What do all these have in common? Which are the worst? 1.Using others for work and not paying them 2.Taking more than you need 3.Some people not having enough food 4.Not having the opportunity to get an education 5.Not being able to prove you are innocent if accused of a crime 6.one country taking over another country and shipping off its resources
Amos – Prophet of Justice To give examples of how the prophets spoke out against injustice (L5) To explain & evaluate why God hates injustice (L4-7) To reflect on how you can be a just person (AT2) Watch the video and try to remember as many examples of injustice as you can. 1.Give 2 examples of injustice and explain what makes them unjust 2.Now write your own general definition of what injustice is. **Which injustices are the most serious? Why?
1.Explain 2 reasons why injustice is a sin against God. (Point – Evidence – then explain what the evidence is saying about how injustice is wrong) ** How bad do you think the sin of injustice is, compared to other sins? God hates injustice God made the world good for everyone. God put man in charge of creation, to continue His goodness towards all creatures. God made every person equal in dignity God “made man and woman in his own image” God gave to each kind of living creature every kind of food, each for its own kind God said “Rule and be masters of all the creatures on the earth” POINT EVIDENCE
1.What is the “hard truth” that the Prophet Amos is telling the people? What are they doing that is unfair? 2.Do you think Amos is saying what needs to be heard? Is he right? Or is he being unfair? "Woe to you who lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch yourselves out upon your couches, eating lambs from the flock, and choice calves from the midst of the stall. Who sing idle songs to the sound of the harp, and spend their days inventing new instruments of music like David; who drink wine by the bowlful, and anoint yourselves with the finest oils: But about the ruin of my people you care not at all !! Therefore you will be the first to go into exile: the revelry of the sprawlers is over!” “Never shall I forget a single thing you have done”, says the Lord. Amos 6:4-7
What can you do to be a just person in your life? With your partner, present a 5 point plan for living justly with others and towards creation.
HW Discuss ONE issue in the world today which is unjust (eg famine, lack of education/ clean water/ health care, low wages, discrimination) 1. describe what is happening & why it is unjust. 2. Research & include 3 facts / statistics about this issue 3. as if you were Amos, explain what people should do about this,