Review for Exam 3 LC3 control State Graphs Completeness and conflict issues Creating transition tables and next state equations from state graphs Sequence detectors One-hot encoding Cascaded counters UART Asynchronous inputs
LC3-The Fetch Cycle MAR PC MDR Memory[MAR] PC PC+1 IR MDR Fetch0 enaPC ldMAR selMDR = 1 ldMDR selPC=00 ldPC Fetch1 Fetch2 enaMDR ldIR
Counters and Other Finite State Machines For counters, the state encodings are usually significant 0000 1001 0001 1000 Q0 0010 7 Segment Decoder Q1 Q2 0111 0011 Q3 0110 0100 0101
For general purpose FSMs, the encoding of the states is usually not significant For example, in the following state graph, the Encodings of the state are irrelevant Event 2 Event 1 … Event 1 Event 2 Event 3
State Graphs for Counters with Inputs The INC signal determines whether or not to transition to the next state
Completeness Issues This state graph is not complete. Why not? What happens in state ’10’ when INC’ occurs?
Completeness Issues In order for a state graph to be complete: It must completely specify the FSM Paths leaving a state must specify all POSSIBLE cases To check for completeness, OR together all of the exiting paths. If the result is “1” then the design is complete.
Conflict Issues This state graph is not conflict free. Why not? What happens in state ’10’ when CLR and INC occur simultaneously?
Conflict Issues In order for a state graph to be conflict free: It must completely specify the FSM For a given set of input conditions, the transition from a state must be unique To check for conflicts, AND together all pairs of the exiting paths. If the result is “0” for all pairs, the design has no conflicting transitions.
Creating transition tables and next state equations from state graphs
The resulting next state and output equations are: N1 = Q0 + Q1 TDONE’ N0 = TOKEN Q1’ Q0’ CLRT = Q0 SPRAY = Q1
This is a sequence detector. It has 1 input – ‘Xin’. It detects the sequence 0..1..1 on the input. When detected, the output signal ‘Z’ is asserted.
As long as ‘Xin’ is a ‘1’ we stay in state S0. 1..1..1..1..
When we detect a ‘0’ we move to state S1. 1..1..1..1..0..
As long as ‘Xin’ is a ‘0’ we stay in state S1. 1..1..1..1..0..0..0..0..
When we detect a ‘1’ we move to state S2. 1..1..1..1..0..0..0..0..1..
If the next value of ‘Xin’ is a ‘1’ we move to state S3. 1..1..1..1..0..0..0..0..1..1 We have found the sequence 0..1..1 so we also assert the output ‘Z’. We are done!
But what if the next value of ‘Xin’ is a ‘0’? 1..1..1..1..0..0..0..0..1..0.. We move back to state S1 to wait for the next ‘1’.
Problems This machine is only useful for detecting the 1st occurrence of the pattern 0..1..1. After that, it simply loops at state S3 forever while asserting the ‘Z’ output.
Here is a modified version It detects an occurrence of the pattern, asserts the output ‘Z’ for one clock cycle and then goes on to look for the next occurrence of the pattern Note: when transitioning from state S3, a ‘0’ sends the machine to state S1 while a ‘1’ sends it to state S0.
A Mealy Version of the Detector The major difference is that the output ‘Z’ is asserted on the transition ‘Xin’ from state S2. It is a Mealy machine because the output is a function of the current state and the input.
A Mealy machine often allows a reduction in the number of states necessary to implement a machine. Here is a machine which does the same function.
One-Hot Encoding One-Hot encoding has the following characteristics: There is one flip flop for each state Only one state bit can be high at a time One state bit must always be high It uses more flip flops than dense encodings Tradeoff is that input forming logic and output forming logic are usually much smaller and simpler.
Take for example the following state graph b’c b’c’ b A B C
State Encoding and Structure D Q A+ A With one-hot encoding, each state has its own flip flop. Note: ‘A’ is the name of a state. It is also the name of the wire coming out from the flip flop for state ‘A’. The same holds true for states ‘B’ and ‘C’ D Q B B+ D Q C C+
One Hot Encodings IFL and OFL can usually be created via inspection Each state bit can be done separately from the others Lots of don’t cares lead to simple solutions a’ By inspection we can see: A b’c a C b B b’c’
One Hot Encodings IFL and OFL can usually be created via inspection Each state bit can be done separately from the others Lots of don’t cares lead to simple solutions a’ By inspection we can see: A+ = a’A + b’cB + C A b’c a C b B b’c’
One Hot Encodings IFL and OFL can usually be created via inspection Each state bit can be done separately from the others Lots of don’t cares lead to simple solutions a’ By inspection we can see: A+ = a’A + b’cB + C B+ = aA + b’c’B A b’c a C b B b’c’
One Hot Encodings IFL and OFL can usually be created via inspection Each state bit can be done separately from the others Lots of don’t cares lead to simple solutions a’ By inspection we can see: A+ = a’A + b’cB + C B+ = aA + b’c’B C+ = bB A b’c a C b B b’c’
Cascaded Counters
Mod4 Counter Mod4 Counter clk Digit1 1 2 Digit0 2 3 1 2 Sequence should be: …-12-13-20-21-22-23-30-… but we get: …-12-23-20-21-22-33-30-… ????? DO NOT TIE CLK inputs on modules to anything but the clock !!!!!! Even if you tinker until you get the right count sequence, you must guarantee that signal Rollover0 has no hazards Digit0 transition from 1-2 makes this difficult if not impossible clk1 2 clk 2 Mod4 Counter CLR Mod4 Counter CLR INC=‘1’ ‘1’ Rollover1 Rollover0 clk Digit1 1 2 Digit0 2 3 1 2 Clk1 (Rollover0)
Another Common Ripple Counter Sequence is: 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 So what is the problem? Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 ‘1’ T Q Q’ ‘1’ T Q Q’ ‘1’ T Q Q’ ‘1’ T Q Q’ CLK
Timing Diagram clk Q0 changes in response to clock edge Only after it changes does Q1’s FF get a clock Only after that does Q2’s FF get a clock Net effect is that all the FF’s change at different times Logic depending on Q3 has very little time to react before next clock edge Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3
Do Not Use Asynchronous or Ripple Counters Mod4 Counter 2 INC=‘1’ Rollover0 Digit0 CLR Rollover1 Digit1 clk1 clk ‘1’ CLK T Q Q’ ‘1’ Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
A Mod4 Counter The right way! Count Value D Q Clr Terminal Count IFL Inc Roll Over
A Dataflow MUX – Version 1 module mux21(q, sel, a, b); input sel, a, b; output q; assign q = (~sel & a) | (sel & b); ] endmodule Much simpler, less typing, familiar C-like syntax. Synthesizer turns it into optimized gate-level design.
A Dataflow MUX – Version 2 module mux21(q, sel, a, b); input sel, a, b; output q; assign q = sel?b:a; endmodule Even simpler, uses C-like ?: construct
A Dataflow MUX – Multi-Bit module mux21(q, sel, a, b); input sel; input[15:0] a, b; output[15:0] q; assign q = sel?b:a; endmodule 2:1 Mux a 16 q 16 b 16 1 sel Same assignment statement works for multi-bit wires as for 1-bit wires. Key Ideas: The predicate must evaluate to true or false (1 or 0) The parts getting assigned must be proper widths.
A Dataflow MUX – Multi-Bit module mux21(q, sel, a, b, c, d); input sel; input[15:0] a, b; output[15:0] q; assign q = (sel==0)?a: (sel==1)?b: (sel==2)?c:d; endmodule 16 a b sel q 01 00 c d 11 10 4:1 Mux 2
UART Character Transmission Line idling Start bit Parity bit Stop bit Mark Space Line idling again 7 data bits The letter ‘W’ (1010111) Mark 1 1 1 1 1 Space Parity bit (odd parity) 7 data bits – Least significant bit first
UART Character Reception Start bit says a character is coming Receiver should sample in middle of bits Mark Space Receiver can use a timer (counter) to time when it samples
UART Character Reception If receiver samples too quickly, see what happens… Mark Space
UART Character Reception If receiver samples too slowly, see what happens… Mark Space Receiver resynchronizes every time a new start bit arrives. Only has to be accurate enough to receive 8-9 bits
UART Receiving Receiver checks to see if stop bit is there when it expects at end of character If not, reports framing error to host CPU New start bit can appear immediately after stop bit Receiver will re-synchronize on start bit
Transmitter Block Diagram 300Hz 300 HZ Counter EnableCounter Send Transmitter State Machine Count=10 Mod 10 Counter Increment Busy Shift Parity Generator Shift Register ParitySelect Load Dout ParityBit Din 7
Transmitter FSM A one-hot state encoding Send’ Reset/Load, Shift Idle Send Load Load, Busy, ResetCounter, ResetBRG Send’ A one-hot state encoding would make for a simple implementation. Be sure to choose state encodings and use hazard-free logic minimization that ensures Busy signal will have no hazards… Wait Send Busy Count 300Hz’ 300Hz Count=10 Shift Count=10’ Shift, Increment, Busy
Asynchronous Signals Problem: asynchronous signals do not respect setup and hold times Signals may change at any time ok ok bad bad ok ok Tsu Th Clock
Metastability Imagine if R pulsed high for a very short time and back low Could it impart enough energy to get Q halfway between ‘1’ and ‘0’? Yes. Latch might hang in the midway point for some time Called metastability S=0 R=0 Q=1 Q’=0
Metastability Violating tsetup for a D flip flop can cause very short pulses on signals Y and Z, and make flip flop metastable D Y Q Q’ Z CLK
Solution #1: Synchronize Signal A IFL IFL now sees synchronous input 5ns N1 D Q C1 D Q A clk 10ns N0 D Q C0 clk clk Synchronizing flip flop still susceptible to going metastable due to setup time violations. Solution beyond scope of this class.
Solution #2: Use Gray Codes for States Will never have case when both paths transitioning… 11 A A’ 00 01 A A’ 00 IFL 5ns N1 D Q C1 A clk 10ns N0 D Q C0 clk State change will occur or it won’t…
Solution #2 – Doesn’t Always Work To understand the problem, need to understand hazards.
Gates Have Real Timing… F g1 A’ B=1 F A C=1 g2 Called a false output – static equations indicate F=1 but dynamic behavior gives a “glitch”
Solution #3 Use both gray code states and hazard-free logic minimization Gray codes ensure only one state bit changes HFLM ensures no hazards (false outputs) exist 11 S 01 S’ D Q IFL A N0 N1 C0 C1 5ns 10ns clk