Equity in Public Purchasing & Contracting Policy Facilities & Capital Bond Construction Program Presentation February 22, 2013 Presenter: Lee Fleming, Purchasing & Contracting
Equity in Public Purchasing & Contracting Policy Policy Overview Policy Objectives
Policy Overview The District adopted the Racial Educational Equity Policy in June 2011 The District recognizes that the historic under- utilization of small businesses, particularly those owned by people of color, perpetuates inequities not only for our students, but for our business partners. This is not only a challenge for the District but for the Portland metro community at large.
Policy Overview Through the Equity in Public Purchasing & Contracting Policy (EPPC), we will significantly change the purchasing and contracting practices of the District. –Provide greater contracting opportunities to historically- underutilized businesses, including businesses owned by people of color and women. –Promote apprenticeship and construction employment opportunities for people of color and women on District construction contracts. –Provide and strengthen career learning opportunities for students through District contracting.
Policy Overview Modeling equity in District business practices will further enhance achievement of goals established in its Racial Educational Equity Policy. Through the implementation of the EPPC Policy, the District’s goal is to maximize fair and equitable opportunities to Portland’s diverse contractor populations, promote prosperity in all segments of Portland’s diverse communities, foster economic growth and expand competition in the marketplace. The EPPC Policy was approved by the School Board on July 16, 2012.
Policy Objectives Business Equity Contractor Workforce Equity Career Learning Equity
Policy Objectives Business Equity Purpose: To ensure the District provides greater professional, supplier, construction, and personal service contracting opportunities to minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses and emerging small businesses.
Policy Objectives Business Equity All District departments and budget holders will actively search out purchasing and contracting opportunities with minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small businesses. The Superintendent will review annually program objectives and report to the Board
Policy Objectives Contractor Workforce Equity Purpose: To ensure apprenticeship opportunities in the construction trades and promote employment opportunities for women and minorities on District construction contracts.
Policy Objectives Contractor Workforce Equity The District will contract with the City of Portland to administer this program. The Superintendent will determine annually and report to the Board the objectives of apprenticeship opportunities for District purchasing and contracting.
Policy Objectives Career Learning Equity Program Purpose: To leverage our public purchasing and contracting activity to provide career learning opportunities for students, providing them exposure to various potential career paths, including, but not limited to architecture, engineering and related services, legal and accounting services, as well as building trades and construction work.
Policy Objectives Career Learning Equity Program The District will enhance existing programs by developing expectations for District contractors based on contract value. Provide additional opportunities for firms desiring to partner in District career learning activities.
Policy Operations District aspirational goals and good faith effort requirements will be included in solicitation and contract documents Monthly Contractor reporting of MWESB participation to District according to OMWESB standards Participation in career learning activities by Contractors Monthly Contractor reporting of payment to subcontractors
Policy Operations Increased District outreach to minority firms, organizations, and participation in community outreach events Increased advertisement in various media outlets to include minority media firms
Questions? Lee Fleming Senior Contract Analyst & Business Equity, Purchasing & Contracting Phone: