Performance at the teachers' meeting Produced by Koshevets AV Osakarovka 2013
The need for learning English is dictated by the realities of modern Kazakh society that feels the need for specialists who are fluent in English as a language of international communication. Learning English from the 1 st grade in secondary schools, promotes the formation of polilingual and multicultural personality. Researches of leading foreign and local linguists show that age of 6-7 years is the most favorable to start learning a foreign language, as one of the most important psychological characteristics of this age is the high sensitivity to languages.
formation of personality of the younger students and his holistic development. forming of elementary foreign communicative competence in the main types of verbal activity. To develop emotional, creative, social, cognitive and linguistic abilities of younger students for realizing implement speech intentions within a specific thematic minimum.
- formation of ideas about the foreign language as a means of communication; - expansion of linguistic view of younger students; - providing of communicative and psychological adaptation of students to the new linguistic world; - development of personal qualities of the student, his attention, thinking, memory and imagination through participation in simulated situations of communication, role-playing games, in the course of discovering the language material; - development of kids’ emotional sphere; - to join students to a new social experience; - spiritual and moral education of student; - development of cognitive abilities; - formation of students ability to organize their learning activities.
The complexity principle listening and speaking - in the 1 st grade (by the principle of verbal advance, meeting with the English alphabet begins in the 2nd half-year), listening, speaking, reading and writing - in the 2-4 grades. Total time for playing text - up to 1 minute, the number of repetition during the lesson times. There is 1 hour in a week, and 33 hours in schoolyear. Homework for students are not specified.
Motivation Motivation plays the great importance in the organization of educational process. It promotes activation of thinking and causes interest to carry out one or another exercise. Interest is the main force of cognitive activity. The factors provide communicative motivation : * friendly atmosphere in the classroom; * positive emotional climate; * trusting relationship between teacher and students as well as between students themselves.
Strategy of work at lessons the choral work (appropriate at all stages in teaching and studying pronunciation when reading aloud); the group work, group as a whole (while listening, discussing, in the written tasks); work in pairs (studying of questions and answers).
Whom should I be?
Basis of the lesson 6 levels 1. knowledge 2. understanding 3. usage 4. analysis 5. synthesis 6. assessment 7 modules 1. New approaches to teaching and learning 2. Teaching critical thinking 3. The use of ICT in teaching 4. Teaching of talented and gifted Children 5. Management and leadership in teaching 6. Teaching and learning characteristics of children under age 7. Assessing for learning and assessment of learning Planning is based on 3 P 1. Presentation P1 2. Practice P2 3. Production P3 Lesson plan
The most popular game “Simon says” Classic game for primary school, as well as for children in 5-6 grades. It can be used when kids are a little tired, and you can do it at the end of the lesson when remain 5-7 minutes free. The teacher takes the role of leading, utters the phrase "SIMON SAYS... (and says, for example, the first command - Stand up!" Teacher is"Simon" demonstrates the participants of play the same action. Then the teacher gives other commands, for example: "Simon says - Turn around!" "" Simon says - Hands up! "..." Hands down! "..." Touch your head! "Etc. The game step by step is accelerated, teacher after 4-5 sounded and shown commands starts talking one command, and another to show "false" action, trying to confuse players. Then the "right" action alternate with "wrong". The most attentive remain in the game, and those who "succumbed to the provocation," out of the game - sit at the desk and take on the role of watching the game. The game is very dynamic, fast, the kids like it.
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Conclusion Lessons of foreign language - Boundless field for creativity, especially it is important to consider working 1 st grades where in the base of each lesson should be differentiated approach with elements of untraditional Methods of teaching. On the teacher’s ability correctly organize lesson and competently choose one or another form of classes depends a lot on efficiency of educational process. New methods enable not only increase students' interest in the subject, but also to develop their creative independence, to teach working with different sources of knowledge. Such forms of lessons "remove" traditional lesson and animate student’s thought.