outlay - $270 M
Division of Community Colleges Dr. Will Holcombe Chancellor, Community Colleges
28 An “open-door” with a positive outcome! Leading the Region in Degree Productivity Among SREB States, SREB – Southern Regional Education Board
29 COUNTER-CYCLICAL ENROLLMENT PATTERN Comparison of Florida Employment Rate to Community College Enrollment
30 Community Colleges Growth in FTE
31 Community Colleges State Funding Per FTE
32 Florida Community College System Budget Request
Voluntary Prekindergarten Program Dr. Frances Haithcock Chancellor, Public Schools
Voluntary Prekindergarten Program Funds Data 239,525 - Estimated Total Number of Four-Year-Olds 151,619 - Planning Estimate for VPK (63.30%) 88.80% - Payout Rate (134,790 FTE) Legislative Budget Request 134,790 FTE $2, Base Student Allocation (BSA) 5% Administrative Costs District Cost Differential (DCD) $354,349,575
VPK Early Learning Standards and Accountability Provider Services VPK Regional Facilitators Printing and Distribution of Standards Parent Guide and Training Implementation Study for VPK Reading Assessments Professional Development for Teachers (in the area of mathematics and assessment) Accountability VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate Web site and calculation of rate Development of On-line Reporting System for VPK Assessments $1,704,135
K-12 Education Dr. Frances Haithcock Chancellor, Public Schools
Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) Request Legislative Appropriation SBE Request $ Increase/ (Decrease) % Increase/ (Decrease) Base Student Allocation $3,971.74$4,063.09$ % Class Size Reduction $2,809,079,054$3,661,618,465$852,539, %
FEFP Strategic Investment 2,626,128 Students 6,624 Decrease in unweighted FTE 1,366 Increase for K-8 Virtual School FTE $19,425,644,805 in State and Local Funds Provide $7, per student 5.71% increase of $ per student
Proposed Budget Just Read, Florida! Legislative Appropriation SBE Request $ Increase/ (Decrease) % Increase/ (Decrease) FEFP111,511, % Non-FEFP12,500,00019,500,0007,000, % Federal58,043,8735,000,000($53,043,873)(91.39%) Total182,055,194136,011,321($46,043,873) (25.29%)
K-12 Proposed Budget Investment Overview K Appropriation Request Request Increase over Voluntary Prekindergarten $356,053,710 0 State Grants/K-12 Programs – FEFP State and Local $18,412,772,326$19,425,644,805$1,012,872,479 Federal Grants K-12 Programs $2,149,715,486$2,189,775,781$40,060,295 K-12 Non-FEFP & Technology $402,762,621$385,815,954($16,946,667) Total K-12 State and Local $21,321,304,143$22,357,290,250 $1,035,986, %
Workforce Education Linda Champion Deputy Commissioner, Finance and Operations
42 Florida Workforce Education Budget Request School District Workforce Education – Operating Funds Appropriation for Workforce Education and Performance$ 389,951,470 Current average state funds per weighted FTE = $3,590 2.Workload and economy driven costs$ 14,876,823 Estimated increase in enrollment = 1,604 FTE Inflationary increase of 2.3% = $83 increase in per weighted FTE Total requested funds per weighted FTE = $3,673 Total Increase Requested $ 14,876, Workforce Education and Performance$ 404,828,293 % Increase Over Appropriation 3.82% Workforce Education - Special Projects* Ready to Work (recurring)$ 7,133,000 *Administered funds of $118.7 million are included in the workforce education program but are not listed here (no change in federal grants is expected for )
Other Education - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - Division of Blind Services - Student Financial Assistance - State Board of Education Linda Champion Deputy Commissioner, Finance and Operations
Budget Request for the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation General Revenue Rehabilitation Trust Fund Total Increase Purchased Client Services $1,467,705$4,252,585$5,720,290 Request Increase in General Revenue Funds for Purchased Client Services to Maximize the Available Federal Funds
Continuation Funding for the Division of Blind Services Total Funding $52,520,805 Blind Babies Program Children and Families Program Independent Living for Older Adults Vocational Rehabilitation
46 Student Financial Assistance Proposed Budget for the Three Largest Programs Appropriation SBE Request $ Increase % Increase Bright Futures436,175,538451,106,25614,930, % Student Financial Aid133,798,360138,124,7514,326, % Florida Student Assistance Grants (FSAG) 127,641,073129,919,7972,278, % Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG) 97,042,395100,892,2313,849, %
State Board of Education – Assessment and Evaluation Appropriation Request $ Increase % Increase Assessment and Evaluation$72,199,099$99,630,486$27,431, %
48 Investments in Education Appropriation Request Request $ and % Increase Over Early Learning/ Prekindergarten Education356,053, % K-1211,559,764,14612,533,379,497973,615, % Workforce Education522,900,197530,758,6177,858, % Community Colleges1,101,337,6341,227,208,832125,871, % Private Colleges & Universities133,601,061136,919,2113,318, % State University System3,501,051,5923,745,173,156244,121, % SFA/State & Federal601,333,527620,583,18319,249, % State Board of Education211,807,498241,527,30829,719, % Vocational Rehabilitation204,546,905210,267,1955,720, % Blind Services52,520, % Total18,244,917,07519,654,391,5141,409,474, %
K-20 Operating Budget Request
Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request Linda Champion Deputy Commissioner, Finance and Operations
Public Education Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request K-12CCSUS 5-Yr Appropriation Average 34.65%29.29%36.06% 100% $295,831,610$250,069,491$307,869,780 $853,770,881 Total Appropriation $875,800,000 Less off-the-top $22,029,119
52 Class Size Reduction- Estimated Cost of Construction 2 Years and Required Number of New Classrooms Needed 831 Total Cost $ 284,448,593
53 Classrooms for Kids Prior Appropriations $ 600,000,000 $ 100,000,000 $ 83,400,000 $1,100,000,000 $ 650,000,000 $ / Need $ 284,448,593 Total / Funding $2,817,848,593
K-12 Class Size Reduction Total Operating and Capital Costs to Implement through DOE Current Policy
55 Summary of FCO Request
Fixed Capital Outlay Request
K-20 Education Operating and Fixed Capital Outlay Budget Request VPK Early Learning - $ 356,053,710 K-12 - $ 12,533,379,497 Workforce Education – $530,758,617 Community Colleges - $ 1,227,208,832 Board of Governors/State Universities – $3,745,173,156 Student Financial Aid - $ 620,583,183 Other Education - $641,234,519 State Board of Education - $ 241,527,308 Vocational Rehabilitation - $210,267,195 Blind Services - $ 52,520,805 Private Colleges & Universities - $ 136,919,211 Fixed Capital Outlay – $2,699,938,712 Total - $22,354,330,226
K-20 Education Operating and Fixed Capital Outlay Budget Request