& HEALTH (ESH) SUPPORT TO THE LITTORAL COMBAT SHIP (LCS) ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY, & HEALTH (ESH) SUPPORT TO THE LITTORAL COMBAT SHIP (LCS) ASW MISSION PACKAGE MISSION MODULE PROGRAM OFFICE (PMS 420) A Presentation To The 2005 Joint Services Environmental Management Conference "Sustaining the Mission and our Environment" Tampa, Florida 11-14 April 2005 By PETE EDWARD TAFOYA, PE Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center Port Hueneme, CA 93043 (805) 982-1342 pete.tafoya@navy.mil
OUTLINE BACKGROUND GENERAL DESCRIPTION LCS PRIMARY MISSIONS LCS HULL DESIGN WEAPONS SYSTEMS ASW MISSION PACKAGE ESH SUPPORT ESH PRODUCTS SUMMARY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
LCS DESCRIPTION The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is an entirely new breed of U.S. Navy warship. It is a fast, agile, and networked surface combatant. Primary missions are those that ensure and enhance friendly force access to littoral areas. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ACCESS-FOCUSED PRIMARY MISSIONS Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW) against hostile small boats Mine Counter Measures (MCM) Littoral Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), and may include the following secondary missions: Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Homeland Defense/Maritime Intercept Special Operation Forces support Logistic support for movement of personnel and supplies. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
HULL DESIGN MONO HULL TRIMARAN Lockheed Martin General Dynamics The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
MISSION MODULE CONCEPT SPECIALIZED PACKAGES WILL BE PLACED ONBOARD SHIP TO ACCOMPLISH ANTI-SURFACE, MINE COUNTER MEASURES, OR LITTORAL ANTI-SUBMARINE WARFARE MISSIONS The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
LCS CONFIGURATIONS The LCS is a small specialized surface combat ships. The LCS will take advantage of the newest generation hull form and will have modularity and scalability built in. General Dynamics Trimaran With A Slender Stabilized Monohull (Each team will design and construct two Flight 0 LCS ships) The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
LCS CONFIGURATIONS Lockheed Martin MONOHULL DESIGN (Lockheed Martin will build LCS 1 and LCS 3, scheduled to commission in 2007 and 2008) The design focuses on mission capabilities, affordability, and life cycle costs. The LCS is an entirely new breed of U.S. Navy warship. Fast, Agile, Networked The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
Onboard Weapons Systems RAM (for air self defense) SRBOC Launchers Sea Giraffe Radar SeaFLIR 50 Caliber Machine Gun SSTD Torpedo Decoy Launcher Nutka Launchers (P/S) Retractable Mine Avoidance Sonar 57 MM BOFORS H-60S Helicopter (dipping sonar, and other systems) Advance Deployable System (ADS) Fire Scout Unmanned Air Vehicle, AQS-20 Spartan Unmanned Surface Vehicle Lockheed-Martin The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ASW MISSION PACKAGE One of the three mission packages which can be installed on the LCS, depending on mission need. ASW Mission is dependent on one of two possible variants selected. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
LCS ASW Mission Package Programs of Record (POR) Non-Programs of Record (Non-POR) ADS – Advanced Deployable Systems MFTA – Multi-function Towed Array ALFS – Airborne Low Frequency Sonar MSOBS – Multi-Static Offboard Source LFS – Low Frequency Dipping Sonar RTAS – Remotely Towed Active Source Fire Scout – Vertical Takeoff & Landing Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UTAS – USV Towed Array System RMV – Remote Mine hunting Vehicle EER – Explosive Echo Ranging (SSQ-110 family of Sonobuoys) The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ASW Mission Package- Variant 1 Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)- The Unmanned Surface Vehicle is an Advanced Concept Technical Demo (ATCD) item, and is not yet part of the Program of Record (POR). The LCS will host 2 USVs. They will either operate with a Multi-Static Off-Board Source (MSOBS) on a USV paired with the USV Towed Array system (UTAS), or the USVs will be mounted with a USV Low Frequency System (LFS) and will operate alone. USV Towed Array System (UTAS)- This system is being developed by Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego (SSC San Diego). Is either a modified Thin Line Towed Array (designated TB29), (The TB29 is POR but not part of this variant), or Ultra-Lightweight Towed Array (ULITE)- not a POR. USV Dipping Sonar (USV DS)- being developed by Naval Underwater Weapons Center (NUWC) using either a THALES dipping sonar system or the present Navy helicopter dipper system. Both are PORs The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ASW Mission Package- Variant 1 Multi-Static- Off Board Source (MS-OBS)- being developed by SSC. A vertical array of active Low Frequency (LF) transducers. Not a POR. Army/ Navy Remote Mine Hunting System (RMS) (is a modification of the WLD-1). Is a POR. RMV Towed Array (RMV RTA): The specific array to be used is under development. . Remote Minehunting Vehicle (RMV) Towed Active Source (RTAS): A development system Lockheed Martin Corp. is building as part of the Sea Talon ATCD. Not a POR. MH-60S Helicopter - A POR. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ASW Mission Package- Variant 1 Explosive Echo Ranging (EER) System and associated passive sonobuoys (the SSQ-110 family of sonobuoys). All PORs. Mark 54 Torpedo. A POR. Active Low Frequency Sonar (ALFS)- A POR within the H-60S system. Vertical Takeoff Unmanned Air Vehicle (VT-UAV). A POR. Torpedo Counter Measure-modified ADC Mark 2's (hand launched). The ADC Mk2's are a POR; this modification is not. May be dropped in ’06. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ASW Mission Package- Variant 2 Advanced Deployable System (ADS)- A POR. MH-60R Helicopter and associated systems. A POR, as noted previously. Torpedo Counter Measures (TCMs)-modified ADC Mk2's (hand launched). The ADC Mk2's are a POR; this modification is not. May be dropped in ’06. Vertical Takeoff Unmanned Air Vehicle (VT-UAV)- A POR. Explosive Echo Ranging (EER) System and associated passive sonobuoys (the SSQ-110 family of sonobuoys). All PORs The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ESH SUPPORT Several of the Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) Mission Package components have had ESH evaluations performed (PESHE’s) developed for them in the past (or are being developed). The ESC has prepared PESHEs for the MH-60 Helicopter and ADS systems. Several of the ASW Mission Package components do not have PESHE’s prepared, and thus need an ESH evaluation performed for them. At the least, each ASW Mission Package component needs to be integrated into the overarching LCS ASW MP PESHE. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ESH STRATEGY The LCS ASW MP systems must be fully integrated and aligned with overarching LCS ESH program objectives. Employ the ESH strategy used by the overarching LCS program and the ASW MP systems. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ESH STRATEGY · Objective 1. Meet Navy Environmental Policy. The LCS will be an integral part of Navy operations and will operate within the context of Navy environmental policy as provided in OPNAVINST 5090.1B. Thus, one major objective of the LCS program is to prevent introduction of any new HAZMAT into the logistical system and to systematically eliminate HAZMAT previously used on legacy systems (NAS 411). Objective 2. Promote Responsible Environmental Stewardship. The LCS program's highest priority is to develop a capable multi-purpose ship. The program will strive to develop and support this ship in a manner that is compatible with responsible environmental stewardship by the Navy. To this end, the LCS program should maintain an active ESH program consisting of the following six elements provided in DoD 5000.2 and SECNAVINST 5000.2C. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ESH STRATEGY National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Compliance System Safety and Occupational Health Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Pollution Prevention Explosive Safety. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ESH / PESHE Strategy National Environmental Policy Act Executive Order 12114 Assess environmental impacts (integrated into test / training schedule) Identify permits/req’d NEPA documentation NEPA schedule System Safety & Health HAZMAT Identify HAZMAT Establish a Haz. material management plan to reduce and eliminate Haz. Materials 3D Insure management via implementation of tenets of NAS 411. Insure pass down to contractor & subs MIL-STD-882 Health hazard assessment ESH Tracking & Risk Resolution LCS ASW Mission Package Explosive Safety The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development. Environmental Compliance Eliminate and Reduce Haz. Materials through design & process change EO 12873 Use of Env Preferred Products Pollution Prevention Regulatory review Life-cycle compliance (Compliance Calendar)
ESH STRATEGY Objective 3. Embedding ESH into the Program. The LCS program embeds ESH considerations and decision-making within all aspects of the program and throughout its life cycle. ESH is incorporated into: the systems engineering and logistics communities, the contractors, ships and shore facilities hosting the LCS, the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) environmental community, and the Office of General Counsel. Objective 4. Identify and Resolve Issues. ESH issues are formally identified early in the life cycle so that they may be systematically evaluated and resolved by the most authoritative Navy experts. The objective is to eliminate any ESH surprises with unplanned schedule and cost impacts and to assist in the evolution of Navy ESH policy. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
ESH STRATEGY Objective 5. Follow Sound Business Practices. ESH is treated in a business-like manner using Total Ownership Cost (TOC) methods to assess costs and benefits of ESH actions. ESH is treated as a business consideration in the same manner as all other aspects of the program. Objective 6. Employ Risk Management Principles. ESH analyses are to employ risk-management principles in defining program level requirements. The ESH program contributes in the same manner as other areas of the program. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
POTENTIAL ESH PRODUCTS ASW ESH Section In the Overarching LCS PESHE: High level ESH analysis for all ASW systems slated for use on the LCS PESHEs For All Mission Package Components Develop Required NEPA Documentation/ NEPA Compliance Schedule Develop Needed ESH Documentation- HMMP, P2 Plan, 3D Plan, Etc. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
SUMMARY IAW DoD 5000, there is a need to identify and integrate each of the LCS ASW MP systems into the overarching LCS PESHE. Effort I- Will create a section integrating the ASW Mission Package into the overarching LCS PESHE. Effort II- Will develop/update PESHEs for all ASW MP systems onboard LCS. Effort III- Will develop ESH information for the ASW ASW MP systems (i.e., ATD, ACTDs, etc) to support DT/OT testing and operations. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.
Q & A If you have any questions on this work, please feel free to contact: Jerry Olen, NFESC Code 427, (805) 982-1302, DSN 551-1302, email: jerry.olen@navy,mil. Pete Tafoya, NFESC Code 427, (805) 982-1342, DSN 551-1342, email: pete.tafoya@navy,mil. The CCR Budget from DISA = $2.4 M to DLIS (for sustainment) + $0.73M to IBM. GSA funding to CCR is for the BPNSE = initial $2.465 M + additional $2.3M for expanded cost of D&B, RAC personnel, UID web developers and new software New Development Money of $5.68M = $910K for ORCA + $4.76M from GSA for BPNSE related development.