DAI/CDE Website Recommendations Business Process Analysis and Requirements Brief October 12, 2010
© 2010 Idea Integration Corp. All Rights Reserved. CDE Project Background Situation The CDE current workflow entails a high degree of manual processes, primarily stemming from the following conditions: An independent, non-integrated organizational data store Web-users originating in under-developed areas that lack robust internet infrastructure Payment processing is primarily handled via wire transfer as credit card holders are few in number 95% of all communication is via , generated manually from the CDE Administrator
DAI/CDE Current Workflow
Alternate payment methods A.Wire Transfer to bank (shown) B. Call or to CDE Administrator to pay by Credit Card using authorize.net C.Local office collects payment D.Cash payment collected at training site.
CDE Critical Success Factors Create a web environment that engages the international development community Automate manual tasks for the CDE Administrator Automate payment processing Implement E-Commerce functionality to sell training, products, and a subscription-based service Maintain and track registrations from website Invoice from website Integrate with QuickBooks
Define IA & Wireframes Develop a Plan Assemble Project Team Hold Kick-off Meeting Idea User Experience (UX) Process Evaluate your current site Learn about your users Conduct Task Analysis Develop User Profiles Write Scenarios Set Measurable Goals Conduct a Content Inventory Perform Card Sorting Write for the Web Use Parallel Design Develop a Prototype Launch Site Types of Evaluations Usability Testing Heuristic Testing Implement and Retest Create a Test Plan Prepare & Test Data Analyses and Report Determine site requirements
CDE Audience Profiles There are two primary audiences for the current CDE site. Their profiles exhibit the following general characteristics: Originator Works for an NGO working with USAID Headquartered in the US Usually an organization representative Supervisor directs originator to take care of registrations 70% of registrants have an originating person registering one or more training participants Originator within financial and compliance titles/functions Originator is registering multiple participants for multiple courses at once Pays by wire transfer (90% of registrations) Well-versed in using a web site Demographics unknown Training participant Registering for self or verifying registration information on the site Likely to be from a less developed region of the world Works for an NGO working with USAID Highly educated Did not register themselves Uses personal and business addresses Not using credit cards Using cell phone more and more – Locales have better phone infrastructure than broadband structure Demographics unknown
High Level Requirements I. General Requirements II. Marketing Requirements III. E-Commerce Requirements IV. Course Management Requirements
General Requirements 1. Migrate from a shared server web hosting arrangement to a dedicated hosting service to provide for better security and integration opportunities. 2. System shall provide (optional) site registration from the main Home Page. 3. System shall provide a link for Trainers to login to the website. 4. System to provide linkages between CDE and DAI web content. 5. System to support a personalized content page called “MyCDE”. 6. System to support the display of customer testimonials.
Marketing Requirements 1. System shall support campaign management. 2. System shall support website reporting. 3. System shall provide for a general Feedback Form on the website. 4. System shall enable a Search capability from the Home Page. 5. System shall provide a link on the Home Page that provides information about the CDE’s history, organization, mission, and vision. 6. System shall generate messaging to user when ordering products of related products of interest. 7. System shall auto-generate post-course feedback to participants. 8. System shall support the ability to add dynamic content (e.g., development news, weather, travel tips, etc.).
E-Commerce Requirements 1. System URL shall be a.com rather than a.org. 2. System shall provide for a shopping cart capability to hold course selections and display individual course charges and the running total. 3. System shall provide for automatic discount calculations. 4. System shall provide a file feed compatible with the DAI accounting system. 5. System shall support credit card and wire transfer payment processing. 6. System shall monetize the website by offering a subscription based service. 7. System shall allow for a bill me later option. 8. System shall notify administrator that COD (Cash On Delivery) order payment is due 3 days prior to event. 9. System shall support an order search capability.
Course Management Requirements 1. System shall provide ability to add/update/remove courses/products to the product catalog. 2. System shall provide capability for website visitors to review the course catalog. 3. System shall provide ability to associate a registered and approved instructor to a scheduled seminar. 4. System shall automatically remove past courses from public view when completed. 5. System shall support a MyCDE page for individual course tracking. 6. System shall provide user-interface or dynamic reporting to view consolidated list of MyCDE training plans.
Initial Home Page Wireframe
Home Page Content # Primary FunctionDescription 1Site RegistrationEncourages user to engage with CDE to opt-in for access to current and future unique information. Streamlines registration and purchase process. 2Training and Courses CDE Seminars Registration Master's Certificate Program USAID Seminars CDE e-Learning modules Events 3About CDEDescription of CDE, CDE history and CDE mission 4Resources Local Compensation Plans White Papers Internet References Software Subscription Newsletter 5TestimonialsTestimonials from former training participants: How the CDE training courses helped them enhance the capacity of their organization’s local development practitioners How they are better positioned to bid on/win/implement donor assistance projects 6Shopping CartFunctionality that allows the user to select one or multiple courses and/or items (Books, content subscriptions, etc.) and offers options to purchase the selected items. Displays discounts and total charges. 7Careers (Future)Offering job postings and career development content, either through a strategic partnership with an organization such as Devex or with originally developed content.
Home Page Content (cont’d.) # Primary FunctionDescription 8BlogThe CDE blog, usually maintained by an individual, provides regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events and will provide news on a particular subject. It will need to be determined if the CDE blog will enable the readers to leave comments in an interactive format as part of the blog. 9MyCDEA user’s password-protected personal and account profile providing personalization, access to subscription-based content, fulfillment info, previous courses and certification progression. 10NavLinksLinks from the primary navigation bar and other major buttons, links, etc that allow users to continue to navigate if scrolled to content below the fold. An alternative mode of site navigation if local technology limitations block viewing the primary navigation bar. 11Development News (Future) International development news content originally developed by CDE or syndicated content provided via strategic partnership with an organization(s) such as Devex, Mango or InsideNGO. 12Promotional Area (Future) Area/Space on the home page utilized to promote or advertise new courses, events, and partnerships. Typically, this area is designed like an online ad, with a call-to-action and would link to page within site that contains more information. 13Logo – Links to Home A best practice and commonly known to users as a means of navigating to home page. 14Header GraphicHeader area on the home page can be used to display a “welcome” or brand message. May also be used to promote or advertise new courses, events, and partnerships. If this area is designed like an online ad, with a call-to-action, it would link to a page within the site that contains more information. 15SearchUtilizing metadata within site, enable a Search capability from the Home Page and presumably from all other pages
© 2010 Idea Integration Corp. All Rights Reserved. Initial Solution Concept Customers Products & Services Hotels Courses & Sessions Trainers
© 2010 Idea Integration Corp. All Rights Reserved. Future State Concept Customers Products & Services Hotels Courses & Sessions Trainers
Web Hosting TierFeaturesTypical Price RangeExample Providers I Basic Business Package - Shared Hardware with other website/applications - User Managed $ /monthwww.1and1.com II Dedicated Servers - Options to upgrade hardware to boost performance - User Managed $ /month III Managed Hosting - Hardware upgrade options - Administration & monitoring provided - OS Patching - Data Backups $ /monthwww.rackspace.com
Content Management System TierFeaturesTypical Price RangeExample Providers I Open Source - PHP & MySQL technologies that align with web hosting - Community developed extensions No software licensing costs II Software as a Service (SaaS) - eCommerce, eMarketing and web analytics modules typically available $3K - 8K/month based on number of seats III Proprietary - Typically deployed on-premises but can be hosted - eCommerce, eMarketing and web analytics modules often available $ K perpetual license + annual maintenance
E-Commerce System TierFeaturesTypical Price RangeExample Providers I Component-based - Product Catalog - Shopping Cart & Checkout - Payment Gateway - Merchant Account Open source catalog and cart options available Cart: $19/month Payment Gateway: % of transaction fee + fee for the transaction Merchant Account: $10/month II Online Store Service / eCommerce Add-on $ /month III CMS Module$30K perpetual license + annual maintenance
Service Provider (ESP) FeaturesTypical Price RangeExample Providers Easy GUI Interface Pre-send preview 1-click unsubscribe processing Campaign Scheduling HTML Editor Multiple lists and segments SPAM Check (mailchimp) Integrations Pay as you go, no-contract $ /month – 12K – 20K s
Platform Recommendations Immediate: Remain on 1&1 Shared Hosting 1.Enable site registration 2.DB Migration to enable e-Commerce 3.Implement Advanced eShop for e-Commerce 4.Set up Group and Bundled Discount Structure 5.Integrate Open-Source CMS solutions – for custom registration templates *Short-Term: Migration to Dedicated Managed Hosting 1.Basic Service level with User Managed web pages 2.Perform a User Profile Analysis/Personas 3.Promote initial phases of e-learning (Trainer interface, webinars) 4.Customized Discounts/Promotions/Coupon Codes 5.Implement more robust CMS, e-Commerce and CRM components *Long-Term: End-to-End Managed Custom Hosting Solution 1.Enable MyCDE for course planning/management 2.Custom integration to in-house systems (e.g., Finance, CRM) 3.Subscription Content - E-learning, Webinars, Podcasts, Select web content Duration: 1-3 months Duration: 3-6 months Duration: 6-12 months * Increased IT commitment required
ROI Strawman – CDE Forecast FY09FY10FY11FY12FFY13 Y13 Gross Profit $471,329$723,079$1,769,903$2,120,254$2,509,149 Total Overhead $468,231$336,750$536,550$615,878$646,672 NPBIT $3,098$386,329$1,233,353$1,514,376$1,862,476 Cash Flow* $3,098($258,671)$995,353$1,328,376$1,862,477 * Reflects Investments, Legal Costs and Amortization of purchase price
ROI Strawman,350FY10FY11FY12 Investment Funds$95,000$138,000$86,000 Web Hosting$144 1 $3,000 3 $4,800 5 CMS & DB Integration$30,000$145,000 4 ESP$160 2 $750$4,800 E-Commerce$0$600 E-Learning$25,000$30,000 Total (rough estimates)$55,300$179,350$40,200 1 Based on expenses with the current webhost vendor (1&1) 2 Based on expenses to date with the current webhost vendor (1&1) 3 Dedicated (1&1) 4 Roughly estimated (for the immediate recommendations) based on purchase of a CMS solution with IT consulting support 5 Managed Dedicated
ROI Strawman 1 A baseline of current performance must be established before a comparison can be made. The change in performance from the baseline that resulted from the IT investment is used to calculate the financial return on the investment. ROI Pre-requisites Track and Forecast Revenue and Cost by Seminar Track and Forecast Seminar Participation Track and Forecast Revenue for non-training products and services Identify new products/services Develop business case Price and project revenue/units of sale
Recommended Next Steps 1.Identify an IT partner to assist with implementing Idea Integration’s immediate recommendations. 2. Perform a more in-depth vendor/product analysis to arrive at the best combination of providers that meets the current and future needs of the organization. 3. Perform a MS-Access DB cleanup to normalize data. 4. Integrate an Open Source CMS. 5. Utilize an e-commerce solution that meets CDE’s requirements and integrates with a CMS to customize participant registration and invoicing. Develop custom e-commerce shopping cart webforms to allow capture of participant level course registration. Develop custom invoicing to support individual discount calculations for organization based registrations.
Mobile Recommendations CMS - Any Content Management System selected must have native ability to publish content, forms, that can be customized to the mobile user experience mCommerce - E-commerce to facilitate mobile users CRM - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool and how it delivers messages and content to the mobile user ESP - Selection of an Service Provider (ESP) should consider ability to integrate with CMS, mCommerce and CRM to handle delivery of communication Content Strategy – Define what tasks the users are likely to conduct on the site Mobile Design - Site design needs to ensure navigation and display of content across various mobile platforms
CDE Audience Profiles Additional Target Audiences and User Profiles Based on CDE marketing plan input received, there are several other target audiences that in the future CDE, or a partner, would need to focus on to closely examined their goals, needs and on the tasks performed by these audiences. Addressing these audiences/user groups and their needs will further improve the usability of the site and create a stronger revenue generator and deliver an improved ROI.
User Experience Process Additional user audiences to target #User ProfileProfile Description 1 TrainersView registration lists of seminar attendees, view links/download course material, tutorials on development training, How to be a trainer resources, blogs – brainstorming with other trainers or with participants after class, sharing course content to registered class participants on their MyCDE site. 2 ConsultantsLooking for info on how to work in the development space, courses/certification programs targeted to consultants. Contractors For profit organizations involved in donor funded projects. 3 Donors Looking for information about organizations. 4 Businesses developers How to win grants, build business in the developing world, news targeted to business developers. 5 NGONon-Governmental Organization involved in donor funded projects. 6 Development Practitioners Medical practitioners, engineers etc. Directing them to the DPF site -