By: Sai, Zayd, Aaron, and Nathan The Video Game Museum By: Sai, Zayd, Aaron, and Nathan
Video Games: Past- The Brown Box The Brown Box was created in 1967 by a German-born television engineer named Ralph Baer along with his coworkers. It was the first household video game console, and worked on a standard television.
The Odyssey After Baer’s team completed their prototype on the Brown Box, The Magnavox, they created the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. It was the second video game console created.
Pong Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari in 1972, also created the hit game, Pong. This increased the overall popularity of video games.
Atari 2600 VCS Realizing a single-game system’s popularity could not last long, Atari created a cartridge-based system in 1977. This console would allow the gamer to play various games.
The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Nintendo, originally a Japanese playing-card company, releases the NES in 1985 in the United States. Retailers are skeptical about the new video game console, especially after the video game crash, but the NES becomes a big hit, breaking several sales records.
Game Boy Nintendo scores its second smash hit with the release of the Game Boy in 1989. The first major portable game console, the Game Boy features an 8-bit CPU, like its parent system, the NES, and a black and white “pea soup” LCD screen.
The PlayStation Sony’s PlayStation was the most popular console of its era. For the first time, you could play 3-d gameplay on 2-d games. It was created in 1995. Also the very low price for it attracted customers.
Xbox Microsoft created the Xbox in 2001. It was the first major video game created by Microsoft. It used PC technology for greater performance than other consoles such as the Game Cube and the PS2.
Present video game consoles Wii U-Nintendo Xbox one-Microsoft PlayStation4-Sony
Game Boy-Nintendo Game Boy Pocket-Nintendo Game Boy Color-Nintendo Game Boy Advance-Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP-Nintendo Game Boy Micro-Nintendo DS-Nintendo DS lite-Nintendo DSI-Nintendo DSI XL-Nintendo 3ds-Nintendo 3ds XL-Nintendo 2ds-Nintendo Psp(Psp-1000)-Sony PsVita(PCH_1000)-Sony
Game Boy Light(Japan only)-1998 2DS (2013)
Game Boy history As mentioned, the original Game Boy was the second pillar to the NES, and sold over 118 million units worldwide, and was released in 1989. Seven years later, Nintendo released the Game Boy Pocket. It was identical to the Game Boy, but it was smaller, and lasted 10 hours on half as many batteries than the original Game Boy, with a true black and white display, instead of ”pea soup” greenish gray. The Game Boy Light was then released exclusively in Japan, with a smaller shape, but otherwise identical to the Game Boy pocket and more importantly, the first ever backlight, allowing players to game in the dark(hence the name Game Boy LIGHT). 6 months later, the Game Boy color was released, giving color to the handheld videogames, with many new specs that revolutionized the handheld gaming view. In 2001, the Game Boy advance was released, which featured a permanent backlight, and a smaller game pak, with more battery life for only 2 AA batteries. In 2003, the Game Boy SP was released, with a foldable screen, a rechargeable battery, a adjustable backlight, and functionality for the entire series of all Game Boy games. The DS design is rumored to be modeled around that of the SP’s The Game Boy micro was released in 2005, and was able fit in the palm of the hand and have the same functionality as the SP, but was not able to play Game Boy color and Game Boy games The Game Boy micro was the final Game Boy to be released
DS History The Ds was originally introduced by Nintendo in 2003 as a 3rd pillar, along with the Game Boy advance and the GameCube. However, due to backward compatibility, touchscreen, and microphone, and wireless compatibility, was the successor to the Game Boy. Later on the DS lite was introduced, and featured a brighter screen, and more compact design. Then, Nintendo released the DS XL, a DS lite with a 90% bigger screen. Then came the 3DS, a ds with increased functionality, power and a 3d feature. As with the DS, the 3DS also got a similar XL version. For economically challenged gamers, Nintendo released the 2ds, a 3ds with no 3d feature, for a much less cost.
Psp history The Psp was introduced in 2003, and featured a joystick, a D-pad(Direction pad, or the “plus” formation of buttons that is generally used for moving characters in-game),typical gaming buttons, and a large screen in the middle of the console. Unlike its competitors, it used a small disc instead of a cartridge for all of its games. 9 years later, sony announced the Ps vita- a touchscreen PsP with a rear touch screen for more in game content than ever before
Mobile video game platforms and dealers Apple store Play store Many phone and tablet companies such as Apple Android Motorola HTC Samsung LG And many more
VR(Virtual Reality) Virtual reality Multiplayer Mario kart VR Call of Duty VR Halo VR Mario party VR Nba 2kVR Singleplayer Mario bros VR COD VR
There is not very much reliable information about future game consoles, but it seems that there will be many video games confirmed in the near future
Future consoles Look like this, this is just a fantasty-based model Ps5- it probably will not Look like this, this is just a fantasty-based model 4ds-will probably not will look something like this, but the The Wii U’s is not clear yet The Xbox two is still a very bleak topic.
The future games The playable unreleased games will be The games from E3, as that is the only vendor who has completed games that are official
Imax-The Future of video games VR-Create a videogame Future videogames-The playable unreleased games will be The games from E3, as that is the only vendor who has completed games that are official