1 Developing Digital Portfolios Helen Teague
2 In This Session You Will Learn to: Recognize the elements of a portfolio Recognize methods for digital and online representation. Observe existing portfolio models from other schools Describe various options for creating electronic portfolios Helen Teague,
4 Portfolios are systematic, purposeful, and meaningful collections of students’ works in one or more subject areas. Portfolios stress the principle of “HyperLearning”: the empowerment of students using digital resources with the teacher as guide & coach Helen Teague,
5 Risk-TakingCreativity Organization SkillsDecision-Making Self-EvaluationGoal-Setting Multiple Intelligences Peer-Evaluation Portfolios Incorporate Helen Teague,
6 Instructional Goals: YDevelop Independent, Life-Long Learning YPlace students at the center of the evaluation and learning process YPut a positive focus on evaluation YProvide a vehicle for students to showcase unique learning styles Helen Teague,
7 Portfolios involve students in Multitasking & Metacognition They promote the power of Student- Oriented Learning Helen Teague,
8 Student Centered Learning: Elevates the teacher from the focal point to a guide & coach. The Goal involves engaging students in learning that will require Problem-Solving Helen Teague,
10 Tell Students: “Your portfolio will become the finest book you have ever developed. It represents you when you aren’t able to represent yourself. You will be making choices from the work you produced to represent the most significant things you learn and the things most significant to you.” Helen Teague,
11 Samples Helen Teague, H. Teague: Go to Favorites Folder H. Teague: Go to Favorites Folder Favorites Folder
12 Break Time
13 To complete the selection process students should chronicle their learning through captions and E-Journals. Assessment
14 DATE: Captions are the footnotes to students’ work. 34
15 New ways of teaching encourage new ways of assessing progress. One assessment tool gaining is the Rubric. Rubrics are the mainstay of gifted assessment, at home in a new application for all students. Assessment
16 Tips for Rubric Assessment: 1. Use Categories instead of numerals for Criteria. 2. Start with a Rubric you have created; gradually omit portions & students fill in. Assessment
17 Assessment Tips for Rubric Assessment: 3. Use Ranges for each Criteria. 4. Always use “Content” Criteria 5.
18 Assessment With Captions Assessment With E-Journals Assessment With Rubrics Helen Teague, Teague’s Bookmarks
19 Sample Rubric: Assessment Rubric Composition:
20 Websites to Visit Comparison of Software: Comparison of Software:
21 Site Construction Tools Building High School Web Sites That Don’t Put People to Sleep weekly/ aa htm Websites to Visit
22 Demonstrate Real-World Problem-Solving “Take the mess that confronts you, organize it into a problem,, figure out what to do and implement your decisions-modifying them as you go. To organize the messes into problems and develop solutions, you must ignore the irrelevant, eliminate the false recognize the incomplete and find the missing pieces.”
23 A Quote to Consider: 1999 is the year that the IQ of digital devices will rise while the IQ needed to make them work will decline. Joel Dreyfus, The Technology Boom Will Keep on Rocking
24 Portfolios allow students to demonstrate their multi-tasking capabilities.
26 Summary Helen Teague,
28 Helen Teague,